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Sydney's POV

     "Hey, Sydney.." someone gently shakes me awake. Their voice is very distant from mine and I can't even bring myself to open my eyes at this point. Maybe I should just pretend to be asleep?

     "Sydney?..." The voice gets quieter, like they're trying not to wake me up. Why does the voice sound so familiar?

     "Okay, she's out like a light. I'll carry her inside, you can go ahead and go." The voice, that I now distinguish as a man, speaks softly to someone else.

     I hear rustling from beside me and feel the seat shift under the man's weight. "Will a twenty suffice?" The melodic voice speaks once again.

     "Yes, a twenty will be fine. Would you like your change?" Another man's voice asks, but this is one that I don't recognize.

     "No, that's alright. Keep the change, I just wanna get her inside." After those words are spoken, I feel gentle hands scooting me and lifting me out of my seat and carrying me somewhere.

     I decide at this point to open my eyes as much as I can. When they spot pale skin and fluffy hair, my heart starts beating much faster than before. "Yoongi Oppa?"

     He looks down at me and smiles softly, "Well look who's awake." He speaks with slight amusement. "Do you think you can walk?"

      "Why? Am I too heavy?" I ask and start to feel my eyes water slightly at the thought.

     Yoongi suddenly looks very startled and holds me tighter against him. "No! You're not heavy at all!" He chooses his next words carefully. "I'm just not in the best state to be carrying precious cargo right now. I could drop you! If I dropped you on the ground you would break like fine china."

     My eyes light up at his caring words and I wriggle around slightly in his arms. "I can walk, I can do it." I mumble to myself.

Yoongi's POV

     I let Sydney down gently, placing her feet firmly on the ground. She teeters slightly and falls into me.. for the second time tonight.

     "S-Sorry... I can do this." She slurs her words and stands up as straight as possible. She's so adorable when she's drunk. And when she's sober. She's just.. adorable all the time.

     "Do you need a hand?" I ask, holding back my laughter.

     She shakes her head firmly and almost falls backwards while doing so. "I can do this, Oppa, I don't need help."

     Man, she really likes calling me Oppa when she's drunk. Maybe we'll stay away from alcohol for a while. Not that calling me Oppa is bad or anything, I just... get a little excited when it happens. It's too early on to even think about that stuff. But... God, how I would love it.

      I take a good look at her and wrap my arm around her waist for support. Her body is burning up, her skin is touching mine from where her shirt has risen up slightly in the back. Her skin is so soft that I can't help but trace little shapes and words against her back with my finger.

      The beautiful woman shivers at the touch, but doesn't push it away. In fact, she leans into it. She leans into me completely, until the point that she is laying her head on my chest. 'Her hair smells amazing..'

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