"In case things go to shit"

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I watched the burnt cabin in confusion, did someone do this? Or had I left a candle on? I couldn't have, I was very diligent when it came to simple things like that.

"Quinn." I tore my eyes away from the cabin, meeting eyes with Levi.

"Yes Captain?" I straightened my shoulders,

"You'll stay in my quarters until we find somewhere else for you to reside." I pulled my brows together, "I won't be there with you." Levi scowled at my reaction, "The last thing we need is a rumor."

"Yes Captain." I averted my eyes as Levi walked away. "But sir!" Levi turned around at my words, "Where will you sleep?"

"I will be fine Quinn, you need to rest. Don't make a mess in my quarters." Levi turned away from me, walking away before I could stop him again.I used the key Levi gave me to unlock the door, just focus on not getting anything dirty, just clean up after yourself and you'll be fine. I pushed the door open, well so much for not getting everything dirty, it was just like his office; beyond spotless. I looked down at my dirty boots, no way I was wearing these inside, I bent down, placing one hand on the door frame, balancing my weight as I pulled off one of my boots.

"Intimidated already?" Eld chuckled as he came onto view, I smiled a bit,

"Just don't want to get it horrifically dirty." Eld laughed a bit, leaning his back against the side of Levi's cabin,

"Sleep well kiddo." Eld crossed his arms, scowling at the dark beyond the cabin, what was he doing?

"Um," I pulled my other boot off, inspecting Eld's position, "I don't think Captain is coming back."

"I wasn't waiting for him." Eld smiled a bit, turning his focus back to the darkness in front of us. I pulled my brows together

"What are you-?"

"Standing watch." Gunther came from my left, smiling a bit, I'll be watching the back until dawn, then it's Auruo and Petra's turn, Captain's making rounds right now."

"So it wasn't in accident." I pulled my brows together, who would-? "It was Cecile wasn't it?"

"Don't worry about that Kiddo, get some rest." Eld spoke, nodding to Gunther, "He comes around here, Captain will take care of him." I shook my head,

"But he can't-."

"I can." I turned around swiftly to Levi's voice, "Get to bed kiddo, we've got your back." I eyed them, walking into the cabin, I turned around, watching as Levi as he shut the door behind me. What was Levi going to do if Cecile did show up? How long were they going to keep me here?! Was Cecile acting alone? Were my friends safe?! I rolled my eyes 'get to sleep' my ass, sleeping while my close friends and family were in danger because of me, didn't sit well with my stomach. My eyes darted to Levi's window as a shadow passed, I breathed through my nose, walking to it swiftly, being cautious not to give my location away, was there a way that I could signal Levi without potentially harming myself? This could be a false alarm, maybe it was Levi or Eld, maybe Gunther? Only one way to find out, I jumped out from behind the curtains, almost pissing myself when I met Levi's eyes. I squealed a bit, covering my mouth, my heart beat raced in my ears as Levi scowled. 

"Go to sleep, that's an order!" Levi's muffled command made its way through the glass and to my ears perfectly, I exhaled, grabbing my side as I closed the Curtains with my other hand. I'll be attempting to sleep then, I crawled into Levi's bed, surprisingly it was a bit firmer than I thought it would be, but somehow still managed to be comfortable. I pulled the covers over my shoulders, feeling awkward when I recalled who's bed I was sleeping in. I shifted in Levi's bed as sleep evaded me, my thoughts and emotions were too loud, was Cecile that extreme? It must have been him, why else would the Squad be protecting me the way they were now? The creaking of an opening door interrupted my thoughts, "If you're still awake it's just me." Levi shut the door behind him as I sat up. "I'm not staying long, but I needed to discuss something with you." Did they catch Cecile? Was he dead? Levi read my face, averting his eyes as he pulled up a chair, reaching into his jacket and retrieving his pocket knife, "Keep this with you, just in case things go to shit." I held out my hand, feeling the cold metal tingle my skin. "It's been with me awhile now, and it's always done its job well, keep it on you." with that said Levi was heading for the door,

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