Chapter thirteen

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"Hernandez, let the girl go." Ancelotti sighed shaking his head.
"I feel like I'm training kindergarteners instead of adults." He continued, blowing his whistle.
Javier rolled his eyes as he let Vanessa go. But as he saw her walk over to James, he gave him a dirty look as they left.
James you better watch her, because I'm coming for her.

Vanessa held James' hand tightly as Cristiano came up to them. She didn't need another life sucking hug.
"Hello." Cristiano said with a hint of flirty-ness in his voice. James' arm immediately went around protectively on her shoulders.
"No need for that. Just came to say hi and introduce myself. I'm Cristiano." He held out his hand for Vanessa. She shook it nodding her head as James broke their grip.
"Long enough."
"James is was barely-"
James threw her a look. She stopped talking and looked at the ground.
"Don't worry James. I'll be her bodyguard too. Whenever you aren't there, I protect her as my little sister."
James considered it as Cristiano smiled at Vanessa, nodding and winking with flirt in his eyes.
They won't last for long. Cristiano thought.
"Fine you can be her bodyguard. But you take one step too close to her and I will break you. She's mine."
Vanessa looked up and smiled at James.
"No need. I can just kick him. In painful places I should never kick him."
"Seems fair enough." James nodded approvingly as Cristiano made a hurt face.
"Ouch. You little rebel then?" He shook his head smirking. Vanessa nodded with a serious expression.
"It's a warning Cristiano. She's serious." James said harshly.
"Okay...." Cristiano tilted his head forward, jogging towards the other players.
"Okay you just stay here unless you want to join?" James quickly asked Vanessa.
"Uh I'm okay with just watching."
"Okay but I'm making you play one of these days." He jogged over to the rest of the teammates.
Vanessa sighed as the breeze picked up. She wrapped the sweater around her tightly thinking about everything going on.
She spaced off when a ball came rolling towards her.
She picked it up but when she looked up she sighed.
"Javier don't even try hugging me."
"But why hermosa?" He asked extending his arms.
She knew enough Spanish for that one.
"Don't call me hermosa." (Beautiful.)
"Okay hermosa." He picked up the ball, winking then left jogging.

"So what did pretty boy tell you?" James opened the water bottle, taking a sip.
"Javier? He was talking to you when the ball purposely went over to you."
"Oh stop being so jealous." Vanessa hugged him as he gave her a look.
"What did he say so that I can beat him up."
"Nothing just asked for the ball."
"You're telling me the truth?"
"Yes now stop being so jealous because I only love you."
"I know but I don't want you to be taken away from me. Tu eres solamente mía." James kissed her cheek.
"I think I know that by now."
"Well some people don't." He looked over at Javier who talked to Cristiano.
They both glanced over at them then quickly looked away.
What were they up to?

"So that didn't work? Hermosa did not work? Are you kidding me?" Cristiano demanded. Javier shook his head.
"Nope. She just told me not to call her like that."
"But why? Ugh this is not helping me!"
"Me neither! You wanna make a bet?"
Cristiano raised an eyebrow. He wanted to make a bet?
"If she falls for me first you will owe me. If she falls for you I'll owe you." Javier suggested.
"Depends. How much or what do I owe you?"
"I don't know. You tell me."
"Five hundred dollars?" Cristiano joked. Unfortunately Javier took it seriously.
"Okay! Make that a deal."
"No I didn't-"
"Aw you're too chicken to do a deal?" Javier made chicken noises imitating one.
"Okay deal!" They shook hands saying only one phrase.
"She will be mine."

Cristiano decided to make his first move. When James left to get his training gear, Cristiano noticed Vanessa standing alone at the car.
"Hi Vanessa."
"Oh hi."
"Waiting for James?"
"Uh yeah I am. Why?"
Cristiano smiled looking back. He took a deep breath before getting step closer to Vanesa.
"You know if I hadn't told James, he would've never been interested in you."
"What are you talking about?"
"When he met you, I was there. I saw you first. I was not confident enough to go up to you so I told James to follow you. When he did I wanted to go and meet you too but then you left so I never had a chance to say hi. Now that I do, you are thinking I'll steal you away."
"Well I kind of think that..."
"I'll let you be happy don't worry beautiful. Can I have at least one hug?"
Vanessa sighed and nodded as Cristiano took her in for the hug.
Cristiano inhaled the smell of the girl's hair. A sweet flowery one.
"Uh Cristiano? James is coming so don't make me hit you."
Cristiano let go quickly. He didn't want any problems with one of his teammates.
"Okay I'll be leaving. Nice talking to you Vanessa." Cristiano nodded and left towards his own car.
When he left, James pointed at him.
"Nothing happened. He just wanted to say that he didn't want to steal me away from you and he wanted us to be happy. Now stop being so jealous about everything." Vanessa smiled.
"But I care about you mi amor." James wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"I know but don't be so jealous."
"Fine." He smiled before pressing his lips against hers.

From his car, Cristiano watched intently. As James and Vanessa kissed he worked on his plan.
"Hmm." He tapped his fingers against his window.
If he wanted Vanessa he would have to act fast. Knowing James he would protect his woman away from the guys who got too close to her. So it would have to be when Vanessa was alone during practice.
He would have to get some kind of excuse to get out of practice and sit next to Vanessa on the sidelines.

Javier did the same thing in his own car. He bit his lip thinking.
"Hermosa you'll be mine." He whispered smiling.
But the only question was how? James was with her 24/7.
Except during practice.
Seemed perfect but how would he get out of there?
And how since Ancelotti is hard to convince to get out of practice.
"But mi hermosa mujer, serás mía mi amor." (My beautiful woman you'll be mine my love.)
He was convinced of it. He would fight for her till the end.
And not even Cristiano would beat him to her.

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