Chapter 12: Not Dark Blade Anymore

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Dark attempted a swing at him with her blades but failed, feeling her body starting to burn. Ultron punched Dark right in the face, knocking her out for a second. She fell to the ground on her back and laid there as Ultron stared down at her. He laughed.

The Avengers stopped at Steve's signal to stand down. Thor tightened his grip on the hammer whilst Tony flew in and landed next to Steve. Ordering FRIDAY to open his helmet, he stood there with the team as Dark began to wake up.

Grabbing Dark by the throat, Ultron lifted her off the ground as she began to struggle. She tried using her telekinesis but was trying to breathe from the pressure.

"Foolish human," Ultron said. "You think you're so powerful." He then threw her harshly to the ground.

Dark's breath hitched when she could feel the wind blow upon the open area of her neck. She got on her feet but paused. They lied again. With her shaky hand, she reached up and touched the back of it. She slowly turned around and looked at Banner and Stark, remembering they were the only ones who knew about her herc.

She could feel her whole body freeze under the fear of knowing the future. She was scared. She didn't know what to do. All she knew was that the herc was gone. Destroyed. In thousands of pieces. Because of Ultron, she was terrified she was not going to make it in moments.

Hulk roared the loudest he could as Dark fell to her knees. Feeling this cold liquid crawl through her veins and up into her brain, she couldn't react. The dread had taken over and she just sat there, on her knees as tears streamed down her face.

"Now!" Tony yelled and he, Vision, and Thor blasted at Ultron all at once.

The whirling made Dark's ears go temporarily deaf and she couldn't move if she wanted to. It's like her heartbeat was all she could hear. How it sped up or slowed down. This unbearable feeling coming from her neck traveled down her spine and ran along her ribs.

A burning sensation. The feeling of pins and needles and pricks all up and down her back, it caused her to scream about how excruciating the pain was. Her hands began to tingle and her feet were numb. The stabbing soreness made it to her head, making her red-eye twitch out of control. Her now red veins popped and were pumping from all over. Trying to provide for her body, they kept doing their job. But the unknown liquid was too powerful.

But, it all suddenly stopped.

"You know, with the benefit of hindsight-" Ultron was cut off by Hulk punching him into the sky, off a distance. Vision went after him to finish him off.

"They'll try to leave the city," Thor said.

Tony took notice. "We can't let them, not even one. Rhodey." He said in the intercom.

Dark could hear again, but moving her body was difficult. She didn't feel normal yet nothing had happened. Her herc. It was gone. But she wasn't dead yet.

"Dark, you okay?" Steve asked before he kneeled down next to her. Padding her shoulder, he glanced at her neck. It was severely bruised. Still stunned from the pain that it caused, dark didn't respond, leaving Steve to resume his role. "We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats. I'll sweep for stragglers. Be right behind you."

"What about the core? And Dark?" Clint asked and Wanda spoke up.

"I'll protect it. The core. It's my job." She said, glancing over at Dark. "She'll be alright."

With that, they move out. Pietro swooped in a moment later as Wanda ordered, "get the people on the boats."

"I'm not going to leave you here."

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