Chapter six

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After Vanessa had moved into her new home, she had received a message from her "friends" to come to their apartment.
For what? So that I can be treated like nothing?
And why should I go over there? They should be the ones to come over here!
When she got there she saw a black car in the parking lot. Where did she know that car from? A person inside covered themselves.
Vannesa stepped out of the car and went for the apartment building. As she walked an arm grabbed her. She stopped dead in her tracks and held her breath turning to see the person.
That person was James.
"You appear like that again and I will literally kick you in the lower region. You were about to give me a heart attack." Vanessa threatened. He let go of her arm.
"No need for that pain. I already have enough in my heart." James backed away.
"No I still love you don't worry."
He puckered his lips as Vanessa smiled.
"No you know what happened here."
"Come on its been a day since we met. You can't love me that much."
"I love you Vanessa. I would give my life for you. I would take a bullet for you. I would be willing to stop what I do to be with you. Give up being famous for you. Do anything for you. Be whatever you need. Don't ever question my love for you."
Vanessa felt tears filling up in her eyes. She wanted him but there was something that stopped her from loving anyone.
"James I just can't....I really can't have a relationship. I've gone through one but it-"
Tears filled up in her eyes.
"Why? Do you not see that by telling me this your not just hurting yourself, you're hurting me?"
It became too much for her to handle.
"I'm sorry it's a long story."
"A story you will tell me." James pulled her back to her car.
"I swear you won't want to hear it."
"I want to know who hurt you so much." He opened the back passenger door and motioned for her to get inside.
"Tell me. I will never tell anyone."
Vanessa took a deep breath before telling him everything.
********Flashback to the incident***********
"I love you." Jacob said kissing Vanessa's forehead. She smiled and shook her head.
"No I love you more."
"But we're getting married soon so let's not have our first fight already."
"In forty eight hours I will be officially be yours." Vanessa kissed Jacob fully on the lips as he smiled in the kiss.
"Sis wake up!" Caroline shook Vanessa awake. The wedding would be in a few hours but time was limited and she knew Vanessa would take forever to get ready.
"Wedding today? Jacob? You take forever to get ready! Now wake up!" Caroline pulled the covers away. Vanessa groaned but got up. She was happy but too early to wake up.
"Six in the morning. Let me sleep." She reached for the covers but Caroline shook her head.
"Hell no. Get up. I have your dress over here." She took the covers with her and left the room as Vanessa hugged her knees.
Today's the day. I'm finally going to be happy. Finally I'm going to be with my one and only. She thought happily.
Vanessa went into the bathroom and washed her face. As she brushed her teeth for the second time Caroline burst in.
"I'm gonna style your hair. You know I'm a hairstylist."
"I was going to have you do it anyway." Vanessa said after rinsing her mouth shrugging.
Later it was time for the dress. Caroline went inside her room for it as Vanessa glanced outside the window. Beautiful day outside. Seems like the perfect day.
Caroline came in with a not too poofy dress.
"Nice. Let's get this over with." Vanessa knew that the hardest part would be to put on the dress. It had been the part she had dreaded.

An hour later Vanessa stood outside the doors of the church. She bit her lip nervously glancing in.
"Don't ruin your makeup." Caroline warned.
"I'm sorry. I'm just nervous you know. But I love Jacob so much. Today I'll become his wife finally." Vanessa smiled. Never in her life has she been this happy. Her brother Daniel stood next to her.
"Okay sis, now's the time." He said. She nodded taking a deep breath and going inside the church.
Walking down the aisle is easy. The hard part is facing everyone watching you do it. Vanessa smiled hold her brother's arm tightly. He walked her to the aisle because their real father had left them when Vanessa had been little.
Finally the end of the aisle came and a smiling Jacob met her. She smiled as she took his arm. The priest smiled anthem began the ceremony.

