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Master Muzan had been away for a while now, off on his journey that upper four doesn't know the details of. Only the top three moons know the details since they are his most trusted servants. And Akaza is not going to tell her anything no matter how many times she may beg. Though it's none of her business anyways.

After the incident in the city, Y/n hasn't been sent on another mission for over a month. She sat around the infinity fortress training herself while Akaza was sent out on the search for the flower so desired by Muzan. She fought against her own dragons for a while, but they had to be commanded to do everything so she couldn't get any blocking training.

Kori had kept Y/n company while Akaza was away, since she was the most well behaved dragon. Though the cold atmosphere around her bothered Y/n enough to make even her demon body shiver. Shiny, blue ice spikes and glassy sheets of frozen water covered the dragon who stood just over the height of twenty seven feet tall.

The demon and Kori often layed on the open floors of the fortress, once spotted by Kokushibo as he passed by overhead. He didn't pay much attention to her. Y/n had still failed to meet Douma, who she wondered most about after Akaza had mentioned his name.

Y/n lay on her side next to Kori, stroking her thin fur near her claws. And Kori lay asleep next to Y/n on the open floor as their boredom overtook their will to get stronger. The demon sighed, rolling onto her back with her arms behind her head, closing her eyes to sleep.


Y/n blinked up at the stairs that horizontally crossed above her, not connecting to the floor that was on either side of it. She yawned, closing her eyes only to reopen them to a jump scare waiting to happen.

"Good morning sleepy head," he laughed, twisting a piece of Y/n's hair between his pointer and middle fingers.

Kori sneezed, making Y/n jump up to her knees and put her hands by her side for support. Spikes of clear ice formed from the frost let out by Kori, and froze themselves onto Akaza's feet. He stopped playing with the girls hair just to pull his feet out of the ice, taking two tries to do so.

Y/n pulled her hands back to her side and placed them on her lap. Her closed eyes faced toward her dragon, her lips sweetly speaking the words, "bless you," before she turned her head to Akaza. "Why are you back early?"

"No reason." He looked towards Kori, who was sneezing again, smirking slightly at his lie.

Y/n ran her hand through her hair and layed back down onto the wood. Akaza looked down at her and moved over to her side, laying down next to her. Y/n looked towards him, then turned her head. He wasn't looking at her, but instead glaring at the stairs that didn't connect to the floor above the two.

She turned her head back and looked towards the stairs, and there she saw a figure. She sat up pressing her hands against the floor and motioned for Kori, lifting two fingers into the air like a gun. Waking up, the dragon lifted her head towards Y/n and looked at the stairs.

"Lend me your sight for a moment." She said, summoning a new orb in her right hand. The dragon complied and bumped her nose on the orb. Once done, the orb melted into the demons skin causing better eyesight for her.

She then looked back towards the stairs and noticed the figure looking right at Y/n. It was a man, with long blond hair that spiked out along his back. Wearing the colors of red and black for a shirt, and tan pants. Y/n thought this might have been a human from Akaza's glare, but no humans were able to come into the fortress unless trapped.

Summoning another orb, Y/n made Kori disappear from sight, and she turned to Akaza. As she was about to speak, she heard the sound of wood snap and then heard a groan from Akaza. She whipped her head up to see what the noise was, and there, right on the other side of Akaza, was the man.

His presence gave off the most similar to Muzan she had ever felt, and it made Y/n shiver. Akaza didn't move at all, but continued to stare at the stairs where the man once stood. Y/n was now squatting on the floor ready to move if he attacked. The blonde stood with his arms crossed and a fan in his right hand, staring directly at Y/n with a smile on his face.

"How's the search going, Lord Akaza?" He said, looking down at his "companion".

The pink haired demon ignored him. Y/n looked down at Akaza and reached out her hand to poke his upper arm. He turned his gaze towards her, and she gave him a worried look. He sighed and sat up, not meeting the gaze of the blonde.

"Douma," he said annoyed. "Leave."

Douma? Y/n thought.

"Come on now! Don't be so vulgar!" Douma whined, putting his fan to the edge of his mouth with an exaggerated frown.

Akaza placed his hand on the ground and  stood up, finally looking at the other male. Douma smiled, and turned his attention over to the woman who was still hovering over the ground defensively. An odd feeling came over her, and she stood up to be on a more even ground.

"Are you upper four?" he asked. "I don't think we have met before, my name is Douma, nice to meet you."

"Y/n," she said. "Likewise."

Y/n looked at his eyes, they were both rainbow colored and read upper two. He had long nails that were twice at sharp and deadly as her own. To her, he seemed to have bad intentions when coming here. Akaza clearly didn't like him, but Y/n couldn't see why. He seemed like any other demon to her.

A smile appeared on his face, and at the next second he was inches from Y/n's face, his nails grazing her cheek. Akaza didn't dare interfere with what Douma was doing, and for his own good reasons. Douma stared at the girls eyes, and played with the curls in Y/n's hair.

Y/n had no clue what he was doing, so she closed her eyes and tried to step back, but he stopped her with his strong grip around her wrist.

"Two different colored eyes... and bright too, very lucky.." He stopped, turning his gaze to his right.

Akaza had grabbed Douma's wrist that was placed on Y/n's forearm, and he was strengthening his grip each second Douma remained his own hold. He had gotten a more serious and now a threatening look on his face.

Relief had fallen over Y/n, not having any way to stop him herself. Douma had stepped back from her and frowned at Akaza, who had just let go of his wrist.

"Harmless," he snapped. "Just a harmless look at her is all."

Akaza turned to Y/n and grabbed her hand, glaring back at Douma. "Let's leave."

Agreeing, Y/n and Akaza ran off to find Nakime, who then teleported them out of the fortress after playing a note on the biwa she possessed. The two ran through the woods, leaving a sad Douma behind.


Word count: 1282

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Word count: 1282

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