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The man before Y/n was blurry in her eyes, her vision had always been terrible in her natural form. Despite that, she tried her best to take in his features, and her eyes flickered all over his body. She could see marking all over his arms, torso, and his face as well. He wore white pants, a cropped haori and had pink hair. Y/n bowed her head, assuming that it was polite.

Muzan was standing off to the girls right shoulder when he spoke suddenly to Y/n and the man. "This is upper moon 3, Akaza." He gestured towards the higher ranked moon. "This is Y/n, formerly lower moon 1 and currently occupying the rank of upper moon 4."

Y/n's heart began to flutter from the excitement of being an upper moon. Just the title and respect of being one was enough to make her heart beat that much faster.

"Akaza here has requested to train you for the sake of our cause, and he will begin working with you starting today."

What would Y/n need a trainer for? She had trained herself up to this point and has done good enough a job to be promoted without the need for a blood battle with another moon. Even so, guidance from another could help her strengths.

"I'll be going now," Muzan said, disappearing in a single stroke of the biwa.

A silence filled the air between the two as Y/n stood from her bow, but not long enough for   Y/n's heart rate to calm.

"Let's begin then," he said. Upper three held out his hand towards the female. "What blood demon art do you possess?"

"Well... I haven't a proper name for my forms, but I suppose the simplest way to put it is.. elemental dragons and their full control," she replied. "And you?"

"Shockwaves. Martial arts mainly. Mind demonstrating your ability?"

"Of course."

Y/n thought for a moment on which of her beloved dragons she would show off to Akaza first, and decided on her simple fire dragon, Homura.

Homura was a large sized, golden male dragon who was covered in plenty of horns and spikes all over his toughly scaled body. Homura was one of Y/n's best fighting dragons and one of her oldest.

"Blood demon art, flame type, Homura!" she exclaimed, while extending her right hand out to her side to summon Homura.

An orb of bright red flames formed in the palm of her hand and grew as a few seconds passed. Once the orb had reached its full size, Y/n tossed it into the air above the male and summoned the dragon.

Almost immediately, the dragon materialized out of the ball, growing rapidly as its horns, spikes, and wings grew from nothing into distinguished parts of his body. His claws dug deep into the wood floor and he began to use his breath of fire to attack Akaza, following
Y/n's mental commands.

Akaza quickly avoided contact with the fire
by sprinting underneath Homuras large scaled body.

Akaza was now closer to Y/n than before, and she noticed that he had tattoos on his face that matched the ones all over his arms and torso.

"Could you call him off? I'd like to see your power alone also." He asked, blocking some incoming fire from himself with a few bright blue blasts of his own. The attacks stopped right between the two, consuming the other color before vanishing.

Y/n sent a command to her dragon calling him off. Akaza let his guard down and jumped back around Homura towards the girl.

"Ready?" Y/n asked.

"Go ahead."

Y/n dug her right foot into the ground and leaped towards Akaza readying her attack. She pulled back her arms and launched them forward aiming towards his ribs. He blocked the few hits she did take with his forearms.

"We'll need to strengthen that punch first, but your speed isn't half bad," he let a smile creep onto his face, knowing that she wasn't as weak as he had thought she would be.

She was stunned by his words. She had worked on her own attacks so much for many of the past years that she had been a demon. But he was a rank higher than her own, so his body was tougher than those of who she had "practiced on."

He looked down at her. The two had a large height difference. He was more or else a foot taller than her, considering the fact that Y/n had been shorter than most males both of her lives.

He shook his head to wipe away his smile before speaking again. "The real training starts tomorrow at sunset. I'll come get you when it's time."

As his lips thinned out into a more natural resting face, Y/n took the moment to trace her eyes over his markings. The tattoos on his face that curved to his eyes, and the single stripe down his nose were most noticeable at first. Then those blue and yellow eyes, and his pink hair caught her attention. She let her heart rate slowly increase again, starring at his features quickly so she wouldn't be accused of starring.

She smiled and bowed quickly before walking away and back to her room. "See you then!" she said, waving a hand. Homura followed behind her, leaving large footprints in his trace upon the soft wood floor.

Akaza raised a hand to say goodbye, but nothing left his mouth.


Enjoy your nice Akaza :)

Enjoy your nice Akaza :)

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word count: 935

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