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Yoongi's POV

After about twenty minutes of laying with Sydney in her bed and making sure she's asleep, I slowly and quietly get up to leave the house. "I had a really good time.. I'll see you again soon." I whisper.

Closing her bedroom door, I head to the living room to grab my things. I turn off the tv and put the pickles back in the fridge before heading out the door, locking it behind me.

'God, I'm so tired... I should've just stayed there on the couch.' My brain yells at me, telling me to go to sleep as I unlock the door to my home and walk inside. I didn't bother being too quiet, everyone here are heavy sleepers.

"Where have you been?" Jeon Jungkook speaks sternly out of nowhere. I jump and turn around.

"I was out. Why does it matter to you. And why aren't you asleep? We have practice tomorrow." I try desperately to change the subject.

Jungkook stares at me from the couch and crosses his legs. "That doesn't matter. Now, where did you and Sydney really go?" He burns holes into my face from his stare.

"I'm serious. Why does it matter? It's not like she wanted to hang out with you anymore after you pulled that stunt with the slut." I spit like venom.
After a moment of waiting for his response, I decide that it's not worth it.

"Listen to me. I don't have any intentions of dating her. She's hot. And innocent. I want her.. just not for the long run. I'm just trying to have some fun and you're ruining that for me." The younger boy says angrily.

I scoff and turn around to face him. "Jungkook, you don't even know who she is. If you took the time to learn a little bit more about her, you'd know that what you're doing should be a fucking crime." I walk towards him. "She's beautiful and caring and kind and sweet and her house smells like pumpkin spice and her favorite color is yellow. You don't even know the beginning of how great she is."

I lower my voice after I realize that I've been shouting. "She is so great, that even after she saw you flirting with someone else, she played it off like it wasn't anything. And she was still kind to you afterwards." I take a few steps back and smirk. "You had your chance, Kook. Now it's my turn. It's my turn to show her that there are people out there who can treat her right."

Jungkook looks down at the ground and sighs in defeat. "Whatever." He gets up and pushes past me to get to his bedroom.

I sit down and close my eyes, smiling to myself. I can't stop thinking about her. It's so unusual for me to fall this fast, or to really even fall at all. I hope that she and I can be close.

Once I'm just about to completely fall asleep, a hand claps my shoulder. "Jesus! You scared the shit out of me." I speak quietly when I see that it was Jin.

"Hey, what did I tell you about swearing?" He points at me and then waves his hand, "Whatever it doesn't matter, that's not what I'm here for right now. I heard your conversation with Jungkook." He says slowly.

I sit up and look anywhere but his face. "Oh yeah?.." I cant think of anything to say about it. I lose all my confidence when Jin goes into 'Mom Mode'.

"Yes, I did. I think what you said was very appropriate. He doesn't deserve her and she doesn't deserve to get hurt... And from the way you talking about her just then... I'd say you guys had a pretty good time together tonight." He smiles at me and nudges me with his elbow, making me giggle like a child.

"We had a great time! We rode the Ferris wheel and then after that we went to her moms diner, the one you guys met us at. And then after that she invited me to her house and watched a movie.. I mean, kind of. We both fell asleep during it. But when I woke up, she was curled up in my lap, and hugging me and she looked so cute... so I picked her up and took her to her bed and tucked her in and stuff. But then she asked me to stay so I laid down and cuddled her and it felt like magic. She's so cold, but I'm so warm and it was so nice. But then I figured that she wouldn't like waking up next to pretty much a stranger so I left." I feel the word vomit coming out but I can't stop it. Damn, there must be something about this girl that makes people do that. First Jungkook, and now me. Sydney really is something.

Jin laughs at me when I stop, out of breath and smiling like an idiot. "You really like her, huh?"

I stop and take a deep breath. 'Do I like her? Is it too early to say that? I just met her in person today... but she's so wonderful and inviting. She makes me feel like I've known her for years.' I look over at Jin and smile, "I do. I really really do."

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