Please Forgive me

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 Author's note:The image displayed is Jamie Rowe. Thank you guys so much for reading!! I really appreciate it! Let me know what you think:)

The sunlight had just began to reach my window when Captain Levi arrived to my barracks.

"Your not wearing your uniform." Captain Levi eyed me over, holding a garment-bag. I eyed the bag, was my uniform really inappropriate? 

"Yes Captain." I took the garment bag from Levi's hands, eying Levi's attire, he was wearing a black suit and cloak with his usual cravat. "Thank you Captain, I''ll change now it won't take me long." I nodded to Levi, closing the door, the door halted at Levi's hand. 

"You do realize there will be no going back on this once we get in the carriage." Levi watched me as he blinked.

"Yes Captain." My voice cracked, my insides shaking with anxiety. Levi nodded, walking away from the door, 

"I'll wait for you outside." 

"Sir!" I stepped outside my door hurriedly, Captain Levi halted his walk, turning a bit to face me. "I just wanted to say, thank you." Captain Levi nodded, then turned back around, walking away. 

"Let's not be late Aaltonen, I have other obligations to attend to."

The dress was nothing special, light blue with white lace lining the neckline. I tugged at the collar of the dress, this thing was unbelievably restricting. I pulled the at the fabric in attempts to gain a bit of comfort. "Stop fiddling." I looked at Levi, his gaze was focused out the window of the carriage. I looked down at the necklace in my hands, I just wasn't comfortable today, nothing felt right. What was I supposed to say to Jamie's parents? Saying sorry wouldn't bring her back, nothing would. I drew in a deep breath, staring at the delicate emerald in my hands. A drop of water landed on my hand, I blinked, sending more tears onto my hands, Levi nudged me. I looked up, Levi's gaze was still focused out the window, his hand holding out his handkerchief to me. 

"Thank you Captain." I took the handkerchief, wiping my hands from the tears and making sure Jamie's necklace was clean. Then I wiped the cloth under my eyes, did he think I was weak? Did he want me out of his squad? The carriage stopped, the same effect taking place with my heart. I looked out the window to find Jamie's home, the spot on her roof where we used to watch the sunset, it was almost meaningless now. The walk to the door was the longest walk of my life, I felt myself shaking. I drew in deep breaths, calm down, don't break, not in front of her parents. Not in front of Mr and Mrs Rowe, Levi looked back at me, I straightened my back and at my nod of approval Levi knocked on the door. 

"Coming!" I heard the smile in Mrs Rowe's voice, oh God. The door opened sooner then I expected, Mrs Rowe smiled at my face, "Quinn!" Jamie's mother wrapped her arms around me, please forgive me.

"Hello Mrs Rowe, is Mr Rowe home?" I pulled away from the hug as Jamie's mom noticed Captain Levi.

"Yes, he just got back, I'm sorry are you Captain Levi?"

"I am, pleasure to meet you." Levi nodded, then Mrs Rowe looked back to the carriage,

"Is Jamie with you?" My stomach acid raced to my throat, I swallowed hard.

"Not exactly, may we come in?" Levi watched Mrs Rowe's face.

Oh! Yes, please come in we're about to have dinner." Jamie's mom stepped back, allowing us to enter.

"Honey we have visitors!" Mrs Rowe called down the hall,

"Oh?" Jamie's father's voice came from sown the hall, "Who is it?" At this Mrs Rowe looked at me, with a gesture of her head.

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