Chapter 5: Code Green

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Dark wasn't too excited about having someone watch over her as the team went off to go find Ultron and possibly take him down. Yet the someone was Bruce, the least intimidating person of the team.

Dark couldn't begin to believe that Stark had the guts to say what he said to someone he barely knew. His impatience was one of the problems and so was Dark not telling anyone anything. Those two problems are what made them fight. And Dark wasn't having anymore of it. Already tired from the tension between, she wished things were different. She wished he, Tony Stark, was different.

Dark sat still, glaring at Bruce as he started talking. She was listening but wasn't planning on responding. Yet a certain question got her attention.

"Why don't you talk much?" He asked as he sat on the floor across from her. Dark eyed the man the whole time, confused by his sudden interest.

Dark wasn't completely comfortable answering the question yet found herself thinking of one.

She knew a lot about him but he knew nothing about her, seeming like a one sided situation.

She cleared her throat, coughing a bit afterwards, resting her hand on her extended leg. She huffed before connecting her eyes. "I don't know. I feel like when I'm surrounded by many inpatient and demanding people I get really overwhelmed and stressed and I just stop... talking," she spoke, feeling a bit more comfortable talking to him instead of everyone at once.

Bruce didn't react any differently to her voice, just leaned forward. "Well, it's just me and you right now. They're gonna be gone for a bit," he gestured.

She sighed and her eyes lingered everywhere but his. "I don't know. You don't seem too mean ... Or demanding. Not like Tony Stark."

Bruce furrowed his eyes. "How do you know his name?"

She gulped, containing the dread. "I know everyone's names, Banner." She cleared her throat. "This is nice." She admitted.

He nodded. "I'm glad. Um, do you mind telling me how you know everyone's names?" He asked, his chin in his palm.

She bit her cheek, shaking her head. "It's nothing to worrying about, I'm no warm to you guys."

"And how should I trust you?" He asked, drilling his eyes into hers as she paused.

Dark had brought her into this situation. She didn't want to lie and she didn't want to not answer. What's the worst that could happen? "... Fury told me," she confessed and watched as Bruce sat up.

His sudden reaction to her words, his body language was terrifying her. The silence was taunting.

"How are you associated with Fury?"

She took a breath. "I'd rather not say if that's okay."

"This will stay between me and you if you tell me," he tried to pry.

"I just- I'd rather not. It's for my own safety reasons," she stammered.

"All right. So what is okay to ask?" Burce being polite and not too pushy, dropped the subject after noticing she was getting uncomfortable.

"Anything I guess, except for that part," she said.

"Okay," Bruce brought his thumb up to his chin. "How come you don't like being called Da- sorry but your first name?"

Dark chuckled. "First of all, thanks, and second, um It- it, it brings back bad memories," she stuttered again, getting a bit irritated by her mushy words.


She nods. "You know it's weird, Stark reminds me a lot of them," she blurted out.


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