The man with the Red hair

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I mounted Aries, as the rain began to pick up, I pulled my hood over my head, since it was raining, Commandant Shadis had informed me that the cadets would be running today. He had given me the option of running along with the cadets but he had also said that I had the option to ride horseback, and I wasn't up for running after all the extra training Levi had me doing.

"Quinn wait!" I looked over my shoulder, bringing Aries to a stop. Petra approached me, her hood up and her hands holding something, "Here." I reached down taking the loaf of bread, "You need to eat some kind of breakfast, right?" She gave a small smile as I put the bread in the small satchel Petra had gotten me awhile back as a sort of 'welcome home' present. I nodded, forcing a small smile,

"Thank you, Petra."

"Quinn." Levi's voice caused my spine to straighten,

"Yes, sir?" 

"Take it easy today kiddo."

"Yes sir." And with that I made my way to the training grounds, making Aries pick up speed, I had promised Shadis I would be early in order to help set up the wooden cut outs that the Cadets would use after running. Shadis came into view along with another figure, both of whom were mounted on their horses. Shadis seemed to notice me coming, this prompted the other hooded figure to look back at me as well, allowing me to see their red hair.

"Alright Aaltonen, you look better with short hair than you do with that long braid." That guy from outside the walls, was that him? He was the only person I had ever met to have red hair. If it was him I would be able to recognize him due to the scar on the left side of his face. Why was I so interested in if it was him or not? Shadis yelled something, sending the other figure to help with the wooden cutouts.

"Good morning Aaltonen."

"Good morning Commandant, where do you want me?" Commandant Shadis stayed on his horse, seeming to glare at the figure he had just sent away.

"We have a trouble maker on our hands Aaltonen. I found that one wandering around outside of his quarters last night after curfew, I don't trust him."

"I'll look after him sir."

"Thank you Aaltonen, he'll be toward the end of the training course."

"Yes sir!" I nodded, about to send Aries into a sprint when Shadis spoke up, "Be careful Aaltonen!"

Aries was running full speed, if Shadis didn't trust him, I didn't trust him, especially alone. The end of the training course began to come into view as I brought Aries to a slower pace, he was no where in sight, where could he be? A large groaning sound came from my left as a cutout fell directly in front of me, I pulled back on Aries' reigns, the shock bringing him to stand on his hind legs and letting out a loud grunt as he landed. I reached out in comfort, stroking his side as I calmed him.

"Sorry about that." I looked up in the tree to the man with the scar on his face, it was him. I stared at him, he was clutching to the tree as if his life depended on it, his knuckles white, his posture tense.

"You alright?" I pulled my eyebrows together as I studied his tense position in the tree.

"Uh, I think so." At this statement he loosened up a bit, allowing him to use his gear to lower himself down.

"Quinn, right?"

"Yeah, sorry I seem to have forgotten your name."

"Logan, Logan Thatch. Nice to officially meet you." At his words I unmounted Aries, then extended my hand out to him.

"Tell me Logan," I began, as I gripped his hand, locking my eyes onto his, "Why are you here?" Logan's face went white at my question, his eyes frantically scanning my face.

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