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Final warning for huge manga spoilers, (Infinity castle arc)

(Months later)

Y/n walked along a dark road away from another village that was empty of her target.

That damn demon boy gets on my nerves.

Thinking back to a certain boy with slick hair and purple eyes, who couldn't help but shoo her away from the town, as he suspected a negative intention from her. Y/n was looking for Tamayo. She didn't know what she would do once she found her, capture her to win that man's approval back, or ask her if there was a way to return to being a human. Doesn't matter now, she'd searched every town within a 300 mile radius for months on end. Giving up was the only option for her now.

She summoned Homura with her art to make the trip back to the castle entrance faster and less likely to run into a hashira. She climbed onto the dragons back using the spines on her torso and took off into the sky, far away from the ground. The moon was full tonight, not many clouds, and lots of stars. She had been missing Akaza lately, she had almost completely lied about "Returning to him soon." It had been months after all, she wondered if anything changed.


(Hours later at the Ubuyashiki house)

Muzan had been trapped in his fugitives art with Tamayo, who Y/n couldn't find just because of the plans that the leader of the hashira had been planning with her and that demon boy. This was one of the final turning points in the thousand years of war between the two sides. Nakime opened the fortress, pillars and lower ranked members of the demon corps fell inside the abyss that created a living hell later into the night. Y/n flew silently through the sky towards the scene that occurred, with no idea what she was going to experience.


(At the fortress entrance)

Dismounting and sealing Homura away, Y/n was teleported inside the fortress, into a scene of madness. Akaza was throwing around his art at two boys, who had appeared to be giving him trouble at the moment. She stood dead still, twenty feet away from the fight. Was there time to do this? What's going on?

Akaza used a form, and blasted the larger of the two men into a wall, and with a soon followed attack, blasted the second man into a wall.

"AKAZA!" she shouted, shutting her eyes and making fists in anger. She didn't know why she was so angry at him.

He cracked his knuckles and turned around like some stuck up jerk. But he switched his expression quickly upon realization who has so angrily shouted his name in the middle of a fight. He almost even let a tear fall out his eye. He couldn't let that happen though, he can't let some kid who had earned his respect see him crying at a girl who had left him without any specific reason months earlier. No way.

Y/n opened her eyes again and they met with his. She softened her expression to look less angry at him and more pleased that he was alive. She walked over to him, he stood still, stunned at how this certain day had turned out. He smiled at her with pure happiness, while he walked over to her. On the other side of the room, the two humans coughed as they climbed from the rubble.

Akaza hugged Y/n tightly, lifting her off of the ground as she held onto his neck.

"Holy shit," he said with a small laugh, pulling her closer to him as he stepped back for balance.

Y/n's hand rested on his hair as she felt the soft strands beneath her fingers. His scent warmed her heart and made her feel absolutely amazing.

He didn't ever want to let her go again, but he had to finish this fight. Setting her onto the ground and pulling away, he pressed his lips to her forehead and turned back around to face the boy, keeping Y/n behind him while holding her hand.

"I'm glad Kyojurou died that night. He most likely wouldn't have been able to get much stronger than when I saw him. And he had that dumb worldview of wanting to stay a human."

The boy turned pale. "What was that? You. You ass. Shut it. Don't talk about Rengoku-san," he sat up with a death grip on his blade.

"Why?" Akaza replied. "I'm praising both of you."

"No your just bad mouthing him. You spit in the face of everyone, no matter who your facing."

"Your misunderstanding something there, Tanjirou. Yes, I hate weaklings, they make me vomit. The laws of nature dictate that they will be eliminated."

Y/n blacked out on what the boy began to say, something about a baby, when she felt Akaza let go of her hand. She saw him make a fist at his side, deeply angered at what the boy was saying, Y/n didn't care for what the boy said. She wanted this fight to end. For Akaza to win. For things to return to the same boring way it used to be when the two could sit together in the castle on top of Homura, quietly, and with nothing to say. She wanted to run away with him.

"I won't let you do as you like any further!" the boy called Tanjirou yelled, snapping Y/n out of her dreamland.

Akaza vanished from Y/n's sight, and appeared behind the boy ready to finish him off as quickly as possible. The brunette dodged and jumped away from him, closer to where Y/n was standing. Both stood in their places, and suddenly, Akaza swung into open air.

"Tanjirou, you really are unpleasant." He jumped towards the boy, signaling Y/n to move, and unleashed a destructive kill attack on the boy. Y/n's improved vision made her surroundings appear slower so only she could pick up the signal. Akaza was unbelievably fast with his movements, and made little openings or escapes for Tanjirou.

Unleashing another, he kicked the boys chin, sending him flying behind him. Akaza kicked another leg at the boy, but he began a series of movements that resulted in flames engulfing his sword and making a more difficult situation for upper three. Akaza halted, and the sword barley cut three inches into his neck.

"HAHAHA! That's a fun technique! Looks like the blade reached me after I completely dodged it! How'd you swing your blade? The tip was wavering like it was trapped in a haze!" Akaza shouted at him with a childish tone.

Both fired an attack, blocking each other's on accident. A crow landed just outside the room the fight was being held in, with a message tied around its leg. It was anxious to even try and deliver the note.

The boy began to move in a pattern again, and the flames appeared along his blade, he swung swiftly at Akaza, but before it reached him, Akaza caught the blade between his hands and held it tightly within his grasp. The boy panicked slightly, then swung his head forward towards Akaza, landing a blow on his skull.

"Nice headbutt!" Akaza yelled to him.

Y/n stood still and watched, wondering which of her dragons would be helpful on this boy and his fire techniques. Kori would be a good option, but maybe a water dragon like Mira would be better...

The boy kicked Akaza like the demon had done to him earlier right in his chin, but his strong grip on the blade remained. The boy thrashed, but then the older man appeared and sliced Akaza's arms with a wave of water, freeing the blade.

He looked in Y/n's direction, then back at Akaza. "I'm angry now. There's a searing pain in my back. Great job blasting me all the way back there, upper moon three. And great job for having another demon show up to help you."

Ice it is. She thought.


Following the story line closely now <3

Following the story line closely now <3

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akaza loves you <3

Word Count: 1369

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