Shots Fired

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"Dammit Briana, you suck!" I scoffed and ran a hand through my bushy, curly hair.

"Maybe Inwouldn't suck if you didn't give me this huge ass gun Harry! It weighs almost as much as I do!"

"Do not go to hard on our cupcake Styles, give her a lighter gun! We don't always have AK-47s!!" Zayn exclaimed from his place behind Louis. Harry grumbled under his breath and took the assault rifle from me. Lifting it with a practiced ease, Harry easily sent an entire round into the practice dummy's head and chest. I rolled my eyes as he clicked the gun back into place before casting me a condescending look.

"You been shooting guns since you left the womb Harry, that doesn't count!" I smacked his shoulder and glared.

"Doesn't make a difference love, you still suck." I frowned and grabbed a smaller black handgun off of the counter. Before making my way back to a new practice gun, lifting the gun and aiming. I successfully hit the dummy in the left arm. Harry laughed slightly before coming up behind me and winding his arms around my waist, leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"Don't put the gun so close to your eye, you'll get hit with the aftershock. Relax your stance, think about a place on the dummy to hit and go for it." He said landing a soft kiss on my temple before stepping back. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and aimed the gun and shot. I was going for a chest shot but ended up making a clean shot through the dummy's shoulder.

"Good Job lovely." I smiled up at Harry, living for his praise. Lowering the gun, I laid it on the table after clicking the safety on and turned towards Harry. I reached up, pushing a hand through his hair and pulling his head down. He smirked as I touched my lips to his for a quick second before burying my head into his neck.

"Up." He commanded softly in my ear. I obeyed jumping and allowing him to pull my body up and wrap my legs around him. He made his way out of the room, nodding to Zayn and Louis who were still practicing, and into the kitchen. Harry set me down on the counter and landed a kiss onto my lips before moving about the kitchen, gathering things to make broccoli bites, a dish I had fallen in love with.

A couple minutes later, Anne and Des made their way into the kitchen. Over the past weeks, I had grown closer to the pair, seeing as they were Harry's parents. I smiled at them as Des kissed my cheeks in greeting and Anne gave me a quick hug.

"So, what are my kids up to today?" I shrugged.

"I've been trying to learn how to shoot." Des nodded.

"And how is that going sweetheart?" Anne inquired, I shook my head.

"I suck." Harry scoffed.

"It was your first day love, you did fine." Anne nodded, handing Des an apple.

"I agree honey, it's not something many can get overnight, keep working at it and you'll do just fine." I nodded in understanding.

"Harry, I need everyone in the meeting room by noon today, I have some things to go over for the next upcoming weeks." Harry nodded as he put the broccoli bites in the oven and while Anne and Des left out of the kitchen.

Harry came over to me and gently parted my legs before coming to stand to stand between them.

"I want you to know that I'm trying. I want you to feel safe here." I smiled and took his face in my hands before placing a kiss on his fore head.

"I know."

This is a short chapter guys, I just hate that I haven't been able to update. I had to give you guys something though.

Problems are coming, major problems, and for those who wanted to see some 5SOS action, they are coming in as well 👌🏽👌🏽😊

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