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The cars were even louder in the demons ears now that she was closer to it all, and the voices of the humans talking and yelling began to make their way into her head.

Stepping onto the stone path while combing her nails through the girls loose strands of hair,  Y/n walked towards the gate where two men stood, who looked either like bandits or worn down guards.

The man on the right side of the gate was fast asleep, leaning his head on the wall, and the other was awake and looked her way as she got closer.

He cleared his throat. "Name and business?"

"Y/n, and i'm here to find this girls parents, she was lost outside the city."

He quirked an eyebrow. "Is she asleep?"

Y/n looked down at the child in her arms to see that in fact she was. "...yes."

"Alright go ahead," he sighed, running his fingers through his greasy black hair.

The man obviously didn't notice the girls sharp teeth, which she accidentally showed while she spoke. She bowed her head as a thank you and continued into the city walking faster so she wouldn't be stopped by someone. The last thing she wanted was to be revealed and then have to kill someone in front of the girl who sat on her hip, still sleeping with her head on the demons shoulder.

She didn't want to wake the girl so she walked around looking for a building similar to the one she described. The busy streets and the crowded sidewalks made it difficult to see anything that may be helpful to her search. But she stayed away from the crowds to avoid any trouble.

After a few loud passing cars and a few yelling people, the girl opened her eyes and looked up at the demon, who was frantically looking around for the building with lots of windows which to her, looked like every building in the area. The child poked at Y/n's cheek to get her attention after they passed a dango stand, by which a man was yelling.

"Miss! Stop!" the child cried.

Y/n halted as looked down at the girl. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"That's my dad!"

Y/n turned to look at him and forced a smile while walking to the stand.

"Daddy!" the girl yelled.


The man thanked Y/n again as the girl wrapped her arms tighter around her fathers neck. Y/n just smiled and walked away from them, happy to be able to leave the city. But the sun would rise any minute, and Y/n had wasted too much of her time. She crossed a street and turned into an alley to avoid the sun.

The demon had turned too many corners, and passed too many streets, she no longer knew her way back out of the city. She had no sense of direction, and with her bad sight, she was stuck in the dark alleys until the sun set again.

But she needed to leave now, the blue spider lily would bloom soon, wherever it was, was where she needed to be.

She couldn't help but begin to panic, for she was stuck in this alley until night. She had failed her mission. And she had left Akaza behind without telling him anything.

She grabbed her hair with both hands and pulled on it, trying to punish herself for messing up so badly on her mission. She tugged on her h/c hair until she began crying from how sorry she felt to have let Muzan down, and to have left Akaza behind.

She dropped strands of her hair onto the ground and shook her hands, continuing to silently cry and sniffle as she walked into a deeper and darker part of the alley.


Not knowing how much time had passed, Y/n had changed locations in the alleys to avoid the sun multiple different times, sitting down and hiding her face in her hands whenever she began to tear up again.

She tucked her head into her arms after changing her position again, for a grand total of five times since she returned the girl. Y/n hid herself better this time, hoping that she could sleep to pass the time faster until the day was over so she could make her escape.

She closed her eyes, sniffing and wiping away her remaining tears. More cars were going up and down the streets, more people talked, and more noises were keeping her from sleeping. Her advanced hearing was desperately unwanted at this moment.

And just as she got used to the noise, an even louder one came into her head. She tightened her arms around her head to keep out the noise, but it kept growing, the sound of footsteps. It wasn't a human, because this sound wasn't shoes. It was bare skin on the hard pavement.

The sound grew and grew, until she realized this living, bare skinned organism was coming towards her. She tightened her arms even more, not wanting to move from her protective position on the dirty alley floor.


She moved her legs closer to her and squished her eyes even tighter shut.

A hand, a warm hand touched her head. It stroked her hair while a mans voice spoke to her again.


She opened her eyes, released her arms from her head, and looked up at him, filling her eyes with more tears.

Akaza kneeled on the ground in front of her, and was looking down at her as she began crying again. She got to her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck, tossing her head over his shoulder and stuffing her face into the crook of his neck. His footing shuffled back as her weight pushed him backwards. Yet his strong arms still wrapped around her waist and she covered her mouth to mute the sound of her crying from relief.

Through the gaps in her fingers, she managed to apologize to him. "I'm sorry I messed it all up . . ."


Longer chapter, hope you enjoyed <3

Btw if your confused why she was crying, reread the part after she returns the girl ^^

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Btw if your confused why she was crying, reread the part after she returns the girl ^^

Word count: 1041

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