Chapter five

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"Where were you?!" Caroline asked. Vanessa shrugged happily.
"Nice to see you too." She said trying to slip away to her room.
"No seriously. Who brought you here?"
"Really? Then why is Scarlett on the phone with me since two hours ago?"
Vanessa gulped. She thought Scarlett would help her out but this was an example of a bad friend she had.
"Ugh someone. I'm alive. Jeez stop acting like Mom!" She got an attitude quickly, snapping angrily.
"I'm here now so drop the attitude."
"I'm 22 for crying out loud, I'm not a child!" Vanessa stormed away but as soon as she closed her room door, she felt guilt. She shouldn't have yelled at Caroline that way but she kinda needed to understand that she wasn't a child. She was an adult and didn't need to be told what to do and what to not do. She knew what she wanted.
"Emma?" She dialed the number and waited. Her cousin Emma along with her brother Ethan lived in a house close to their apartment and she was considering moving in with them. Emma had once asked her if she wanted to move in but she had denied it. Now she wanted to change her opinion.
"Emma? It's me Vanessa. I'm leaving this apartment."


James stared at Cristiano showing off pictures on his phone to his teammates. What had he drank to be so braggy?
"And look at this. I look terrible." Cristiano pointed at something. Gareth Bale burst out laughing.
"Hell no!"
"Who did that to you Cris?" Iker Casillas asked.
As they talked, James cursed in his mind for not bringing earphones to avoid listening to their talks.
How you chose to express yourself
It's all your own and I can tell
It comes naturally
It comes naturally
You follow what you feel inside-
The ringtone went off and James tried his hardest not to start laughing. He bit his lip hard to get pain instead.
"Who's phone?!" The coach Carlo Ancelotti demanded.
"You know the rules! No phones during practices!" He went on. Cristiano lowered his phone, looking around as if he was innocent.
"Oh but you can be tweeting huh?" Isco shot back.
"Well... Um... You know..." The coach stammered.
The Real Madrid team members waited patiently for the coach's answer.
"No cell phones and get out in the field!" Ancelotti yelled instead.
Cristiano rolled his eyes throwing his device into his training gear bag. The other members shook their head.
"Oh well he's right because we wouldn't be able to beat our rival."
"So Hammy..." Marcelo placed a hand on his shoulder. James felt like running away, avoiding a conversation he didn't want.
"Hammy, where were you yesterday?"
"With you?" James asked. Marcelo gave him a knowing look.
"You walked out though and we never saw you again. Why?"
"Because you wouldn't notice my absence? But apparently you did. Besides I felt out of the place."
"You turned 23 yesterday and we were at my place. You left and I tried following you but you left. Why? I'm your brother!" Marcelo pointed out.
"Hey don't forget me!" Cristiano said walking next to them, tugging at his pink training jersey.
"Well..I felt out of the place. You were all having fun and I was just walking around like an idiot. That and you got drunk."
Cristiano and Marcelo looked at each other with a look.
"Well Hammy we're sorry you don't drink." Cristiano finally said.
"You know I haven't been drunk since-" James started saying but they finished his sentence.
"Daniela." They both said.
"But you have a new girl don't you?" Cristiano asked.
"Why are you asking?"
Marcelo gave Cristiano another look. They both smiled. They knew something James didn't. They planned something. Unless the paparazzi had seen them. But where?
"I'm not supposed to but I'll do it for my brother. I'll risk my chance." Cristiano logged into Twitter scrolling down the news feed quickly.
"Yeah James it's all over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. All over the Internet really." Isco and Iker caught up to them.
"What's all over the Internet? What did you post about me?" James was like the little sweet, innocent angel wanting to know what they knew.
"Wasn't us. Some reporter..." Cristiano turned the phone. James Rodriguez caught with a girl at Starbucks.
Had that blond cashier been the one who told them? Took the pictures? Been the actual reporter?! So many questions went through James' mind he didn't even know what to think anymore.
"So is it true Hammy?"
"When did this happen?"
"Do you love her?"
"What's her name?"
"When do we meet her?"
"Hammy? Hammy? Hammy! Hammy?! James!!" Marcelo waved a hand in front of him.
"I don't know. It happened yesterday. Her name's Vanessa. I don't know if she wants to meet you. And what?"
"Hammy is in love!" Marcelo taunted.
"Hammy loves a girl! Out of all of us. Good job Hammy."
"James, when are you getting married to her?"
James threw Cristiano a dirty look.
"When are you getting back with Irina, Cristiano?" He shot back. Cristiano stayed quiet.
"Anyway let's get positioned. Cris, stop bothering him." Iker pulled Cristiano away to his position.
Sure they could make fun of James liking the girl. So what? He did. He had nothing to hide. He did love her. Why couldn't they accept that and make a joke out of it instead?
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