Gang Possesive (Dark Harry Styles Fan Fiction)

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Briana Vancer was...I don't know how to put this nicely.


Well...In everybody else's eyes she was, Bri was just an extremely naivë and quick to trust. Its not that she believed that there was absolutley no evil in the world, she just tried to avoid it at all costs.

Bri embraced her...indie side, she deeply loved all things pretty and colorful. Well, as colorful as she could manage, since she was red-green colorblind. She stuck to her white flowy dresses, long skirts, headbands and flower crowns.

Yeah, that's right, flower crowns. Everyday she would stop by Mr. Gyles's Florist House and he would hand her the flowers that matched her outfit. Mr. Gyles was 84 years old and was confined to a wheelchair and oxygen tank, but the small man never hesitated to run his shop, keeping it going almost perfectly. Bri loved Mr. Gyles and looked forward to their talks in the morning when she would make her crowns while sitting on the counter, watching the old man wheel himself around, picking flowers. Naivë or not Briana Vancer loved her life.

"BRIANA WAKE THE HELL UP!" I rolled over, letting go of the bear I was clutching. So I still slept with a bear, sue me. Rubbing my eyes, I slowly forced myself out and into freezing tundra that was my house.

"Danggg" Mumbling to myself, trudged over to the thermostat, that was for my room only, and turned it back up to 80 degrees. As my room warmed up, my sunny mood returned, as I bounced around preparing my outfit for the day. I started at my new school today and was deeply looking forward to it. At my old school I didn't have any friends. People didn't want to be around the 'weird indie girl' but I didn't mind too much. My feelings were easily hurt. I try to work on it but...that hasn't really worked to well for me...

Well...anyhow, I chose a navy lace dress paired with some pretty strappy sandals. I wasn't...fat per say, but I was a bit on the thicker side, not to mention I was 18 years old...and ...5'0. Really it was quite horrid. I tied my thick brown hair into a bun, leaving out my side bang. Grabbing my messenger bag, I threw it over my body. I walked downstairs and inwardly groaned to myself. My mother was passed out...yet qqweweeefdrrf5xsda2221us6 again...a 40 ounce of liquor sitting on the floor next to her. Empty. Sighing to myself inside, I walked over to my drunken mom and took the bottle away, tossing it in the trash and pulling the blanket up and over her tiny frame.

"Bye Momma" I whispered placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. I was about to walk out the door before I remembered, and placed a bottle of asprin and some water by the couch. I walked out of my small house and continued on a slow stroll down the street to Mr. Gyles floral shop. As I was walking, simply admiring the world around me, a black car sped by me, spraying water up and onto my dress. I smiled softly, unable to get angry over something so small. The black car screeched to a stop about 100 feet in front of me and just kind of sat there. I paid no mind to it though reaching in my bag to grab my headphones. My iPod immediatley went to 'Happy' By Pharell as a big smiled broke out on my face. The black car never once moved as I crossed it, so I paid it no mind.

I reallyyyyy wish I would have though...then maybe my life wouldn't suck right now.

Walking into the small florist shop, I threw my bag onto the ground and slid up on top of the counter.

"What color are we wearing today petunia?" I smiled and the quiet, whispy voice I knew so well. The said man in question rounded vc corner, oxygen tank hooked up and smile in tact on his ancient caucasian face.

"Lovely navy dress honey, let me see what I have." Mr. Gyles patted my knee softly and wheeled away in search of the flowers. I looked through some of the catalogs he had sitting on a desk where he had circled some things to order.

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