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AN: Hey! So, I looked around and found this draft from forever ago. I've also been working on fixing my writing setup so It's easier for me to crank chapters out. Sorry it's so short, but I intend to write some more chapters here soon. Enjoy!

Yoongi's POV

     'She likes me too, of that I'm certain. Now... how do I confess to her?' I smile to myself when she comes back into the kitchen. Her face is slightly pink as she takes her seat across from me.

     "How's your sister?" I ask her gently, trying to make sure she knows that I care about her and her family. Girls love a guy who actually cares about her family.

     She smiles at me and I swear, my heart melts. "She's great! Thank you for asking." Sydney twirls a strand of her hair around her finger. A light dusting of pink crosses her cheeks and just over the bridge of her nose. She looks so adorable.

      "That's great to hear, Sydney." I put on my smoothest voice and say her name in a sort of sensual manner. This is a voice that I rarely use, the tone of it not fitting daily conversation.

     The words slide from my lips so smoothly and purposefully that it seems almost natural. I make eye contact with Sydney and watch carefully for her reaction.

     The beautiful woman giggles and flits her eyes between me and her hands, obviously too flustered to make direct eye contact with me. "S-So.. how did you sleep?"

     "I slept great actually. Your bed is very warm and comfortable." I flash her a smile and watch as she practically melts in front of me. "How about you?"

     I know that I probably shouldn't ask that question, but after hearing what she talked about (the nightmares) I can't help but be curious as to why she has them and what they're about.

     She thinks for a moments and looks back up at me, "I slept really well. I can't remember the last time that I slept that peacefully."

     After hearing her words, I can't help but make a comment that I hope will fluster her even more. "Maybe I should sleep next to you more often." I chuckle.

     "U-Uh.. Yeah, that's an idea..." she laughs nervously while she speaks. Perhaps it's time to take it up a notch.

     I lean back and take a sip of my milk. "So, when you asked me to stay with you for a while... did you mean sharing a room with you?"

     Sydney nearly chokes on air at my comment. "N-No! I mean, no, I have a spare room that can be used as a bedroom. It's being used as my studio right now but it won't take long to redecorate and refurnish." She blushes furiously and clears her throat.

     God, Sydney has got to be the cutest person on this side of the world. Her cute chubby cheeks, her long silky hair, the subtle freckles dancing across her face. I just want to kiss her so badly... In due time.

     "How about we do something today? I mean, that is, if you want to. You don't have to, so don't feel oblig-" she rambles.

     I interrupt her quickly before she digs herself into too deep of a hole. "Sydney, I would love to do something with you today." I smile and stand up, taking our dishes to the sink.

     "Oh!" The beautiful woman stands up and takes the dishes from me before I can wash them. "I'll do these, you go freshen up." Her smile is brighter than any I've ever seen before, even brighter than Hobi's. I just want to see it every day.

     "Alright, I'll be out soon." I comment and make my way to the bathroom.

Sydney's POV

     "So what you're telling me, is that you don't like tomatoes?" Yoongi asks me while laughing at my disgusted face.
   "Absolutely not. Tomatoes were made by satan himself to torture me and I know it." I reply dramatically. Laughing, I take the cherry tomatoes out of my pasta and place them on a napkin in the middle of the restaurant's table.

     Yoongi and I had gone out to the movies, the boardwalk, and are now sitting down having a break and eating lunch. The movie was great (even though Yoongi fell asleep during it), and the boardwalk was really fun as well. The fluffy haired boy won a stuffed snake and was kind enough to give it to me, such a sweet gesture.

     "Can I get you guys anything else?" The waiter asks politely, pen ready to write anything we say we want.

     Min Yoongi smiles at the waiter and looks back at me as well. "Hmm.." He thinks back to the menu and what dessert options they had. "Could I get a piece of lemon meringue pie, please?"

     The waiter nods and looks at me, clearly waiting for my response. "Oh! That sounds delicious! I'll have a piece as well." I nod to lock in my answer.
The very kind waiter, who's name has escaped me, nods with a big smile and goes off to get the tasty dessert.

     "So, what kind of stuff are you into? What do you do for fun?" Yoongi asks me with the cutest smile on his face.

     I sit back in my seat and think. You know when someone asks you what you like and suddenly it's like you've never liked anything in your whole life? That's what's happening in my mind right now. I don't want to tell him something I like and have him laugh at me for liking it. I also don't want to sound completely boring if I only say one or two things. "I like painting." I start off with.

     Yoongi laughs and nods, "I know. I saw your paintings in your house remeber?" His laugh sounds like heaven and it makes my face heat up.

     "Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that." A small, embarrassed, laugh escapes me as I think of other things I like. "I like movies?" The way I say it sounds more like a question than a genuine statement.

     "What kind of movies?" The man before me places his elbow on the table and uses his hand to hold up his head.

     Again, suddenly I can't remember a single movie that I enjoy. "Uh... I really like Ponyo and most studio Ghibli movies." I look up to see his reaction to my answer and he just keeps looking at me with the same cute look on his face. "I-I also really like movies like Juno, The Virgin Suicides, Thirteen, Easy A, April Fool's Day-"

     Yoongi starts laughing so I stop my rambling. He says "Y'know you get this little sparkle in your eye when you talk about something you enjoy, right?"

     My heart starts beating a little faster at his words. 'Does he really mean that?' I cough to clear my throat a little bit. "N-No, I didn't know that..." Suddenly, my courage comes back to me. "But did you know that when you stare at me, you get the exact same sparkle?"

     My intention was to just mess with him a little bit, but when I keep eye contact with him, I can see his cheeks turning pink and his eyes widening slightly.

     Before either of us can say anything, The waiter comes back with our desserts.

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