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Yoongi's POV

     "Why wouldn't you just text me?" I ask, irritation coming through clearly in my voice. "You didn't need to be a stalker about it."

     Taehyung scoots Sydney over and plots himself beside her. "Well, we couldn't find you... or Sydney and we wanted to make sure that you weren't doing pervy stuff to her." He laughs and slides an arm around Sydney.

     The beautiful girl gives me a pleading look. I can tell that she's very uncomfortable right now so I try and think of a plan. "Well.. since you guys are here, let's move to a table instead of a booth." I look at her for confirmation that I did the right thing and she mouths a 'Thank you' to me.

      "So, why are you guys here anyway. It's pretty late." Sydney squeaks in a tiny, almost breakable, voice.

     Jungkook looks at the floor and plays with the hem of his shirt. "I wanted to apologize for earlier. I shouldn't have done that and... and honestly I don't know why I did. But, anyway, I'm really sorry, Sydney."

     He doesn't even look up at her at all while he's speaking. When I hear those words come out of his mouth, not only do I know that he's lying, but I know also that the guys were the ones who convinced him to apologize. My face turns red as my blood pressure skyrockets. I think it's been a while since I've been this pissed off at something.  'I can't fucking believe that he can just play with girls feelings like that. I have half a mind to punch him right now..'

      "I'll be right back, I forgot my phone in the car." I say to no one in particular and walk out. I get into the glove box and pull out my secret stash of cigarettes. I take a seat on the sidewalk and light it. It may be very bad for you, but in times where I'm stressed and just need to think.. they really help.

Sydney's POV

     I sit and talk with the boys for a little bit and I can't really focus on anything without Yoongi here. He's like a rope that tethers me to Earth. It's crazy that I just met him in person today, yet I feel like I've known him for years.

      I wait until the guys are talking amongst themselves to slip out the front door to look for Yoongi. After a moment, I find him. I sit down next to him and smile up at the stars. He tries to put out the cigarette and pretend like he wasn't just smoking. "Ya'know.. those could kill you one day."

     I put down my bag and reach in as I await his reply. "I-I'm sorry, I'm sure you probably think it's disgusting and all bu-" he stops talking when he notices what I pulled out of my bag. A pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I take one out and offer him one. He takes it and we both light out cancer sticks. He takes a deep inhale and lets it out slowly. "So you smoke, huh?"

     "Since I was 15." I reply in a sad tone.  "Back then, I hung around a bad group of kids and after I started... I just never stopped."

     Yoongi looks at me and pulls out his phone. He takes a picture of me as I blow out my smoke and smiles at it. "They may be bad for you, but if people saw this picture, they'd never know."

     He shows me the picture and I laugh. The street lights behind me and the smoke covering them like a thin sheet makes a beautiful effect. "That would actually be a really good picture if I wasn't the one in it." I laugh again and take another drag before putting the cigarette out on the pavement.

     Yoongi looks at me, shock evident on his face. "What the hell are you saying. The reason the picture is so good is because it's you in it. The lights and the smoke aren't the view here. You are." He stops and looks at the ground after realizing what he just said. "I'm sorry, it must get really boring having to hear stuff like that all the time." He brushes his hair out of his face.

     "That was the most amazing thing that anyone has ever said to me." I lean over and hug him carefully. "Thank you, Min Yoongi." I whisper in his ear.

     I can feel a chill run down his spine as I whisper. Suddenly, he hugs me back and pulls me in tightly. "It's my pleasure, Sydney."

     "Do you wanna get out of here? I've got food and movies at my house if you're interested. This night was a bit of a bust because of Jungkook, but you made it a lot better." I smile and pull back from the hug.

     "That sounds great actually. Do you still have any of those pickles left?" He asks shyly.

     "I guess you'll just have to come find out." I laugh and help him stand up. "I'm gonna go tell the guys that we're leaving and NOT to follow us this time."

     "Alright, Hey!" He catches my attention before I walk in. "Don't tell them that we're going to your house. That might seem a bit suspicious." He laughs.

     "No problem! I'll be back!" I run inside and tell the guys that he and I are gonna go back to the festival for a while and that we're gonna go for a drive afterwards.

     "That's okay, we're just gonna go home. Tell Yoongi to be quiet when he comes in, we all have stuff to do tomorrow so we'll be sleeping."  Jin tells me.

     "Okie dokie, I'll see you guys later!" I wave and leave for the car. When I hop up and get situated, I clear my throat and exclaim, "To my Humble Abode."

     Yoongi laughs jut as much as I do and starts heading to my house. 'Tonight's gonna be fun.'

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