Near Fatal Decision

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As the years passed, Izuku found himself more alone than ever. He still didn't have a quirk and it had come to light long ago that he most likely would never have one. He kept himself quiet and just clung to his dreams. That, however, was getting harder

by the day. As they grew, Bakugo became stronger and more popular, which lead to more people joining in on the torment toward Izuku. More people called him Deku and laughed at him. A few had even crossed the line and started to physically bully him. The only thing keeping people from being more physical or more violent was the threat Bakugo had issued.

The words still rang in his head. "Nobody better put their hands on the damn nerd or you'll deal with me. I'm the only one that can show him who's stronger!"

Izuku rubbed tears from his eyes as he let his backpack slide from his shoulders. Why did Bakugo have to be so cruel and yet still try to 'protect' him? Was it because their parents were such good friends? Was it because there had still been whispers that Bakugo might be his soulmate. Izuku moved forward, not paying attention to what he was doing, as he thought about his life.

Bakugo had started laughing off the soulmate idea. He had started the rumor that Izuku was just making things up because he didn't have a quirk like the rest of them. Whether he intended to or not, this rumor led students to echo Bakugo's latest cruel taunt, "go take a swan dive off the roof and hope you get a quirk in your next life."

Those words were all that rang through Izuku's head at the moment as he stood at the roofline, fingers curled around the railing. His green eyes stared at the ground so far below him. Maybe Bakugo was right? Maybe he should jump and hope to comeback as someone better? Maybe this whole soulmate thing was just his imagination?

If he were gone, it would save his mom the embarrassment of having a child without a quirk - a child like him. It would end the bullying he suffered. Maybe it would be worth it?

Izuku leaned forward a bit, feeling the breeze tugging at his wild, green hair. How easy it would be to just keep leaning forward and let go. He could feel what it was like to fly if he kept moving forward. The idea of feeing weightless was tempting to

Izuku as he leaned even further over the railing. He could feel the pull of gravity starting to grab at his body. He just had to let go...

The breeze around him suddenly gave way to a familiar warmth. Izuku's eyes flew open and took in the sight before him. Through teary vision, the soft, white smoke seemed to swirl around him. He leaned back, hands reaching up to try and touch the smoke, feeling the warmth wash over him. Tiny snowflakes began to mix into the smoke, dancing through the air.

Izuku felt his lips pull into a smile as he took a step back, wanting to be more in the swirl of smoke and snow. Bit by bit, the snowflakes took over, overcoming the smoke in a dazzling, blinding blizzard. The depressed, anxious middle schooler felt his lips pull into a smile as he reached his arms up into the vision.

"I almost forgot," he whispered. "I almost forgot about you."
As the vision faded, his arms dropped and he glanced at the railing he had been so close to crossing. Balling up his fists, Izuku shook his head. He wasn't going to give up - he was worth something if he had a soulmate. Grabbing his backpack, he headed for the roof door.

"I won't forget again," Izuku told himself as he left she sunshine for the dimly lit stairway. "I'll become a hero, someone worthy of such a soulmate. I'll prove them all wrong - including Kacchan."

Heading down into the silent halls, Izuku dreamt about being a hero without a quick. It had to be possible right? Maybe...maybe someday he could prove them all wrong and make his mom and everyone else proud of him. He had time. There was still a year and a half of middle school left.

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