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Yoongi's POV

     'I can't believe I just did that oh my god. I'm holding her hand. I rode a Ferris wheel with her. I'm carrying this huge bear for her because it's too big for her to carry. This is so romantic, my heart is going to explode..'

     "Yoongi? Are you alright?" Sydney snaps me out of my thoughts.

     "Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm great. My nerves are still a bit on edge because of the ride, I guess." I force a laugh to disguise my blush and awkwardness. "So, what do you want to eat? Anything you want, my treat."

      She looks up at me with questioning eyes, "Are you sure? I don't want to take money from you.. you already went out of your way to pick me up today. AND you rode the Ferris wheel when you really didn't want to..."

     I squeeze her hand gently. "I'm sure, seriously. Anything you want. I'm paying whether you like it or not." I smile and stare at her eyes.

     Her eyes are so gorgeous. They're a beautiful hazel color with more green than brown, and in the place of brown is actually gold. Her eyes drew me in and I could easily get lost in them.

     "Hmm... do you like food trucks? Cause if not, I know this really great diner not far from here that we could go to." She offers her idea so quietly that I almost don't hear her.

     I look away for a moment after noticing the blush spread across her face. "The diner sounds really good, actually. Do you wanna go?"

     Her face brightens and her smile lights up my heart. "I would love to. Shouldn't we tell the guy where we're going though?"

      I think for a second. 'If I tell them, then they'll want to go too.. but if I don't tell them, they'll think we went missing..' I decided not to tell them. "They'll be fine, don't worry about it." I smile back at her and lead her back to my car.

Sydney's POV

     When we start to drive away, I give him directions to my favorite diner. It's very special to me. Not just because the food and the service is great, it's special because it's my mom's diner. After my father passed away, she had to look after the diner herself, but she loves the work....

     Plus, I get free food there.

      Finally, we pull into the parking lot and he helps me out of the passenger side carefully. "So, this is the place, huh? I think I've eaten here once or twice." He smiles as I lead him inside.

     "Yup, this is it. Twenty four hours, best food, and the best service in the whole world." I open the door and walk over to my favorite booth.

      "Hey Sydney! Whatcha doin here this late, girl? Your mama's gonna kick your ass if she finds out you're out with a boy." My moms best friend, Dina, shouts from the bar.

      "Dina, I'm an adult now, I can be out with a boy if I want!" I playfully shout back at her and take a seat across from Yoongi, who seems to be very confused.

     "Is that like... Your aunt or something?" He asks looking in Dina's direction.

     I shake my head, "Oh! No, this is my mom's diner. That's Dina, my moms best friend and main manager under my mother." I smile and hand him a menu. "Get whatever you like, everything we get is free." I wink at him and look down at the menu myself.

     "Wait, this restaurant belongs to your mother?" He stares around in disbelief. He tells me about how he had been there quite a lot since he was little. It was his favorite place to go for breakfast before school when he was younger. "I love this place. I can't believe that your mom owns it!"

     I laugh and take my eyes off the menu for a moment to look at his face. It's unbelievably beautiful. So symmetrical... and his eyes are beautiful. His skin is so smooth, I just  want to touch it.. And not only that, but he's genuinely kind hearted. He was the only one who asked if I was okay when we caught Jungkook. The others just tried to keep me away from the situation... I can't stop thinking about how Yoongi's hands are so slender, yet strong. And they are just as beautiful as the rest of him. He's perfect.

     "Sydney, baby, are you alright. You look like you're about to cry.." Dina waves her hand in front of my face to get my attention.

     I shake my head and look at her with a smile. "I'm okay! I'm just having trouble deciding what to get. Should I get the special or should I get my usual?" I ask to draw her attention away from me.

      "I'll get you the usual. The special today has a lot of tomatoes." Dina offers and smiles at me. "I know you hate tomatoes."

      "Dina, you're a life savor. I swear, it's like you're my mom when mom isn't here."

      Dina smile and asks Yoongi what he would like. He orders the special and gives Dina our menus. "I'll be right back with your food sweetie."

      Yoongi looks at me and tilts his head slightly. "Are you alright? You really do look like you're about to cry.." he leans forward. "Is it because of Jungkook?" He asks suddenly.

      "Wh-What? No, that was nothing. Just a little blip. I'm fine!" I lie straight through my teeth.

      Yoongi takes my hand, once again, in both of his. "Sydney, I'm really sorry that he did that to you. I know that you say it's okay, but it's not. You said that you guys weren't dating, but even so, this was supposed to be a romantic time. He even told me how much he wanted you to like him." Yoongi sighs and gently caresses my hand. "He's not a bad guy, he's just a kid. He doesn't know what he wants right now and I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you."

      After holding in my tears that whole time... hearing Yoongi's kind words brought them out of me. "I'm sorry... I don't mean to cry, I just.. I'm sorry." I take a napkin to wipe my tears and try to laugh it off.

     "He doesn't deserve you. You deserve to be with someone who can really treat you right. A man, not a boy." He speaks very calmly to me and stares at my, now very puffy, face.

     "Thank you Yoongi. You're very very kind, you know that?" I give an airy laugh and take a sip of my sweet tea.

     Yoongi pulls his hands back and looks out the window. "Oh shit." Was all he could get out before the diner door opened, revealing a group of loud men coming towards our table.

     "Guys?" I turn around and look at them, shocked. "How'd you find us?"

     ".... Yoongi had his location turned on..." Jungkook speaks from the middle of the group very quietly.

AN: OOOOOH WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT??????? Find out next week, on Disney channel.

Just kidding lol thanks for reading!!

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