"Do you, Jacob Henderson, take Vanessa Caldwell as your wife?" The priest asked. Jacob looked at Vanessa and smiled.
"I do." He said confidently. She felt a warm feeling in her stomach.
"Do you, Vanessa Caldwell, take Jacob Henderson as your husband?"
Vanessa didn't have to think twice about that.
"I do." She smiled.
Jacob leaned in and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her against him as everyone clapped. When they pulled away they faced the crowd clapping.
Walking down the aisle as a newly wedded couple, they left outside of the church, smiling at their guests.
Outside people chanted for the couple to kiss again. Jacob turned to Vanessa.
"I would never refuse." He pressed his lips against hers. But in the middle of the kiss, Jacob kneeled down, breaking away from Vanessa and clutching his stomach in pain. He groaned falling to the ground. Vanessa immediately kneeled down next to him.
"Jacob? Jacob what's wrong with you? What happened? Jake are you okay?" She asked worriedly. Jacob struggled to keep his eyes open as the crowd gasped gathering around the couple.
"Jacob you have to be okay. You were okay! You can't leave me!" Vanessa cried. Jacob's eyelids started closing as Vanessa's tears rolled down.
"No Jacob you can't leave me already. No don't!"
"I've called an ambulance!"
"They'll send someone over!"
"You'll be okay Jacob. Don't leave me. I love you. We're supposed to be together forever. Forever cannot end right now." Vanessa kept crying moving her veil over as Jacob closed his eyes.

The hospital didn't seem to mind having a bride walk in her wedding dress. The least they could do even though it would attract attention.
Vanessa sat in a chair crying in her sister's arms.
"Vanessa he'll be okay. Trust me he'll recover soon and you will be together forever. Make a family and all that stuff."
"Sis it's okay we'll survive. He'll survive, he's strong I know it. He'll fight for you. He loves you so much."
Vanessa nodded pulling them into a hug as a doctor walked into the waiting room.
"Jacob Henderson?"
"Yes? I'm his wife, how is he? Can I see him?" Vanessa stood up, brushing away tears.
"His health is very delicate. But yes you may now see him."
Vanessa walked inside the hospital room and saw Jacob laying on the bed with tubes inside of him. His eyes were fluttering. The room's only sound was the beeping of the heart monitor as it flashed numbers and showed wavy lines.
"Jacob!" She ran over to him and held his hand. He smiled weakly.
"Hi..." He struggled to breathe but other than that he looked fine.
Caroline and Daniel stood in the doorway silently.
"I thought I would lose you. I saw you and I honestly thought that you would die but now you just have to be strong and fight. I'll be here for you."
Jacob turned his head and saw the heart monitor next to him. He turned back to Vanessa and nodded.
"I'll try to survive. I love you so I'll keep going."
Vanessa leaned over to kiss him as he raised his head towards her.
The heart monitor flashed high numbers and the wavy lines kept getting higher. Caroline's eyes widened as she looked at Daniel. They didn't want to know how this would end up.
Jacob and Vanessa's lips were inches apart but then Jacob's head fell back into the pillow, the heart monitor making a single terrifying sound. Vanessa's eyes widened when she looked at the heart monitor. The lines were no longer wavy.
They were flat lined.
"No!" Vanessa hugged Jacob's body. His eyes were closed. She screamed and started crying over again.
"No Jacob you can't leave me! We haven't lived together, we haven't made the family we have always wanted. We haven't lived our lives yet. We're supposed to die when we're old not now! Why? Why leave me now?" Vanessa cried hugging his dead body. Caroline and Daniel pulled her away as the doctors came in, pulling the covers over Jacob completely.
"After that I never fell in love. I was worried that something like that would happen again. I was worried that my heart would suffer again." Vanessa explained. James sat frozen in the seat.
"I'm sorry." He finally said pulling her in for a hug.
"But I know you're serious-"
"I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to use you. I want you for yourself. You're perfect and beautiful. You should've never gone through something like that. You don't deserve it. Having pain like that break you completely." James kissed her forehead.
"But there's one person that can make that pain go away. Put my life back together." Vanessa looked at him.
"So does that mean-" he began but she cut him off, smiling.
"Yes. I'll be your girlfriend."

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