Stefano Magaddino (1891-1974)

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The next couple of days were hectic.
Upon going home and telling the families of the news of Brycen supposedly trying to end my life, everyone was on edge.
Things began to get more and more tense, everyone was constantly looking over there shoulders. This was what truly worried me. This crime family was among the most lethal in the world. There was very little that made them uneasy, and the fact that it was my estranged family that was doing so made me feel even worse. Feelings of guilt began to surface as I looked around me and saw the unease that I had caused the families. Eyes were constantly on me, I was required to check in with Harry and Des every couple of hours, things were getting hectic.

Tonight was a family meeting, tomorrow we were due to board a plane that would take us back to the States.
I stood in mine and Harry's room wrestling my curly hair into a bush of a ponytail at the nape of my neck. Smoothing my hands down my blue dress, I frowned in the mirror and straightened a few wrinkles.

"You've been quiet." I startled as I spun around to see Harry, who was leaning against the doorframe of our closet. His arms were crossed over his chest, eyebrows furrowed, as his eyes locked onto mine, searching.

"I've just been thinking."

"About what." I slowly walked over to him and craned my neck up to see him.

"I feel guilty." Harry's eyes widened slightly before his arms dropped to rest his hands on my hips.

"Why is that."

"All of this edginess, this nervousness, looking over his shoulder is due to my's because of me." Harry's eyes softened as he lifted a hand to run through his hair before dropping it back to circle my waist. One arm wrapped around me while the other slid under my chin and lifted my head up.

"Darling...first of all, those...people, are not your family. We are your family, we care about you and we love you, not those assholes. Secondly, while these families may be connected to you, it is most certainly not your fault. If they wanted to match us in crime ranks, then they would have come eventually wether you were here or not, you have got to believe me on this." I sighed softly before nodding. Harry gazed into my eyes for a moment before saying:

"Also...I would gladly take on anyone who dare threaten to take you away from me." I looked up at Harry, smiling as he leaned down and pressed his soft lips against mine. He kept his lips pressed to mine for a few seconds before beginning to move his mouth. We kissed for a moment before he demanded entrance into my mouth. I opened mine to allow his to intertwine with mine. I felt my knees go weak as Harry tightened the arm around my waist holding me up and close to his body. He pulled back abruptly, yanking my head to the side and attaching his lips to my neck. I let out a quite groan as he worked a bruise into the skin behind my ear. I felt his hand going lower, almost to where I needed him most right befor-

*KNOCK KNOCK* "YOU HORNY HEATHENS GET YOUR ASSES DOWNSTAIRS." Louis's loud voice rang through our room. Harry pulled back with a quiet "dammit" as I shook my head to clear the sexual haze clouding it. Harry looked down at me and smiled at me before holding out his hand. I stared at it for a moment before coming to my senses and grabbing it. Harry chuckled and led me out of our room to the right wing of the house. Entering the room, the meeting had already started. Louis glared at us and pointed towards two empty seats. Harry smirked and I blushed as we took our seats.

"There's been another wounding." Harry and I sat up straighter at Yaser's words everyone going stiff.

"Father...please tell me this isn't true." Zayn frowned, his hand moving to rest on Louis's thigh.

"I'm afraid it is son..." Mark confirmed gravely.

"And this's...abit closer to us." Gemma spoke up this time, she and Niall seated close together.

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