Louis Cohen (1904-1939)

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*Warning for Violence*

Upon entering the warehouse, Edward's facial expression shifted. Gone was the sweet, joking Edward. A cold and calculating one replaced him. His mouth remained in a grim line as men and women greeted him. He did nothing but nod his head in return. His hand wrapped around the back of my neck as he led me down a dark cement corridor.

Minutes later we arrived in front of two heavy wooden doors. Edward pulled a keycard from his pocket and held it against a discreet looking black panel, located next to the doors. A small green light flashed as the heavy doors slowly opened.

"They are bullet proof. They only appear to be wooden." I nodded as it opened to a modern designed office. The floors were shiny black hardwood floors. Everything was black, accented in grey. There were no windows, but gorgeous modern day paintings were on every wall. A large flat screen TV was mounted against the wall, across from the huge mahogany desk. Two large monitors set in the corner, showing every nook and cranny of warehouse Cameras.  They could see everything.

Upon entering the doors shut behind us. Edward made his way over to the far desk, sat down, and fixed his light green eyes on me. It all honesty...he was a little creepy. Beautiful, but creepy. Since he had dyed his hair a maroon color, it was a stark contrast from the blond. His light green eyes stood out from the darker color. He raised a hand and beckoned me over. Padding softly against the floor, I obeyed and sat down.
"Where are we?" Edward's arms never moved from the armrests on the chair, rather letting me lay against his chest.

"My office...I deal with those who Harry doesn't." I sat up and looked at him.

"But I've been on hits before...either I or Harry kills them." Edward nodded his head thoughtfully.

"Yes...but I'm sure there have been times where Harry extends the time." I frowned.

"Well yeah, there have been a couple times." Edward finally moved his arm, laying his hand on my lower back.

"As being apart of this family, you have to understand this important thing..." He leaned close to my ear, punctuating each of his next words with a kiss to my ear.

"We. Do. Not. Give. Extra. Time"He said, smirking and leaning back.

"Then what happens?" Edward opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a knock on the door. His smirk died and his eyes flashed over to a specific screen. He tapped a button.

"Come on Nick." The heavy doors opened and in came a man with done up hair, dressed in black. He was with two other larger men who dragged in an irate men.

"They come to me."

The man obviously did not recognize Edward. His eyes were blazoned with anger as he was thrown to the floor. He stared at Edward before yelling.

"YOU GAVE ME THREE MORE WEEKS I WAS GOONG TO GET YOUR MONEY, FUCKING BASTURD." The hand that was on my lower back twitched. I looked up to see Edward's face. There was a light turn down of his mouth, but other than that, his expression was blank. But I knew him. I could see the easily controlled fury behind the blank stare, it was the same look Harry got when he was being taunted.

"Hand me those pliers...in the drawer to the side of you princess." I hesitated for a second before reaching over to the drawer and pulling it open. Inside was a pair of pliers, gloves and alcohol. My heart jumped as I realized just what Edward might be about to do. I hurriedly pulled out the pliers and also handed him gloves.

He looked at the gloves and slid them on his large hands. He gave me a kiss on my forehead before lifting me up and placing me down in the chair. I watched in slight horror as he sauntered over to the man.

"You know what..." He put the handle of the pliers in his mouth while both arms reached up to tie his hair into a bun.

"I hate, when people come into my space and disrespect me, but please allow me to clarify some things for you." He took the pliers by the handles and whipped it across the man's face. While the man was screaming Edward reached in his mouth and yanked the man jaw down, effectively breaking it. Stepping back, watching the man scream, he turned to me.

"Are you okay princess, do you need to leave?" My eyes were wide from watching the scene, but I shook my head no.

It was very rare that Harry was hands-on. It was wham-bam-thank you-ma'am, with a gun shot. To see Edward so blatantly do this was assurance to me. Edward was the scarier twin, he was the one you went to when you didn't comply with the families' rules.

"Excellent, so...as I was saying...I am not my brother, my name is Edward Styles, pleased to make your shitty ass acquaintance...but what you're not gonna do, is insult me in front of my fucking woman." He again reached in the man's mouth and grabbed his tongue. Clamping the pliers down, he gave four sharp pulls and his tongue was ripped out of his mouth. I gasped and Edward's head ripped around.

"Nick, take her out." Nick came over to me and held his hand out. I put my hand in his and let him lead me out, closing the man's screams behind us out. Nick walked me down a corridor and into a small kitchen. He let go of my hand and pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge, handing it to me.

"Has Edward...always been that....that"

"Violent?" I nodded my head.

"As you heard before...my name's Nick...I've been working with the twins for almost ten years now. Harry...can be violent when he wants to...but Edward...Edward is something else, I've seen him rip a woman's nipple off after he found out she spent the money we loaned her on hiring a hitman to kill her daughter and ex-husband. He...channels something many people don't have in them...maybe some trauma from what he and Harry went through." I nodded.

"Yeah that was...that was something..."

"Yeah, but Harry has his hands filled right now, the whole family is targeting this one guy, we got word last night they've almost got him, and they're flying him out as soon as they got the son of a bitch...I feel sorry for him." Nick chuckled. My ears perked up, at Harry's name.

"Well...who are the searching for?"

"Some dude named Brycen Vancer"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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