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During Y/n's transformation from human to demon, an important component of demon regeneration went missing in the process. Due to whatever went wrong, deep enough wounds will be permanent. Loosing a limb is the same as a human, once lost, never to return. That piece of information is what makes Y/n so afraid of demon slayers. The only reason she ever fought with such a risk was for Muzan. And now that he had caused her sight entirely to vanish, she couldn't stand him any longer as her master.


Who was Tamayo?

Why did Muzan want her dead?


"Y/n!" Akaza tapped her shoulder, waving his hands in front of her face didn't work, surprisingly.

Y/n had been sleeping, and as her hands lay somewhere other than her face, she threw them back to her fragile skin. "..Yes?" she mumbled through her palms.

"I want to try something, so get up," he stated, rather happy in his tone. He hopped up from the ground and left the room closing the door behind him.

As for Y/n, she was still down from her total loss of sight. But his eagerness made her want to not stay in her room all day so she willingly left the room to follow him. But that was not before she uselessly stopped in front of her mirror, sadly touching her scarred face.

He waited right outside the door for her so that he could help her walk to wherever he was taking her. He held out his arm for her to grab onto, nudging her so she could hold onto him. Then he began to pull her along with him so they could walk to their destination, and after a few sideways and upside down walkways and staircases, they came back to the large platform they trained on months before.

"Sit down," he said, taking his arm away from o lol her and sitting down himself.

Once they faced each other, Akaza spoke up again. "I have something for you."

"What is it?" Y/n asked, fidgeting with her hair as she kept her face hidden.

The anticipation made her anxious.

"Hold out your hands," his voice sounded so calm, and as she held out her hands, he touched them with his own to cup them into a bowl.

Can you guess?

Akaza took his hands away from Y/n's, and opened up a wound on his right shoulder, leaving a trail of blood to flow down his arm. Y/n could smell it, but she didn't ask, something told her not to. He cupped his own hand below the wound and let the blood fill the space, then held his free hand below the bowl Y/n made while pouring the blood into her hands.

She shivered, now an idea of his gift popped into her mind.

"I want your wounds to heal, so take my blood and heal yourself. I won't let you refuse," he said, the gash on his arm already healing.

"Thank you," she said, her mind blank. She put her lips to her hands, and poured the liquid into her mouth. An intake of new blood always caused her some type of pain, but after having her eyesight taken away, nothing compared to that experience. A small ache began in her head, but she didn't mind it. It moved downwards to her forehead, around to her ears, then her eyes. "Huh.." she mumbled.

"What is it, Y/n?" he asked, worried this wasn't a good idea anymore.

She kept her head down but she smiled. "Damn. We're lucky aren't we?" She laughed a bit. "I thought something was wrong with my blood I was given all those times..."

She looked up at him and opened her bright eyes again for the first time since she was stripped of her rank. Her scars along her face healed quickly, and every other gash had sealed. She looked at him and his pink hair, oh how she loved that color. His blue criminal tattoos down his whole body, and his blue and yellow eyes that she saw clearly for the first time. Her sight was perfect. Better than twenty twenty. She could even see everything behind Akaza so clearly. The grains in the wood and specks of dirt left on the sideways stairs. But it began to blur again as a tear rolled down her cheek.

This was the perfect gift. Never before had she been so happy, this was better than those perfect fireworks on that perfect night. So perfect she buried her face in her hands as she cried from relief of being healed.

"W-why are you crying?" he stuttered, leaning towards Y/n to move her hands away from her face. He took both of her hands in his own and she smiled at him.

"I can finally see you again, Akaza," she said, holding both of his hands. "But what's with the face? Did I scare you?" she asked, teasing him.

His confusion upon what she just said delayed his smile from making its way onto his face. He released her hands and leaned forward to hug her again, slowly this time. This time, she returned it, and they both stayed quite and content.

Before long, he asked her a question,




A/n: Just a few more chapters to go! Thank you for reading <3

A/n: Just a few more chapters to go! Thank you for reading <3

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Word count: 908

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