Quiet Before the Storm

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I woke up, sitting up slowly. I don't know why I expected Harry to stay, seeing as his side was cold. Getting up, I cracked my back loudly.

"Ya know Kitten, small as you are, I don't think your back should be cracking that loud." I flinched and looked over to where Harry was sitting by the window, smoking. By the smell of it however, I don't think it was a cigarette.

"What's that." He grinned and beckoned me closer. I got out of bed, my cheeks going red when I realized I was only in my pink lace boy shorts and a soft pink bra. I made my way over anyway. Once I was in arms reach, Harry sat the smoke down, pulling me into his lap.

"Wanna try it?" I nodded my head.

"Only a little bit, we have a long day today, I'm giving you a bit...a bit of a wake up call." He smirked and picked up the smoke again inhaling deeply and then locking his lips with mine. I inhaled the smoke from his mouth and held it as long as I could without coughing.

"That was a pretty long hit of cannabis baby girl, where'd you learn how to do that?" I shrugged. I saw people do it in movies, but I certainly wasn't going to tell him that.

"I don't know." I took the joint from his hand and took another long hit, everything seemed so much happier. I giggled quietly as Harry took the smoke away.

"No more, I feel like you are a light weight."

"I feel like you would be right Curly!" I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. Harry stood up and a hugged me for a second.

"I hate that you have to be high to be this affectionate..." Harry mumbled quietly.

"You know, you are hella sexy." I didn't know what I was saying. Harry chuckled lowly.

"Come on babe, let's get dressed." He sat me down on the bed and gave me an icy bottle of water. After taking a few sips, I could already feel my head clearing up. Going in the suitcase, he pulled out a pair of pale pink sugar jeans with a big white sweater.

"The jeans are Gemma's so they might be a bit big, as for the sweater, that's definetley going to be big because its mine." I nodded, reverting back to being quiet. Harry frowned and grabbed my chin, forcing eye contact.

"Verbal answers baby girl."

"O-okay." He said nothing more, going into the bathroom, the shower turning on. I grabbed the clothes and slipped on the jeans that fit well but were way to long. The sweater was big but soft and it smelled like Harry. I couldn't help but nuzzle into it.

Harry walked out of the bathroom, dressed in a black suit, tailored to fit his long, muscular frame. His curly hair was blow dried and sat in a messy quiff, green eyes moving around, guarded again.

"Y-y-you look n-nice." He looked over at me while he was on his phone and beckoned to me. I stood up and walked over to him as he opened his arms allowing me to wrap my arms around his narrow waist and nuzzle my head into his chest. Harry locked his arms back around me looking at his phone over my head.

A couple minutes later he unwrapped himself and grabbed our stuff, and intertwined his fingers with mine.

We went out to the SUV and made our way out and onto the highway. It was early and I was hungry.

"Harry?" His emerald eyes slid over to look at me before returning to the road.


"I'm hungry..." He rolled his eyes and drove a bit more before we came up to a McDonalds. Harry ordered two Egg McMuffins and I hated those.

"Harry, I don't like those." I said quietly.

"They're healthier, you could stand to eat a bit more better for yourself." My heart broke at that. Yeah I knew my thighs were a bit bigger and I had a little tummy pouch but I had always had these things. Harry had basically just called me fat and it hurt. Like alot. My eyes watered up and when he pulled up to the window to pay I climbed over the wide center console to make my way to the backseat. Making my way over the first row of seats I curled up in the very back and let the tears fall. Harry finished paying and I heard him growl.

"Briana get the fuck back up here." He snarled. I yelped I bit and then curled my body up, not saying anything. Harry growled again before driving up and getting the food.

"Briana, I'm being nice and giving you one last chance. Get. The. FUCK. Up here and eat this damned food, before I pull this truck over and make you." I still didn't say anything but my heart rate accelerated to a dangerous pace when I felt the car slow and then stop. His door opened and then slammed. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to make myself as small as possible before Harry wrenched the back door open and lifted the seat. He grabbed my jumper and pulled with so much force that it forced me up and out of the truck. I barely had time to catch my breath before Harry landed a heavy hand hand on my back, the force of it sending down and into the ground. I yelped and burst into tears when my face hit the ground. Harry pulled me up, my face covered in dirt and tears, my back burning with pain.

"Get your ass back in the truck...front fucking seat." Apparently my must have hesitated because Harry leaned down and smacked my leg, hard. I cried out and slid into the front seat. Harry leaned over me and buckled my seatbelt pulling it all the way out to lock it around.

"Unbuckle that,and I'm going to half kill you." He slammed my door and made his way around to get in the car. Starting it back up, it was quiet except the soft sobs that came from me. Harry handed over the disgusting sandwich.

"Eat this shit." I frowned and grabbed, putting my head down and not eating it. Harry must have looked over I saw I wasn't eating. His hand flew up and smacked me in the mouth, my lip crushed against my teeth and busted. I flinched away, crying and unwrapped the sandwich, taking a large bite. My lip burned but I finished the sandwich. I kept trying to wipe and lick the blood off, the ends of the sweater were dotted with blood. I felt the car pull over again and my head shot up to look at Harry fearing that I was going to be hit again. Harry slid his seat back as far as he could while still making sure he could reach the wheel and pedals. He glanced over at me and unbuckled my seatbelt, pulling my body to straddle his lap, I said nothing but pushed my face into his neck, and breathing in his scent. I was getting comfort from the man who had abused me. Harry started the car again and drove, his hand resting on the small of my back.

"H-harry?" He patted my back telling me he was listening.

"I'm sorry, I'll try to eat more healthy."I felt him take a deep breath and then sigh.

"I shouldn't have said that, I like you how you are."

"I can d-diet, or the have m-medication for lose-."

"I catch you taking pills, it won't be good." I pushed my face into his neck. Harry pushed his hand underneath my jumper, and unhooked my bra with one hand. His large hand rubbed my back. It felt good. I pressed my lips to his cheek and then buried my head back into the crook of his neck.

What even was my life???

So as you guys know finals finished yesterday and I have had my ass handed back to me. This is more of a filler chapter because I wanted to give you guys this for bearing with me. Next chapter, the boys will be brought back in, Gemma as well, and the real story line will be shown. Thank you so much again, Love you all!!!

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