Sydney's POV
*WOW FANTASTIC BABY* My morning alarm on my phone goes off and startles me. "Okay..." I reach over with my eyes closed to turn the alarm off, But it won't stop. "OKAY, I GET IT." I slam my hand into it furiously until it finally shuts off.
After a few minutes it goes off again. 'I guess I hit snooze on accident.' I grab my phone and turn the alarm off and take a look at my notifications. I scroll through my Instagram notifications and my snapchats. But then I stop scrolling due to a text message.
SugaFree: Hey, Sydney. I know it's early and all but I was wondering if you were free today? The boys and I have this thing to do and I was wondering if you wanted to go?
SugaFree: They all want to see you and I promise that you'll like it 😊
'This is the first time that he's used an emoji... he must be serious.'
SatansBitch: Well... what is it that you guys are doing?
SugaFree: We have to go to practice today and we all really want you to go!
SatansBitch: What is it practice for????????
SugaFree: If you agree to go, you'll find out! 😂
SugaFree: Pleeaassseee??
SatansBitch: Let me think about it...
SatansBitch: Okay 😊 what time?
SugaFree: Right now, I'm outside waiting. Hurry up!
"What?!" I jump out of bed and run to open the front door. And sure as Hell, I see Yoongi sitting in his car waiting for me.
He waves and rolls the window down. "Hurry up and put some clothes on! We're gonna be late!" He shouts and laughs.
I shut the door and sprint to my room, throwing on whatever I can find. I end up putting on a plain white t-shirt and a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. I brush my hair hastily and put in a top knot.
After grabbing my purse and my phone, I run out the door to Yoongi's car. "Min Yoongi, you are really something else, you know that?" I laugh and stare at him. "How were you sure that I was gonna say yes?"
A slight blush spreads across the beautiful man's face. "I-I wasn't sure, but I was really hoping you would. And You did. So let's go." He waits for me to put on my seatbelt before we take off.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, we make it to a big building. "So... what are you guys here to practice?" I ask.
Yoongi laughs as he puts the car in park. "You'll see." He looks at me and winks. Before I could even react, he jumps out of the car and runs to my side to open the door for me.
"I'm not gonna be murdered am I?" I jokingly ask.
"The only way you would die in here is from amazement." He smiles and leads me into the building and to the practice room.
When I walk into the room, I see that it's got mirrors on the walls and a hard wood floor. It doesn't take me long to realize that this is a dance studio. "Whoa, you guys are dancers?" I ask after I look around.
The boys didn't notice me until I spoke, but when they turn around, I get attacked with hugs from Taehyung and Hoseok. "Sydney! You actually came!" They shout in unison.
I hug them back and smile widely. "Of course I did! I wouldn't miss getting to see what you guys do." I laugh and pull away. "So you guys are dancers?"
Namjoon steps up and speaks in a confident manner. "We don't just dance, we make music. We're working on a lot of music and dances right now."
"Well can I see something, then?" I ask politely.
"Hmm... I dunno.." Jimin talks in a teasing tone. "It's gonna cost ya." He looks at me and smirks.
Yoongi walks up beside me and stands there, staring at Jimin with a serious look on his face. "What's it gonna cost her?"
"A kiss on the cheek to each of us. And then we'll show you something worth watching." Jimin speaks again. "All of us."
As soon as Jimin said 'all of us' Jungkook flinched and looked towards to the door to the practice room, probably wanting to escape. Yoongi, on the other hand, gives a death glare to Jimin.
"I'm kidding! I'm kidding, calm down, Hyung." Jimin backs up and goes to stand next to Jin for protection.
I walk back to the wall and sit down cross legged. "Show me something. I wanna see what you guys can do."
They all nod and smile proudly. "This song is called Danger. We've worked on it for a really long time so I hope you like it." Namjoon says as they all move to their respective spots.
Yoongi's POV
'How dare Jimin say Sydney has to kiss all of us on the cheek.. If anyone would get that kiss it ME! He's so rude. Can't they see that I'm interested in her? That makes me wonder... A-Are they interested in her too?'
The music starts once we've all gotten into our places and readied ourselves. 'This is it.. I have to dance my heart out to impress her. Sydney, you have no idea how hard I'm working just so you watch me.' My thoughts run rampant as I dance. I keep watching her, hoping to catch her eyes.
Finally, her eyes land on me and it's like I have to give it my absolute all just to keep her attention. 'Please... Sydney keep watching me. Don't fall for the others..'
Sydney's POV
As I watch them all move in sync with each other, it's like watching angels glide across the floor. Sexy angels. I constantly have to tear my eyes away from one member and move on to the next.
One man catches my attention in a different way. Yoongi is watching me while he dances intensely. It's like he wants me to watch him. He's so beautiful, and a great dancer (better than me at least). I can't take my eyes off of him the whole time.
As I'm watching him, I notice a smirk form on his face. My heart jumps in my chest and does summersaults in my body. My face goes blood red and I know for sure now... I might be falling for him.

The Pillow | Yoongi
Fanfiction'A bad date, a ferris wheel, a diner, a jar of pickles, and a pillow. These things tied our strings of fate together.' As the truth would have it- You can love someone that you met two weeks ago, more than someone you've known for two years. Time i...