James Coonan (1946-Present)

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I managed to get a room by myself a little lower on the 26th floor of the MGM Grand. I had no doubt that the family knew where I was but so far no one had tried to come in. I was grateful for the two days that I had to myself.

I woke up on the third day and decided to head down to the pool. Getting some sun on my skin sounded great. I pulled out some shorts and a tank top from my bag as a makeshift swimsuit. Grabbing my phone, room key and a coloring book I had brought up from room service (I got super bored) and exited my room and made my way down the elevator.

Downstairs, the pool was absolutely beautiful. There were multiple pools including a lazy river. I happily walked over and gave the attendant my room card to swipe and verify my residence at the hotel. He swiped, handed me my towels and said

"Here you are Ms. Briana, the Styles-Malik-Payne-Horan-Tomlinson VIP pool gathering will be to your left in the VIPS pool." I smiled grimly and thanked him. I made sure to hook a right and head over the pool opposite that one. Paul however was watching the entrance. He looked at me to stop me, whispered something to the other guards and then picked up a backpack and made his way over to me.

"Could you use some company and or bodyguard?" I smiled and put my hand in the crook of Paul's arm.

"Yeah, been pretty lonely for the past couple days to be honest, even though the peace was much needed." Paul nodded as we made our way over to a smaller pool. Paul helped me set my things down and laid them across the beach chair. I grabbed my coloring book and pencils and went over to the pool, settling myself at a cool little over the water table. I shielded the side of my face from the sun before a big shadow cast over me. I looked up and smiled softly upon seeing Paul's huge back.

"Thank you!" He smiled and looked down at me, nodding his head.

I sat and colored for about 45 minutes before an attendant walked up to me.

"Ms. Briana?"

I looked up and cocked an eyebrow, Paul turning and eyeing the attendant.

"Your presence is requested at the Styles-Malik-Horan-Payne-Tomlinson party." I rolled my eyes.

"No thanks, but could I get two bottles of water." The attendant nodded and walked away.

"You know...I was patrolling Harry's room last night..." I looked up at Paul.


"Yeah...kid was pretty fucking depressed...I'm talking sad music, red eyes, bags, ordering copious amounts of French fries and ice cream, the works." I frowned.

"Did his cat die or something?" Paul shook his head, laughing.

"No Bri...he...dare I say it, misses you, a lot more than he cares to admit. I know some pretty sketchy stuff happened between you two while I was on leave but never in all my days of working for the Families have I ever seen him so upset over a girl. He always tosses them out when he's done without another care." I looked down and sat my colored pencil down.

"So what do you suggest I do?" Paul sighed.

"I think you should talk to him. Briana, I've heard the parents, you know Yaser, Des and the rest? They truly are sorry for what they have done. And they are NEVER remorseful. About ANYTHING they have ever done. You have this whole under your thumb Briana. They have put missions and runs on hold for you. They aren't going to let you go, no matter how long it takes you to forgive them."

"Well what would you do in my given situation Paul?" He pondered this question for a moment before turning his eyes directly onto mine.

"I know they did you bad Briana, trust me, I don't take kindly to people trying to kill me either...but, this family has turned their entire behaviors around for you. Harry has gone completely docile and sad because he thinks you aren't coming back. Louis and Zayn are acting like their daughter has gone wayward and they are the sad parents, Sophia and Gemma feel like they've lost a sister and Liam and Niall are just bathing in the regret. Every single part of the family feels touched in some way shape or form by you. Now...I'm not telling you how to live your life...but I would look into giving them another chance."

I looked down and contemplated all what Paul said. I couldn't deny that I missed Sophia and Gemma. Louis and Zayn were always there when I wanted a cuddle or talk. Liam and Niall always kept a protective eye out for me. The parents, as for them, they might take a bit of warming up to.
And Harry.

I couldn't deny I still loved him. Saying I didn't would surely get me struck down by lightning. And to see him sad would no doubt break my heart, but I had to make my decision.

As I stood up, it was made up in my mind.

Short little cliffhanger for you pandas, but I just wanted to update and not leave you guys as long as I did the first time, hope you all enjoy!

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