Charles "Lucky" Luciano (1897-1962)

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I would like to start recongnizing some of the readers that I have, you guys make my day amazayn!! (Peep what I did there) (^_^)(^_^)

THIS chapter is dedicated to Ms. sierra_aylse !!!!!! She reads and almost always leaves a comment and I love it!! Thank you much Love!!


"DAD!" HARRY smacked the gun out of his father's hand as I near about sagged with relief. Des however, glared hatefully at me.

"Harry, get the fuck away from her."

"Why? The fuck you just damn well met her?!"

"Harold...she's apart of the rival gang." My ears damn near fell off. Rival gang??? I had no idea about gangs before I met Harry and now apparently I was apart of one??

"Dad, what the hell are you talking about." I looked around. Everyone had stopped talking and was now staring at the scene. The parents we're glaring at me, knowing looks on their faces. The boys, Gemma and Sophia we're just staring at me.

"Our rival gang, Hints, your so-called 'girlfriend' is in it.

*Harry's POV*
My eyes widened.

There was no way.

Not my sweet girl...not Bri...but then I realized... My eyes narrowed and turned to Briana, but I tried to keep my cool.

"Briana...please...PLEASE tell me that my dad is lying right now." Her eyes widened and filled with tears.

"I don't even know what he's talking about!" I glared.

"So now you'ready going to fucking lie you stupid bitch??? Leading me on this whole fucking time?? You're probably trying to bloody spy on us huh? They fucking sent you??" Her eyes widened and that's when I snapped.

She lied.

*Briana's POV*

Harry snapped.

I saw the exact moment that he did. His eyes snapped from a stormy green to almost pitch black. I had read about people's eyes doing that, but only in fan fictions and story books, but this?? This was downright frightening. I saw his hands going to my throat in almost slow motion before I felt my air supply being shut off. My feet left the floor as Harry lifted me up by my neck, I vaguely heard people start to scream before I was dropped. A scream left my mouth as I landed on my hand, bending my fingers backwards and breaking them I knew. I jumped up however and scooter back.

"Harry, don't fucking let her go, she's probably gonna go back to them!" Des screamed.

So I ran.

I did not pass go, I did not collect 200$, I got the FUCK out of Dodge. I could hear feet pounding behind so I hurridley yanked off my high heels, mid-run (don't ask me, you do crazy shit when you're about to be killed) and I took off. I forced my legs to run faster, adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I made it outside of the MGM Grand where we were at and quickly bolted into the busy Las Vegas foot traffic. I turned around to see if anyone was following sighed heavily when I didn't see anyone. However, I didn't stop till I came to a deserted looking street, which would normally scare me but deserted meant none of Harry or his crazy ass family.

What was Des talking about?? I had no idea about gangs until Harry plucked me out of my sad, but serene life. I looked around where I was and then slowly sunk to the ground putting my head between my knees to slow my racing heart beat.

I thought about my options here. I still have no earthly idea what other gang I am so called 'associated' with but apparently they know who I am, so not only am I on the run from Harry's gang but this other so-called gang as well.

I reached into the purse I just realized I must have run out with (Point for Briana) and looked through it...a few tubes of lip gloss wallet! I looked into it to see...a debit and a credit card. I wasn't stupid, if I used those Harry would track me down in a heart beat. I through those out when my eye caught something green. I pulled out two huge wads of cash. Counting them, each one of them held 5,000$ so I had 10,000$. That was enough to put me up for a few days at least.

Standing up, I dusted myself off and made my way back to the street to find a motel.

After walking for awhile I came to a pretty okay looking Motel. Walking into it, there was an older woman behind the counter. She looked greasy and unclean, but had a kind face.

"Hi...I'd like a room please." She looked at my appearance.

"You running from something?" She said eyeing me as she took in my British accent.

"...yeah..." She smiled revealing yellow and black teeth and I would have gagged if not for her kind words following.

"I'all make sure no one finds you sweetheart...this room is at the very back of the motel, shouldn't be visible to outside's on the house tonight...go get some rest." I smiled thankfully and took the key, making my way back to the room.

Opening the door I looked around. It wasn't nice but it was good enough for me. I set my purse down in the bed and shook the covers out making sure there we're no bugs or anything. I pulled off my dress and turned off the lights, flipping the tv on. Placing a chair against the door I fell into bed, drifting into a long restless sleep.

*Harry's POV*
"Mr. Styles...we have lost sight of her." I was already fucking breathing hard and then these assholes come and make my blood pressure come back up.

"What the fuck do you mean you guys lost her???" Liam came jogging up and of course the basturd wasn't even breathing hard.

"He means Harry, she ran directly into foot traffic in Las Vegas, in the summer time...they're so many people here, its literally impossible for us to keep track of a girl who is barely 5 feet." Harry groaned in frustration.

"We need to find" Liam nodded as the two men made their way back towards the MGM Grand.

Harry sighed. He had looked forward to bringing his little baby here, he thought she would love it. He couldn't even fathom how the tiny indie flower crown wearing girl could possibly be mixed up in gang related activity. the back of his mind he felt that he had made a terrible mistake...maybe Bri really didn't know anything abouf a rival gang...

TBH guys, look for this story again either tonight or tomorrow, I am in a wrtiting sort of mood, so the next chapter should be up REALLY soon!

Love you all!.Keep voting and commenting! Keeps my spirits up, and let me know how you think the story is going! We are just getting started here! This is the first REAL chapter.


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