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Yoongi POV

     “...And after a couple months of putting the lyrics together, I think I finally finished the first song I want to put on my mixtape.” I brush my hair away from my eyes and smile in satisfaction. “It’s a little slow, though, so I hope that’s not too boring for you.” I chuckle.

     Sydney makes herself comfortable on my bed and smiles back at me. “No music is boring to me. Especially not when it really means something to the person who made it.”

     I’ve been playing different songs of mine for about an hour and a half. The rest of the time was spent answering all of Sydney’s burning questions about the music industry. ‘What made you want to go into music? How long does it take you to write a song? Where do you get most of your inspiration? How did you end up in a group instead of going solo?’ All of those types of questions.

     I was happy to answer all of them, though. It’s not everyday that a beautiful woman -that I am very interested in- is actually enthralled by my work and excited to know more. Even now as she lays on my bed, looking tired as can be, she’s still happy to listen to my musician’s rambling and my actual music as well. She just seems generally excited about most things in life.

     I turn back around to my desk and laptop to play her the song I finally finished recently. “I want your honest feedback, okay? Don’t sugarcoat anything if you don’t like it.” I glance over my shoulder and see Sydney giving me her full attention.

     “I promise I will give you my honest opinion when the song is over.” Her smile lights up her face and the way the light shines off of her eyes is mesmerising. It’s almost like the stars made a home inside of her, making her glow from the inside out.

     Without further ado, I click play on my song, listening critically to the sounds coming from the speakers. As the song rings throughout the room I can’t help but be overly harsh on myself over every single line. Maybe it’s because she’s listening to it, or maybe it's just me being a perfectionist, but I’m losing my confidence faster than I ever have before. 

     Before I can even register what happened, I hear something loud come from the living room. I turn to look back at Sydney to see if she heard it too, but my eyes only meet her sleeping form curled up on her side.

Good, I want to deal with this on my own.

     I carefully and quietly exit the room so I don’t wake up sleeping beauty. More and more rage fills me up with every quiet step I make towards the living room. I don’t know what he’s doing, but I knew something would happen. That’s why I asked Sydney to come to my room. All I want is for her to be safe, and I only trust Jungkook as far as I can throw him.

     “Shit… Shit shit!” Jungkook’s voice is quiet, but so is the rest of the house- So it’s not hard to hear him as I stand at the opening to the living room. “Son of a Bitch!” 

     It’s hard to tell in the dark, but I can barely make out the sight of Jungkook hunched over, hopping up and down while holding his foot. “Stub your toe?” I ask, voice soft but not a whisper.

     The boy before me freezes and whips his head towards me. “Hyung. What are you doing up? I figured you would’ve fallen asleep by now.” Jungkook’s voice is oozing with mischief and a slight hint of surprise.

     “Of course I’m awake. With you in this house, I’d never be able to sleep peacefully.” I flip the lights on without warning and Jungkook covers his eyes and sucks in air through his teeth in discomfort. “Now cut the shit. Why are you here?”

     “Didn’t Sydney tell you? I got drunk, she came to rescue me, and now I’m here. I figured you’d at least be smart enough to understand that.” My rage becomes fury in a matter of seconds at the boy’s words.

     My hands curl into fists at my sides and it takes everything in my to not hit him right here and now. “Keep her name out of your mouth. I’m not stupid, I know you’re not drunk. Now, why are you here?”

     Jungkook plops himself down on the couch and looks around the room. He glances at the painting I fell in love with the first time I came over here. “Is she rich or something? Or is this all Daddy’s money?”

     I know what he means when he says that, but after hearing her explanation as to why she has the money for all of this… My rage boils over. “That’s it. Your time’s up.” 

     I rush over to Jungkook and harshly grab him by the collar of his shirt, dragging him to a standing position. It takes all of my strength, but I manage to shove him towards the front door. Jungkook stumbles and his shoulders shake. For a split second, I could’ve sworn he was crying.

But I was very wrong.

     Jungkook’s shoulders shake with heavy, nearly heaving, laughter. His whole body starts to shake as well, his laughs getting slightly louder. Whatever he’s laughing at must be hilarious, because he doubles over and holds his stomach tightly. “Y-You!...” His laughter finally dies down to the occasional chuckle. “You’re pathetic!”

     If I could see myself right now, I wouldn’t be surprised to see steam coming out of my ears like in the cartoons. “What the fuck did you just say to me?” I inch closer, ready for a fight.

     Jungkook holds his stomach and laughs a bit more before making eye contact with me. He seems so calm. It’s just making me more angry. “You. Are. Pathetic.” He wipes a fake tear from his eye. “You don’t even know here, yet you’re going through all of this trouble to protect her? Yoongi, you couldn’t protect anyone. Not even yourself.”

     “You Motherfuc-”

     “You obviously didn’t do a good enough job at protecting her. Look! I’m inside her house. That she willingly invited me into. All it took was a little acting, that’s all.” Jungkook comes closer to me and straightens out my shirt casually. “What makes you think it’ll be that hard for me to get inside Sydney herself next?”

     Without thinking, I throw a punch at Jungkook’s face. I feel my knuckles connect with his nose and the cracking from both sides that come along with it. It doesn’t take long for me to feel the satisfaction from breaking his nose.

     Jungkook falls back, catching himself on the wall so he doesn’t hit the ground. His hands instantly fly to his face, holding the injury. I bend down and shake my hand out to rid myself of the pain. “Next time, think before you speak. Now get the fuck out.”

     “Just you fucking wait. You’ll pay for this Min Yoongi! Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow… But soon enough- you’ll wish you hadn’t fucked with me.” The bloody-faced man stumbles his way to the front door and lets himself out, leaving the door open and throwing up his middle finger to me.

I hope that didn’t wake Sydney up.

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