Greg "The Grim Reaper" Scarpa (1928-1994)

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*Harry's POV*

I was leaning down lacing up my boots. I thought it was downright ridiculous that we had to wear full black in the dead of Las Vegas summer. What the Fuck are we supposed to be hiding from??

"You still love her don't you..."

I looked up to see Gemma. Her long lavender wavy hair was a stark contrast to her all black outfit. I did something I hadn't done in years.

I held my arms open for her.

She looked at me somewhat shocked but smiled softly and pulled me up out of my seat, sat down and then pulled me into her lap. Which is quite comical because I'm at least six inches taller than her. Nevertheless though, I tucked my head into her neck and listened to what she had to say.

"You never answered my question Frogger." I squirmed at the childhood nickname but sighed.

"Yes...but she fucking lied to us Gem??!"

" you honestly believe that she lied to us? She started crying Harry sweetheart...she was scared, I am willing to bet my favorite knife that that poor baby had no recollection of what we were even talking about...either that...or...something terrible..." I put my head up and frowned.

"Like what?" Gemma sighed and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Froggerrr....what do we do to those who want out, but we NEVER want them to say anything?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We smack them across the head to where it makes them lose their....ohhhhh..." My heart dropped.

"Exactly, I don't doubt what Dad saw because he has good eyes...I just think that maybe, just maybe, she was apart of Hints but for whatever reason...she wanted out." I frowned.

"Well...if we find her...we'll know, because it shouldn't have been that long ago, she'll have a lump at the base of her head." I sighed.

"If she does have a bump at the back of her head Gem...what am I gonna do?? No telling how much I'be scared her!" Gemma sighed sadly.

"I...I don't know, all we can do is hope baby brother...I can see how happy she makes you and I don't want to see that for one cannot stand Taylor." I shrugged.

"She's a woman...she gets the job done." Gemma frowned.

"'re digging yourself a pretty deep hole've slept with her??" I groaned.

"I don't wanna talk about it Gem." I groaned as I remembered the girl who looked exactly like Briana on the bus.

"If she does...if that was her I saw on that bus Gem...she's gonna know that... I'm cheating...I just do-"

"GEMMA, HARRY, LOAD UP" Gemma sighed and kissed my cheek softly before allowing me to get up. She walked out as I buttoned my sleeves, amd Taylor came waltzing in. I held back a gag and kissed her. I felt like I was cheating though even though Briana was a traitor...or so I had thought.

"Ready to go look for the bitch Hazza?" I scowled.

"Don't call me that and don't call her a bitch." I snarled out. Only I was allowed to insult Briana, she was mine.

"Whatever, come on, we are searching the south side first." I cringed as she grabbed my hand but followed her out to the waiting line of cars.

Zayn and Louis pulled me into their Escalade.

"You guys don't think she's a traitor." Zayn remained studying my face, trying to gauge my stance on the subject. Louis however answered for both of them.

"Oh Harry, don't be so dense...we both know she's not. Look at her!" I frowned.

"Well...maybe she was we don't know..." Zayn sat back tightening his arm around Louis's waist when he tried to push away.

"Got damn you Zayn, remove your beautifully sculpted arms from me! You and I both know Briana is harmless as a fly!" I chuckled and sat back.

" a fag?"

"Yeah, he's right here." Louis smacked Zayn across the chest as he laughed while pulling out the pack of cigarettes.

I took one and lit up...somewhere in my nicotine hazy mind, I remembered that I forgot Taylor somewhere...huh...oh well. There was only one fucking female on my mind and I was going to find her if it killed me.

*Briana's POV*

"I'm about to die Panda, I am going to die...when I die, can you spread my ashes across the mountains, it will be beautiful." I adjusted my flower crown and stared up at Ashton.

"You say that every morning rush koala bear, I promise that you aren't going to die." He gave me a kiss on the neck and handed me a bottle of water.

"Drink all if that." I stuck my tongue out at him and began to drink. He went to the back and brought out a fresh batch of sugar cookies.

"You wanna decorate them cupcake?" I nodded and grabbed the pink, blue and yellow icing bags.

"Ya know...I have this really weird feeling that something bad is gonna happen today..." I couldn't seem to shake off the uneasy feeling that something off was going on.

"Koala we are going to be about we close up early, take these cookies home and watch Netflix?"

"I am not going to Netflix and chill with you!" I said laughing. Ashton got quiet and got almost this determined look in his eye. He walked over to me and took me by the waist, pulling me into his arms.
I looked up at him as he licked his lips.

"I'm gonna do something." I nodded. He leaned down and before I knew it his teeth we're sinking into my neck. However...unlike Harry,it was gentle and sweet. I Almaty missed three rough treatment but Harry had his woman, I decided it was time yo have my man. I reached up and threaded my hands into his hair, softly rubbing his scalp. We we're both so into our own world we didn't hear the door open.

We didn't hear the voices, calling to others.

We didn't hear the door lock.

We didn't hear the last man enter.

But we definitely heard the gun shots.



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