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"You know, eventually, we are going to have to get out of this house, I feel like we need to move out, venture out into the world."

"Niall, go home, you're high" Gemma laughed leaning back to take the joint out of her boyfriend's hand.

The English gang were sat in their own personal smoke room. It was a large open window room in their west wing of the mansion. It was complete with a wall covered in different bongs, rolling papers, and a steady supply of nearly every kind of weed ever.

"Hey...The Irish asshole might have a point..." Zayn pulled Louis into his lap before handing him the joint that he was currently smoking.

"What, we're all over twenty years old, and y'all think we should move out, now" Liam questioned, tightening his arms around Sophia.

"Are we living together, or like separate?" All heads turned towards Niall with exasperated looks. Gemma sighed.

"I got it." She said before smacking Niall across the head.

" Well, maybe it's something we should look into guys, maybe have something custom built." Harry drawled out. Briana lit up a joint carefully before pulling a careful drag. Reaching up, she placed the joint in Harry's mouth.

"You know sure have changed..." Zayn said proudly.

It was true. It had been six months, six months since the dreaded incident of the families trying to kill Briana. In that time, that showed there gratitude by training her to become an official part of the families. They brought her on missions, taught her how to react in situations, how to shoot, how to stealthily move to avoid getting caught in sensitive situations. Briana began to get stronger, and she was developing the mentality of Harry, Gemma, Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn. She and Sophia were becoming more and more part of the family instead of simply the precious gifts that needed to be protected. While the gang still treated them with a little more care and supervision, they were quickly learning to hold their own.

Briana held a different air about her. She was still definitely shy, but that shyness had been transformed into lethality. With the help of Harry, she began to use it to her advantage to work against their enemies. Harry and Briana quickly rose to the forefront of the gang, becoming the most lethal and prized possessions of the family.

The Closed Circuit Tv flipped on then and Yaser Malik appeared on the screen. "Guys, we need you all in the meeting...Now." Niall scoffed and held up his unfinished joint.

"Dad, now? Really?" Anne Styles appeared on screen with a grim look on her face.

"Now children."

The air changed in the room. It quickly became electric with all eight bodies becoming erect and alert. They all hurriedly put out joints and made their way into the central wing of the house to the meeting room. They took a seat facing their grim faced parents. It was silent for a moment, until Harry spoke up.

"Okay, you guys are scaring me, what's going on." Trisha Malik cleared her throat.

"Of course you all know Luke and Calum..." Everyone nodded, confused looks on their faces. Briana knew them, whenever they couldn't complete missions for whatever reason, Luke and Calum took care of it. They were ruthless and good at what they did. They were also good friends of the kids.

"Yes...why..." Liam questioned. Des Styles stood up and cleared his throat.

"Last night...they were at some bar in north London...and...they were killed. Shot down in cold blood upon leaving the bar, Sniper bullets, clean shot, they never could have seen it coming."

The kids sat down and slowly absorbed this. Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Gemma had known the pair since grade school. They grew up together. Childhood friends.

Briana looked behind her to where Harry was sitting and she could literally feel the anger rolling off him in tense waves. With looks at the rest of the gang, Harry's anger was understood. Briana cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes.

"They shot down to of our most closest associates and friends by sniper. That can't possibly be any kind of coincidence." Johanna Tomlinson nodded and frowned.

"We know...we think it's a fairly new family, the...the Vance's I think? So far all we know about them is that, the Vance families...are assholes, all of them, they fight dirty. They want to be first, they want to take our portions as the most lethal crime family in Europe." Louis furrowed his eyebrows.

"But, that makes no sense, if they were going to use snipers, why not check me after one of us? Those who are actually apart of the families?" Bobby Horan frowned.

"They want our attention...there looking for a war."

A knock at the door sounded. Briana turned to Harry who was tense while Des got up to see their guest. She leaned over and took his hand in his, rubbing until he finally turned his eyes on her.

"Breathe Hazza breathe."

"How can I, I'm so pissed right now Briana, aside from you guys, they were my best friends!"

"I know Hazza baby, but we are going to hunt them down, and we are going to kill them dead." Harry looked up into his girlfriend's eyes and matched her sadistic smirk.

"I love you." Harry said. Briana was about to reply when Des came bounding back.

"Idiots! This is the only piece of evidence we were able to recover, what the fuck are we supposed to do??" He slammed a plastic bag down onto the table. Inside the sack was a single bullet with rose gold accents lining the tip. Briana's eyes narrowed. Everyone watched as she stood up slowly. Grabbing the bullet she examined it closely. At the base were the initials BV, along with some symbols etched into the smooth metal.

Upon reading the bullets, Briana's eyes widened and she clutched her head as if she was in pain. Harry and Louis shot out of their seats, immediately rushing to her aid.

"Baby, what's wrong, what happened?" Briana went stil for a moment before she looked up slowly, a sadistic, angry look on her face.

"The initials, the symbols..."

"Yes, what about them sweetheart?" Trisha Questioned.

"It's not the Vance's the Vancer families." Everyone's eyes widened as Briana delivered even more chilling words.

"B.V....stands for Brycen older brother."

Sorry about the late update guys! Remember, I am in school full time and working full time so it is very hard to try and crank out chapters. Sorry for such the long wait, but hopefully as we get closer and closer to some holiday breaks, I'll have time to update more. Thank you for staying with me guys!!

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