Clear as Mud

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Harry?" I said as quietly as possible. His only acknowledgment that he gave me was his emerald eyes briefly flickering over to me.

"I can ...w-walk..." Harry glared at me and stopped walking.

"I don't give a fuck if you can walk or not, I'm carrying you right now so lay your head down and shut the fuck up." I flinched back and buried my head into his neck. He continued walking and pulled out his cellphone hitting a few things on the touchscreen until a dial tone could be heard.

"Hello?" A gruff voice with a thick accent anwsered.

"Jason." The voice on the other end chuckled lightly.

"Yes, what can I do for you Styles."

"How quick can you send my car here."

"Just finished the detailing kid, where are you?" Harry rattled off the address of the high school.

"It'll be there in 5 minutes." Harry gave a tiny smirk.

"Thanks Jason" Jason on the other end chuckled deeply.

"Hey anytime boss, and this detailing is on me alright, no wiring money again kid" Harry smirked evily.

"Whatever you say." Jason snortled, said his goodbye, and hung up. Harry stood there for a second, tapping a few icons on his phone and silently smirking to himself. I winced when I heard a loud roar of a car. A small, sleek rather expensive Mercedes pulled up in front of us. My eyes widened at the car. Harry stepped up to it as a man got out of the driver's seat, nodded at Harry who returned it, and the walked back to a grey Honda got in and drove off. Harry opened the door and sat me down on the seat. He was about to buckle me in when I grabbed his wrists.

"Wait!" Harry turned his icy emerald eyes to me and glared.

"Where are you taking me? I have to go home and see about my mum." Something in the taller boy's green eyes flashed and softened at the mention of my mum. He sighed, gently but firmly pushed my hands away and buckled me in to the seat. He stared at me for a second before bringing something foward and setting it on my head. I kept my eyes cast down as he weaved the flower crown back into my head. I smiled at him.

"Thank you..." I mumbled quietly. He gave me an almost soft look, but it quickly was replaced with a blank glare.

"Whatever." Harry turned and walked around sliding into the driver's seat. He smoothly started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. After getting out and onto the road, he reached over and grabbed my knee, pulling my leg close to him and then sliding his hand up and grasping my thigh, wrapping his large hand around it and squeezing. My breath caught as I sat rigid in my seat. Harry glanced for me and sighed.

"Relax ,Kitten." I immediately relaxed at his tone and the nickname made something melt inside of me. Harry turned into a rather rich looking neighborhood. I looked around wide eyed as he smoothly turned into a large tan house...mansion...White House... Buckingham Palace...Taj Mahal...okay maybe I'm exaggerating but long story short, its a big are house.

The Mercedes maneuvered into a five car garage with a Z, L, L, H, and N above each door. Harry pulled in the middle one marked H. Inside the floors were hardwood and it was deep. Each slot could easily hold 3 cars, one in front of the other. In front of Harry's Mercedes was a large black Range Rover. He cut the car off and then unbuckled his seatbelt. I began to do the same when he looked over at me with icy emerald eyes.

"Stay put." I froze and dropped my hands waiting for him to get out. He rounded the car pulled my door open, leaned down and easily pulled me up and out of the seat. He settled me on his hip as if I was a toddler and strode towards the house.

It was even more magnificent on the inside. Different was a better word. The walls inside were covered with graffiti art. It was as if somebody custom did these directly onto the wall and it was absolutely gorgeous. Harry kept walking until we passed the double staircases and into a large open living room. It was gorgeous as well, a large movie style flat screen sat mounted on the wall, hardwood floors, white and tan couches sat around the room. Harry sat me down on one while he sat on the other end.

"Let's talk...because I bet you have questions." I squirmed uncomfortably on the couch, Harry eyed the movement and then scowled.

"Sit still on the couch, or you can sit still on my dick." He said it so bluntly that I had to register what he had said to me before I went still. I wrung my hands and then looked at my lap.

"Why is everyone so afraid of you?" Harry was silent for a moment before I heard movement.

"Look at me when you are speaking to me." Harry hooked his hand underneath my head and brought my eyes up to his.

"Now...ask me again."

"W-why are people s-scared of you?" He rubbed his chin for a moment and then looked at me again.

"Come sit in my lap." His voice left no room for defiance. I crawled over and he hooked his hands under my armpits and straddled me so we were chest to chest.

".....have you ever heard of Des Styles?" I nodded, of course I had. Des Styles was one of the five leaders of the biggest mafia in Europe.

Everybody knew of Europe's biggest mafia. Des Styles, Mark Tomlinson, Yaser Malik, Geoff Payne and Bobby Horan were some of the most feared men in Europe. The only people that were potentially as lethal as the men were their sons. Zayn, Liam, Niall........Louis.........and...........oh shit. Gemma's full name was Gemma Styles...Harry was her brother...then that meant-

"Des Styles is my father."

I blacked out.

So sorry about not updating guys, I kinda forgot about this...very sorry I will most def try to update once every other week, please don't be mad, I came back and saw all the votes and view and I was ecstatic!!! Thanks guys!!!! There is an update coming on Wednesday so check back for that though!! I'm thinking of making Harry and Briana's relationship into a Dom/Sub. Anybody liking that idea??


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