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     “Thank you for being so kind, Sydney. I really appreciate it.” Jin smiles and gently pats the top of my head. “I hope that you guys have a good time and stay safe.” 

     More smiles are thrown around between the three of us, but all I can think about is what Jin said. ‘Stay safe.’ I don’t know if he was talking about what I think he was talking about, but either way- my face lights up with embarrassment. Was he really hinting at me and Yoongi… Doing stuff together?...

     “Thank you for checking up on me, Hyung. Be careful getting home.” Yoongi and I walk behind Jin to the front door and see him off. We all wave entirely too much and wait for the car to be out of sight before we stop. 

     Yoongi sighs and closes the door behind us. “So, still up for that barbecue?” Wide smiles stretch on both of our faces and we don’t have to share anymore words before getting in the car as fast as we can.


     Hours have gone by and it feels like forever. In the best possible way, of course. When Yoongi and I talk or hang out, it feels like time slows down just for us to enjoy. It’s like the universe is giving us more time together. I don’t know whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing, either way- it feels incredible. 

     One hour with him feels like a whole day and I never want it to end. It’s so rare to feel like this, and I know I need to cherish it, but I’m still so baffled at how it happened. 

     I was thinking about this while we had our barbecue, actually. How had we not met before? We have so many things in common already. My mom’s diner, the grocery store that we both go to for the same jar of pickles, Hell, we even accidentally had a conversation over messaging. It feels like we were supposed to meet. Yet, the one thing that actually brought us together was a poor experience on both ends.

     A bad date, a ferris wheel, a diner, a jar of pickles, and a pillow. These things tied our strings of fate together.

     With those thoughts in my head, we make it back home and, despite my protests, Yoongi chooses to sleep on the couch and I go overthink in my room until sunrise.


     “I’ve told you before, you need to have these things if you’re going to be living with me. It’s really not a big deal!” I exclaim with a soft smile and a tilt of my head.

     We had a short morning since we have a lot to do today. Yoongi and I have been in Ikea for two hours now trying to pick things out for his room. The only reason it’s taking so long is because he feels bad about me paying for all this stuff. Almost everything I suggest he get, he turns down because of the price tag.

     “I really don’t feel like this is all necessary. I don’t need the desk or the fancy chair.” Yoongi grimaces when he takes a look at all the pallet carts we have being pushed behind us by a few employees. The sheer number of carts following us draws a lot of attention from our fellow shoppers. “Just an air mattress and some hangers would be great, and I can buy them! This really feels like too much…”

     I turn to the man beside amd and look him straight in the eyes, hands on my hips. “Min Yoongi. I already told you where this money came from and what I do with it. I want you to feel at home and I have plenty of money to spare, so it’s a win-win situation.”

     My hands return to the cart that I’ve been pushing around. I understand how he feels and why he feels like that, but if I want him to stay for longer than two weeks, I have to make sure he’s comfortable.

     Yoongi rubs the back of his neck and sighs warily. “Sydney, I really don’t think this is necessary. I don’t have enough money to pay you back for all of this stuff…” 

     I love the way my name rolls off his tongue, but I can tell from the look in his eyes that I’m going overboard. I don’t want to make him upset. I wrack my brain for any solution I can think of to the problem I’ve created for myself. 

     “... What if I let you choose one thing to put back. Not the bed, the dresser, or the desk. Those are necessities.” I lower my voice as I offer a compromise to the beautiful man next to me.

     Yoongi’s face scrunches, “How about two things? None of the necessities, but two things that I don’t need.” His hands rub together in front of his chest and he bounces on the balls of his feet gently, awaiting my reply. 

     I sigh dramatically and smile at him. “Fine, I guess you can put two things back. Make it quick, though, I’m ready to get out of here.”

     Yoongi decided to replace the desk chair I chose with a much more simple, and cheaper, model. He also chose to exchange the bed set I picked out. Apparently, according to him, I chose the ‘Most expensive bed set in the whole world. What is it made out of? Diamonds?!’


     When we finally get everything checked out and packed up into the moving truck (I didn’t tell Yoongi how expensive it was to choose the delivery option. He would’ve had a cow.) We hop in my car and lead the moving truck behind us to my house. The movers were very friendly and complimented the artwork inside. 

     “Thank you guys so much! It’s a huge help, so take this.” I hand over a hundred dollar bill to both of the movers. “I hope you guys have a safe trip back!”

     “E-Excuse me, miss, but I think you gave us the wrong bills.” One of the movers speaks up with a shaky voice. He tries desperately to force the money back into my hands.

     Laughing, I gently push the bills back over to the men. “No, I gave you the right ones. You guys were such a huge help and it means a lot that you both were so friendly the whole time too.” I hand over a bottle of water to each of them as well. “Oh, and take these for the road. Sorry I didn’t think to offer them before.” 

     The movers say their thank you’s and goodbyes as they head out the front door. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as nice as you. How are you so nice to everyone?” Yoongi walks up behind me and leans against the wall. His voice sounds light and peaceful. I’m glad I didn’t upset him too badly earlier. 

     I shrug my shoulders and turn to face him after locking the front door. “I don’t really know. I know what it’s like when someone’s mean to you and I don’t want anyone having to feel like that.” 

     With a smile on my face, I make my way down the hallway to Yoongi’s bedroom. I feel the man’s presence behind me as I step into the box filled room. “So… Shall we get started?”


Jungkook POV

     Furniture. She bought a small moving truck’s worth of furniture. Why is he still with her? Why did she show him options and let him choose? This is ridiculous. 

     I wouldn’t even have to see this shit if Jin Hyung brought back better information yesterday. I sent him to Sydney’s house with a mission. Find out the real reason he’s spending so much time with her and find a weakness that I could use to get him out of there.

     The only information he could give me was that she’s a painter, she has a nice house but it looks like she lives alone, and Yoongi seems really happy. I can already tell that just from watching the two of them from a distance. He’s not as pale, his smile is permanently etched onto his face, and he just looks overwhelmingly relaxed. It’s bullshit.

     ‘It almost looks like she’s his sugar mommy.’ I chuckle at my own thoughts.

     Wait. That’s it! He’s using her! Well, I’m sure he’s not actually using her, but she might believe it if I had proof… I have to get into that house somehow.

Author's note: I am so surprised at the amount of support I've gotten from you guys about this book and my health status. Thank you again, so much, for reading, voting, commenting, and just being overall kind to me.

I love you guys! Stay safe out there.

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