SPECIAL: part 8 1/2

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Akaza relaxed himself and closed his eyes in the comfort of her touch. Her gentle hands were a feeling he had been starved of since his human life, with no one to fill this gap.

After their many months of training and joking around together, Y/n had never seen a smile quite like this one on his face. She smiled at his features that looked so calm for once, not annoyed or teasing but in a general feeling of true comfort. She hadn't expected him to make any sort of move maybe ever, but this must have felt right to him. She wouldn't in her right mind reject him, so she let him lead her.

Akaza's hand slid off of her waist and up her arm, attaching to one of the hands on his face. He opened his eyes as he took her hand in both of his.

"Hey Y/n?" he asked.

"Hmm?" she mumbled, tilting her head as she laid her other hand in her lap.

"Do you want to finish watching the show?"

He continued to smile at her.

Y/n giggled at him and his stupid question. "Of course I would," she said teasingly.

Y/n turned her body towards the city again as he let her hand go, and kicked her legs back over the edge. Akaza frowned at her and grabbed her from her torso, dragging her over to where they were sitting before. She starred at him once he set her down and he just shrugged, pulling one of his legs up to rest his arm on it and using his other to sit up. Y/n placed her hand behind her for support as she swept her legs to her side.

She looked to her side to see Akaza, but he was already watching the show again. Once she looked at him though, he turned his head down to her, examining how she was sitting. He didn't show any visible emotion as he tucked his arm behind her to pull her into his side.
Y/n felt her heart beat faster as he did that, but pulled her arm in front of her again, laying them on her legs. Akaza's shoulder rubbed against the back of Y/n's neck as he set his hand down again, and craned his neck just to see her face already turned back towards the sky, her face finally showing more color than just her demonically pale skin and bloodless face.

Both of their attention was now turned up to the sky where the fireworks continued to blast into sparkling colors. Y/n was feeling uncomfortable sitting on her side with no support, but ignored her urge to move away. The fireworks and their unexpected shapes kept her mind busy.

Akaza however, couldn't keep his mind of her. He smiled the whole time she sat beside him, happy to have made an attempt at least. Her company kept him in a better place, one that didn't bother to stress over Muzan's demands and Douma's annoying self.

He also looked over at Y/n frequently, noticing that her hands were fidgeting a lot.

"Y/n," he whispered into her ear.

Her hands twitched and she looked up at him to answer, "yes?"

He used his finger to point at her hands. "Are you okay?"

She looked down and opened her hands. "What do you mean?"

"You seem uncomfortable here."

"Please don't worry about it," she said with a reassuring smile.

He didn't ask anything else, but turned his sight back to her unclasped hands. His arm opposite to her left the comfortable position on his leg to trace the creases in her palms. Her eyes followed his large hands, more heat and blood rising to her cheeks as his fingers wrapped around her own. The males eyes sparkled with the city's reflection, adding a look of love and affection upper four never once saw from him.

Emotionally guided, Y/n took this peaceful moment to lift his hand with both of her own. As he let her raise his hand to her lips, a wondering look on his face, she kissed the back of his hand gently as a single tear seeped from her eye. When she lifted her head again, the tear of joy from his love had soaked into her skin, going unnoticed by the one beside her.

Another blast of a firework passed, and Akaza could feel her hair fall onto his arm as she rested her head. A wider smile on the male's face, beginning the moment she kissed his hand ever so gently, never faded during their time together.


Once the final fireworks were set off one after another, the two sat still until Y/n felt a stinging sensation on her leg. She jerked her leg towards her in an instant. Over the clouds, the sun was beginning to rise.

Akaza carefully stood up and pulled Y/n along with him into the forest. Dusting off the back of her clothes with her free hand, the female demon walked into the shade of the trees along with the one she tethered to.

"We need to get back before the sun rises anymore," Akaza stated.

She nodded her head as a response, taking a step forward into the trees before being immediately pulled back by the hand of a certain demon. His eyes continued to sparkle as he asked a final question of the night,

"one last kiss?"

Those neon eyes he stared into so lovingly softened upon his consented request, not having a soul dark enough to say no. The demon in front of him stood taller as she raised herself to her toes, leaning in as her hand was let go of. The pink haired demon placed both his hands along the girl's back, pulling her flush against his bare chest with care. The sharp nails of upper four ran along a tattooed neck up into Akaza's hair as her lips pressed comfortably along his. A smile formed along both features, this moment lasting longer and more passionately than the previous.

As more rays of sun rose over the cliff side, Y/n hissed into Akaza's lips as they parted from her searing pain. His eyes wandered her face as she attempted to wiggle out of his arms, only to be stopped by her legs being moved to sit onto his waist. Her leg now burned in a different spot, but was met by the cool cover of the Japan trees shade a second later.

Upper three was now holding his fellow rank like she were a child, her chest against his and one arm supporting her upper back and his other supporting her lower. By the force of the wind, Y/n's head tucked into his shoulder, her smile returning as he spoke to her again,

"I won't let anything hurt you."


My heart was racing while rewriting this cuz i just love me some good fluff 🤭

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My heart was racing while rewriting this cuz i just love me some good fluff 🤭

word count: 1171

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