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Yoongi's POV

     I turn over slightly and wrap my arms around the warm body in my bed. She smells so nice..

     'Wait. Why is there someone in my bed? Who's in my bed?' I panic and my eyes fly open. My heart slows to a calm pace when I see Sydney's head pressed against my chest. She looks so peaceful and so.. adorable.

     "Sydney? Are you awake?" I whisper quietly so that she won't wake up. I don't want her to hear what I'm about to say just yet.

     With no movement or verbal response, I let my feelings out. "Sydney, I know that we only met a couple days ago. And I know that I'm a complete stranger to you.. but I just want to say that I really like you." I take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

     "We might not have known each other for very long at all- but to me, time doesn't matter." I run my fingers through her hair as gently as I can. "The amount of time you've known someone has nothing to do with your emotions towards them. I could love someone I've met two weeks ago more than someone I've met a year ago."

     "Sydney, I really hope that when I tell you how I feel... you'll feel the same way." I reach down and kiss her forehead. "I like you a lot and I can't wait to get to know you better with time."

     And with that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep for a second time next to the most beautiful woman in the world.

Sydney's POV

     I open my eyes slowly as the sun shines on my face. 'How did I get home last night?' I question myself. 'Did I get too drunk? I don't remember a thing.'

     I reach over to pick my phone up from the bedside table where I normally keep it. But... "AHHH!" I screech and nearly fall out of the bed. "YOONGI WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I scream.

     My own scream makes my head throb from my hangover. But that doesn't matter right now, as Min Yoongi is laying in my bed, sleeping like a fucking log. "Min Yoongi!" I shake him awake as well as I can.

     "Wh-What? What's going on? I told you not to wake me up, Jin Hyung.." he mumbles and rolls over.

     "It's not Jin, it's Sydney." I speak firmly and shake him again. "What the hell are you doing in my bed?" I look under the covers and see that I'm not wearing any pants.

     "S-Sydney! I swear it's not what it looks like. I can explain!" He puts both hands out in an attempt to either keep me from attacking him or to calm me down. Neither of which are working right now.

     "WHERE ARE MY PANTS MIN YOONGI?" I scream again. "DID YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME?" I pick up the heaviest object close to me and get ready to fight him.

     Yoongi looks very offended as he backs off and looks at me with a touch of sadness in his eyes. "No, Sydney, I would never do that. Not to you, and not to anyone."

     "Explain yourself then!" I point the tv remote at him.

     He shuffles his feet slightly and looks down. "Well... you got drunk at dinner last night so I took you home. You asked me to stay so I did, but I swear I didn't do anything!" His face is almost beet red from having to explain that.

     "Then where are my pants?" I look at him accusingly. "They just disappeared?"

     His ears slowly turn just as red as his face, if not more red. "You asked me... to take them off for you... I had my eyes closed the whole time so I didn't see anything!"

     Yoongi looks down like he's disappointed in himself for even coming in after he took me home. "I-I'm sorry Yoongi, I didn't mean to upset you. I just.. I was worried that I had came onto you or something. I was drunk, and I'm sure you were drunk... I was just scared is all." I squeak quietly like a mouse. My voice never rising too far above a whisper.

    'I yelled at him, he's gonna hate me.. God dammit Sydney. Why do you ruin everything?' It stays quiet in the room for a long time before I speak up. "I'm sorry Yoongi. I really didn't meant to scream at you like that, but... I was scared you know?" I try and speak softly.

     "I know... I just don't want you to hate me." He laughs half heartedly after he speaks. "I didn't do anything and I get that you were scared. I shouldn't have stayed in the house, I should've just left after I made sure you were safe." He mumbles the last couple sentences very quietly.

     I sigh and sit up, "Well, since you're here, why don't we have breakfast?"

     He smiles as his shoulders visibly relax as if the weight of the world hit rolled off of his shoulders. "That sounds great."

     "I'll cook! Do you like eggs and vegan bacon? Cause that's pretty much all the breakfast foods that I have." I laugh and stand up from the bed... completely forgetting that I don't have pants on.

     Both of us stand frozen for a moment as my dinosaur panties are on display. We both look down at the exact same time to notice the print. As if we are connected, we continue to do everything simultaneously. We snap our heads back up to meet each other's gaze. I grab a pillow to cover myself up at the same time he has the same idea. So, now, I'm being covered by two pillows.

     Yoongi drops his pillow and back out towards the door. "I-I'll be in the kitchen.." He quickly exits the room and I can hear his quick steps running down the hall.

     "Fucking dinosaurs? Really? It couldn't have been something sexy at least?" I reprimand myself quietly as I pull on a pair of leggings.

AN: Heyo what's up guys it's me back at it again with the multiple updates in a day AND AS IM WRITING THIS THE READS ARE UP TO OVER 140!!!???!!! WHAT THATS CRAZY! IT WAS JUST AT EIGHTY SOMETHING THE OTHER DAY! THANK YOU??????

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