Jack "Legs" Diamond (1897-1931)

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The next morning, I woke up to someone quickly moving around the room. I rubbed my face and set up, running a tired hand through my sleep tangled curls. My eyes adjusted to the light when I saw Briana up and quickly pulling on a hoodie.

"What the fuck?" I grumbled out regretting it because as soon as she saw I was up, she sprinted to the door. I cursed under my breath and launched out of bed, nearly getting tangled up in my bed sheets.

"FUCK" I said as I saw her foot disappearing out if the hotel room door. I hurridley ran back to the room snatching my phone off of the charger in the bedroom and quickly speed dialed the head guard down in the lobby.

"Captain Bre-"

"Breston, seal all exits immediately! Now!" Breston coughed out a yes sir. I pulled on some sweats and ran into the hallway where a confused and sleep fuzzled Zayn was poking his head out of his room.

"Haz??? What the FUCK, why is there a seal going on?"

"Briana fucking ran out before I had a chance to stop her." Zayn groaned and turned back to his room.

"I'll get Louis up." I nodded and sprinted out to the elevator area. I was scoffed and then ran to the stairwell. I looked down the banister to see Briana probably about a good 10 floors down. I took off.

*Briana's POV*

I tripped over the too long sweatpants, cursing myself when I realized I accidentally put Harry's on. I looked up and froze when I saw Harry rushing down the stairs quickly as I hurridley tried to push myself faster I was about 4 floors from the bottom before I ran smack into an arm that snatched me up and pinned me to the floor.

"I got her Harry!" I struggled against the large burly brunette who had me pinned down. I looked up to see the tip of Harry's Nikes and dropped my head, defeated.

"Thank you Breston...I'll take it from here." He said quietly. I was somewhat shocked, expecting him to yell. He gently picked me up and carried me on his hip, his arm locking around me, keeping me in place. He was silent as we made our way to the elevator and back up to the SkyLofts. I heard him murmur something to someone probably the rest of the gang before walking into our room and shutting the door. He sat me down and then backed up to lean against the wall, arms up and crossed on his chest. He raised an eye brown and I blew up.

"NO! You don't fucking get to get mad! I have been through he'll for the past 2 months! I have been on the run from a gang with a crazy member who is obsessed with me! I was happy Harry! I was living my life! I am not and was NEVER associated with another gang before I met you! So don't fucking sit here and get upset when all I fucking wanted to do was mind my own business and leave! God only knows what's happened to my mom, my siblings haven't talked to in ages, I'm color blind, I'm fat, why do you want me?? There are millions of girls out there, girls who would love to be in my place! Just...let me go please..." I finished quietly and finally looked up to Harry.

I...quite honestly don't know why I expected for it to be this big moment where Harry would have tears in his eyes. That was pretty far fetched...but...what he said...that was what got me.

"I'm sorry."


"Don't make me repeat myself. Briana. I apologize to you and all that I have put you through. However, I cannot let you go...I know that there are a million other girls who would most likely jump at the chance to be in your place. But, you are the only one who I want here. I know I'm hard to...love...I'm 54 shades of fucked up, but before all this happened I told you that I was going to try and I fully intend on keeping my word...I...I'm in love with you...and I was refuse to leave you."
I stared at him, processed what he said and then let a small smile grace my face.

"50." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What?" I walked over and pushed his arms out of the way, worming my way underneath them and wrapped my arms around him.

"50 shades...you said 54." I said grinning. He chuckled softly before kissing the top of my head and locking his arms around me.

"I fully intend on keeping you for the rest of my life. Its gonna be my arm your always on, my lap who you'll be sitting in..." He leaned down and coaxed my head up looking me in my eye.

"My ring on your finger..." He picked my hand up and kissed my ring finger.

"My bed you sleep in..." He leaned down to my ear and bit it gently, placing a kiss in its wake.

"My babies...in your stomach." I gasped as he used my shock to lean down and capture my lips in a harsh kiss.

"In fact...I think we should start working on that last one...now."


*Soooooo I know guys I'm sorry for the long waited update. School has kinda caught up with me but I wanted to give you guys a quick 900 words. But I've got it under control again, so updates should start coming once a week again.

NOWWWW, Because school is under control I feel like I can handle another story but this one will be boyxboy I have a few pairings in mind but I'd like to hear you guys feedback so let me know you can comment or message.





Let me know and keep looking for updates loves!!!!!

Also, the next few chapters are chock full of violence, this is a gang fiction! So get ready the drama is far from over!

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