"Singing" in the rain

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The rain had slowed to a lazy drizzle by the time the pair was done with lunch.  Midoriya offered to use his quirk to get them back to campus quickly, but Todoroki found himself making an odd request.

"Can we take our time?" The duel quirk user asked as they stood in the doorway.  "I know we are finishing our date another day...but..."

Midoriya grinned.  "I don't mind a little rain," he laughed.  "I loved splashing in puddles as a kid.  Mom always said dancing in the rain was her favorite too."

Todoroki grinned.  "Dancing in the rain?  Why would you do that?" He felt a bit stupid for asking the question, but hearing Midoriya chuckle lessened the feeling.

"It's from an old American movie called Singing In The Rain.  Mom watched it from time to time," the green bean explained.  "There is a whole scene about one of the characters being so happy he is singing and dancing in the rain."

An idea sparked and he just grinned at his soulmate before stepping out of the restuarant and into the lazy rainstorm.  He couldn't really dance...but he began doing some of the moves that Mina had taught them for the festival.  Todoroki watched, eyes wide in surprise.

Midoriya was laughing in enjoyment as he danced in the rain, not caring in the slightest that he was getting soaked.  A few people paused to watch the crazy teenager, oblivious to the feelings rushing through Todoroki. 

The teen watched his friend and soulmate move and was confused by his emotions.  In one breathe he was embarrassed by Midoriya acting this way in public.  In another he was in awe of the boy's courage to be so free.  And yet in another he was afraid of what his father would think.  But under it all...he found a physical attraction to his soulmate.  The rain slicked his clothes to his body that showed off his hard work and it made Todoroki yearn to hold him close and feel that power again just like he had on the rooftop.

"Isn't  that the UA student from the villain attack?  The one who argued with Endeavour?" A citizen asked as they stood nearby watching Midoriya dance like a goofball in the rain.

"Oh the one who is supposedly mated with his son?  Yeah, I think.  Man, this is going to go viral!" Another citizen joked as they recorded the green haired boy.

As people continued to talk...the happy, bubbly feelings in Todoroki's gut faded and the fear and embarrassment began to overwhelm him.  His father would be so ashamed...and would make his life hell.  This had been a mistake...he shouldn't have done this...

Midoriya turned to look at his soulmate,  hoping he'd see that small smile he was accustomed to now...but all he saw was an empty doorway and citizens standing around watching him.  Green eyes darted around, trying to find Todoroki only to see his retreating back down the street.  He felt a sharp pain in his chest.  Had he done something wrong?  He had only been trying to make his date laugh.

"Aww!  Why'd you stop kid?  That was video gold!" Someone on the street called out.  Midoriya glanced at him as the woman with him smacked him on the shoulder before pulling him away.  Slowly others walked away and left Midoriya on the sidewalk alone.

Had he embarrassed Todoroki because he had attracted attention?  Maybe he had let them move too fast.  He knew the other teen wasn't comfortable with the idea of their destined connection despite what Todoroki had said.  Everything had been too soon and too fast.

Midoriya sighed, shoulders dropping as he turned and started back towards campus.  He wouldn't chase Todoroki.   He had promised this would be at his speed after all.  He should have said no to a "date" and instead had it be a hangout as friends.  Head hanging slightly, he just focused on his feet moving beneath him.

If only he knew what storm was about to start....

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