Meet the Family

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My face went white.

"D-Des Styles, is your d-dad??" Harry was silent for a moment. Green eyes watching me for a moment.

"Does that bother you?" The vague answer was my confirmation. The man whose lap I was in was a killer. He had killed people, the hands resting on my thigh had killed people.

I shook my head and made to get up, but his hands locked around my waist pulling me so our chests were touching.

"Do. Not. Run. From. Me." Harry growled, his eyes had dulled to a light gray.

"This is how its going to be...where do you live?" I blanched at the question taken aback.

"I....uhhh...I live in CrestFall Flats...with my mum." Harry rubbed his chin and then grabbed mine, his fingers squeezing my cheek.

"I want you to listen and listen good, do not protest, do not back talk, do not defy me...when I let go of your fucking face, I don't want you to say shit... do you understand?" I nodded and he gave my cheeks a quick, harsh squeeze before letting go and leaning back.

"You don't live there anymore...I will take you home after I finish with you tonight, you will pack one bag and I am picking you up after your school ends tomorrow and you will stay here...with me."

I got nervous. Finish with me tonight?!?! I'm living with him?!?! Then he'll see what I look like, he'll hate me?!?!?! I launched myself up backwards and off his lap, I almost made it to the door before I felt an arm snake around my yank me back. Harry's eyes were darkened with fury. I flinched waiting for the strong smack that unfortunately came. The force of the smack knocked me clear across the room. My head smacked painfully against the wall. I glanced up and saw Harry cracking his knuckles while looking down at his phone.

"Are fucking done, I told you not to run from me." Harry crouched and to my shock he sounded widely uninterested in the fact that he had literally knocked the fire out of me. Harry walked over, slid his arms underneath mine and lifted me up.

"Dry it up." I didn't even realize I had tears in my eyes. I hurridley wiped my eyes as he sat down with me on his lap again. He reached out and grabbed a pack of cigarettes, pulling one out and putting it between his lips.
"Switch sides kitten, and move your hair." I moved my head to his right shoulder and turned my face into his neck watching as he lit the cigarette. He took a long drag and then blew out a long stream of white smoke.
"Change of plans...we're going to get your things tonight." At this point, I didn't wanna get hit again so I kept my mouth shut trying to find comfort in the arms of the man who had just hit me.

The door opened and a stream of laughter came in.

"This is abuse!" Niall, Liam, Zayn and Gemma walked in with a shorter chestnut haired boy. His outward appearance said he was nice and sweet, but his eyes looked up and the same icy trait that was present in Harry, was in this man's as well. Gemma currently had her hand around Niall's ear again before she looked over to Harry and I.

"Harold!!!!!" She stalked over and wrenched me up and out and out of his arms. He regarded her dangerously but didn't say anything.

"Did you hit this poor thing??" She forced my head up and landed a kiss on my black eye and another on my swollen cheek. Harry got up and stalked out, not saying a word. Zayn, Niall, and Liam followed him out. Gemma fussed over me saying something about ice and flitted out of the room sitting me on the couch. A weight beside me appeared as I noticed the man with the chestnut hair sit beside me. I flinched before he chuckled.

"Relax love, I'm not going to hurt you" His voice was so soft and trusting that I immediately followed what he said.

"I'm Louis...Louis Tomlinson." Oh, so that explained the dangerous glint in his eyes, he was one of them.

"Hello Louis!" He smiled, took my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"So...I'm assuming Harry has staked his claim on you?" I nodded sadly as Louis looked at me pitifully.

"Don't worry...most of the time Harry keeps 'em for about a week or two and then let's them go...just do what he says and you'll live." I looked hopeful.

"You mean, I don't really need to move out of my house?" Louis's eyes widening mad my heart drop.

"He told you your moving out?" I nodded.

"But he's gonna let me go back home right?" Louis bit his lip.

"You probably already know that I'm affiliated with this gang by my family name, yeah?" I nodded.

"I didn't want to be involved...I was in drama at my high school, I was gonna go to uni so that I could become a drama teacher...but Zayn...that's the one with the tan skin, long eyelashes, ya know...looks like 'Sex on legs?'" I nodded, I had seen him.

"Zayn decided he wanted to stake his the middle of my junior year, much like you, Zayn staked his claim, and dragged me back to this life I tried so hard to get away from... Do I hate him? can't really hate your boyfriend..." My eyes widened...Louis was Zayn's boyfriend?

"B-but, you guys weren't holding hands!" Louis laughed and bumped my nose.

"You're a cute one, yes little one, we were not holding hands, Zayn and I aren't big on the whole PDA thing...once I got back into this whole life, I fell into it, I almost actually kind of love it"

"Harry scares me..." Louis leaned over and kissed my cheek sweetly, directly on the bruise.

"Feel free to come to me when you need a ear to listen, or a cuddle...I am lethal and I do kill, but...I like you...happy to have you apart of the family." I gave him a little smile as Gemma blew back into the room, fussing over me and pressing ice to my eye.

"So I see you've met our Lou-Bear" Louis smiled flashing teeth and stood up.

"Gonna go see if beau needs my presence" Louis bounced up the stairs. I turned to Gemma.

"I...I wanna go home..." Gemma's smile dropped off her face.

"Ohhh...I'm sorry love...Harry has staked his claim, if I let you leave, he's just going to hunt you down and I can't guarantee that I can help you should he find you."

"But he's staked his claim on other girls right?? He might just decide to kick me out?" I asked a little desperately. Gemma have me a sad look.

"I've never seen him take care of someone like he has done you...yes...he hit you...and I wish he wouldn't do that but my brother really is a sweet guy...he's just hard to get around, when I say he's a teddy bear, once you break through that shell, I promise you will, you ask for it, Harry will break his neck trying to get it to you." I sniffed as she held the ice to my eye. I was about to say something when the boys walked back into the room. I noticed Louis and Zayn first. Zayn had a steady hand on the small of Louis's back, while Louis looked to me and gave me a small smile. Harry came in and I automatically flinched back. He rolled his eyes and walked over, lifting me back up into his arms.

"We're going for a ride Kitten"

Hope you guys liked it!
Feed back and suggestions are most def welcomed!!!

Also, thank you to AliseeeForever21 from Archive of Our Own for my new gorgeous book cover, its the best :)


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