Bonnie Elizabeth Parker (1910-1934)

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"Wake up baby doll." Harry shook me wake. I opened my eyes and was met with a grinning Harry. He placed a kiss on my lips and stood up.

"It's time to go baby, plane leaves in an hour." I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed and went to stand but when I did, a pain shot through me from between my legs. It wasn't...bad persay, but I knew Harry had done it to me. I began limping to the bathroom when Harry's chuckle cut me off.

"Baby girl, hold on let me carry you." He came up behind me and knocked my legs from underneath me, making me fall back as his other arm supported my torso, lifting me off the ground.

"Turn around baby, lemme see what damage I did." I flipped the light on in the bathroom as he sat me down and gasped in the mirror.

Starting with my neck, it was an array of blues, purples and blacks, there were hickies all over it leaving little to no skin showing. My boobs, lower back and tummy we're in the same condition only not nearly as bad as my neck. My thighs, some of my legs and butt were also covered in bruises. My thighs in particular had hand shaped bruises from where he was squeezing. I looked into the mirror and saw Harry, the smug basturd as he quietly observed the state of my poor little body, a smirk on his face.

"Harry! I can't go out like this?!" His eyes darkened as he wrapped his arms around my naked hips, and pulled me into his chest. He was already dressed in the outfit he had picked out yesterday, a black sheer button down shirt with skin tight black jeans and boots, a bandana wrapped around his curls.

"Oh yes you will, everyone is going to know that you're my baby girl, know one will touch you after they see this." He pressed a finger into a particular nasty looking bruise on the front of my neck as I whimpered softly.


"Okay...what." I frowned at Harry.

"Okay...Harry?" He grimaced and smacked my sore ass. I yelped and tried to push my way out of his arms, but his locked around me, giving no room for movement.

"I don't want you calling me Harry anymore, if you do, I'll get answer me like my good little girl." It clicked when he said little girl.

"Okay...daddy" He nodded and pressed a kiss to my temple.

"Good girl...I've already showered but you don't have time to,do what you need to do and I will be downstairs with the rest of them, I have our bags so don't worry about that, just get your little carry-on is up in a ponytail, no scarf." He gave me a stern look and then leaned down looking into my eyes, before placing a kiss on my lips and walking out.

I sighed and brushed my teeth, before wrestling my curly bushy hair into a huge ponytail at the top of my head. I dusted some light make up only to cover up minor things. Walking into our room, I saw our bags were gone and my outfit was laid on the bed. I changed into the white sweater and sweatpants, both too big. Sighing, I reached down and put the fuzzy socks on and then the Nike shoes. I had to admit I was comfortable. Apart from 90% of my body covered in passion marks along with my vagina feeling like World War 3, 4, and 5...but in a good way I guess.

I grabbed my backpack and turned off the lights making my way down to the commotion on the first floor. The guys we're all running around talking on phones, and gathering last minute things. I looked around trying to find Harry until another voice called over.

"Briana?" I turned to see a brunette sitting on the couch, dressed similar to me in really baggy sweaters and sweatpants.

"Y-yeah?" I walked over to the pretty girl with warm brown eyes.

"I'm Sophia, Liam's girlfriend" I smiled in realization.

"Oh yeah, h-he told me about you! You're very pretty..." I flushed when Sophia laughed softly.

"Thank you sweetheart, why don't you come sit with me,let the boyfriends run around." I walked over as she pulled me into her lap. I smiled, tucking my head under chin. I noticed she had a lot of hickeys on her neck too. I liked her already.

Out of nowhere, Louis came bounding down on the couch. He wore white pants and a large jumper, probably Zayn's, his hair brushed up into a quiff. He leaned over and kissed me and Sophia on the cheek. Before he could say anything, Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Niall stood in front of us, eyes narrowed at Louis.

"What the fuck does your man think he's doing Zayn?" Niall snickered.

"UMMMMM, excuse you, but I just heard Sophia say we should let the boyfriends do the work, so I am simply following along." He grinned while Zayn rolled his eyes.

"'re a boyfriend too." Louis glared at his boo.

"Listen here you insanely hot peice of ass, I am a princess and will be treated as such." Harry chuckled before Zayn shot him a dark look.

"Well princess unless you magically grew a vagina last night, I need you to get your ass up and call the airport so they have the jet ready to go." Louis grumbled and got up pushing past Zayn.

The rest of them disappeared again as Sophia and I chuckled. Gemma appeared once again kissing both our cheeks and then flitted off. Harry popped in with two granola bars which he plopped into me and Sophia's hands with a "Eat that all" and a stern look before disappearing. Sophia and I cuddled until the boys appeared and in front of us, along with Gemma.

"You guys ready?" Niall asked.

"I have decided that Bri and I are in a lesbian relationship, so yes, my love and I are ready." I nodded with Sophia's words and kissed her cheek. Harry and Liam grinned.

"So where does that leave us?" Harry asked.

"You guys can be gay together!" Liam cackled and jumped into Harry's arms.

"Hear that Hazza?? We can finally showcase our love!" He said smacking a giant kiss on Harry's scowling face before Harry dropped him with a laugh.

"In your dreams Payne..." He said lifting me up and out of Sophia's arms before making his way out of the house. Liam behind yelling out 'He left me!!!!' And Sophia's soft words of comfort.

Bit of a filler this time guys, but the real stuff will pop off when they get to the States! I have a new story up called Forever so check that out! I have a lot of random ideas in my head at different times so I made that story to have a place to write them down and get them out of my head. Also, that one takes prompts, so you can message me an idea you want and I'll put that in there too. Happy reading my loves! Look for the next update in a few days!

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