The cinnamon roll breaks

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A few days had passed after that eventful night. Between the members of his class, Midoriya was never really alone. Someone was with him, even sleeping.

Uraraka had spent a couple of nights and Kirishima even got Kaminari and Bakugo to hang out in his room playing games until they passed out. He and Bakugo weren't back to where they were as kids, but they had had a long talk about what had happened. It had helped and they were on good terms.

Classes had gone well, though Aizawa had refused to let him take part in training. The teacher had said something about wanting him to fully recover first. Midoriya didn't get it, but also didn't want to step on any toes. So he just agreed and took notes on his classmates.

Today, though, All Might had insisted he rejoin the class for training.

"You have been put into teams four teams of five. Two villain and two hero. You will work to capture the other team in order to win," All Might explained.  Midoriya didn't seem bothered by the exercise,  it was a common one.  He heard All Might mention the teams and opponents were on the board.  Looking up, Midoriya felt his blood run cold.  He was on a team with Uraraka,  Kirishima,  Iida, and Bakugo.   Not too bad - but their opponents made it a worse case scenario.  They were facing Asui, Kaminari,  Mineta, Jirou, and...Todoroki.

He could hear his team cursing as they seemed to surround him.  Uraraka was even asking if they could switch opponents.   All Might brushed it off, assuring her that the teams were done with their quirks in mind.  He then set the second groups off and told the first two - Midoriya's group among them - to take positions.

"Young Bakugo, your group shall be the villains today.  Your objective is to steal from the bank," the teacher announced.  "Todoroki,  your team are the heroes.  Wait for the signal to enter."

Bakugo lead his team to their starting point.  "Hey, nerd," he grunted.

Midoriya  looked up, fighting the urge to cry and scream at the same time.  "Y-Yeah, Kacchan? "

Bakugo looked at him.  "Stay with Pink Cheeks and Shitty Hair back here.  Iida and I will get this done.  Then you don't-"

"No," Midoriya cut him off.  "We're supposed to be a team.  I have to fight against Denki and Uraraka against why should I be exempt?  Besides, just because he's there doesn't mean we'll fight.  I'll be okay and I miss training."

The blond made a noise, but consented and gave the orders to do what it took to get their objective...but not to let the heroes get any of them.  The small team nodded and Midoriya grinned.  "I think I can figure out how to get into the vault if you all can get me there."

Iida nodded as Bakugo smirked.  "There's the nerd. Let's show them why they never want us as the bad guys."

The team laughed and hurried in at their alarm.  Midoriya was surprised at how easily they fell into a team.  Together they worked to get inside the bank with barley any looks tossed their way.  Soon enough, Midoriya was crouched in front of the vault.  As he was working on getting it open, the door to the bank smashed open.

Bakugo stayed back with Midoriya while the other three moved to keep the heroes away.  Midoriya heard the fighting, but got the door to open.  "Let's go," he ordered and he and Bakugo moved inside. 

The blond made for the objective as the green haired man kept watch.  The fighting grew quiet and both teens grew still.  Bakugo grabbed the objective and tossed it to Midoriya,  palm already heating up for battle.   Midoriya caught itand moved to hide in the shadow of the door.

Todoroki stepped through the door, ice slowly spreading across the floor.  Midoriya shivered I his hiding place, keeping as quiet as he could.  Bakugo smirked.

"Where's everyone else?" The blond sneered.

The duel eyed boy shrugged.  "Your teammates forced the fight outside.  I chose to stop you from completing your mission.  Where is Izuku?"

The blond saw his former friend flinch out of the corner of his eye.  He sneered at his classmate.  "You don't get to use his name like that, frosty asshole."

Todoroki frowned.  "Who are you to say that to me?  Haven't you always been an asshole to him youself?"

Bakugo straightened, face dark.  "Yeah," he responded.   "But I realized what I did and have made amends.  I also haven't ever dismissed him.  I realized that I was jealous of him in middle school...that I envied his passion and I expressed it like a jerk.  But I am no where near your level of asshole."

Midoriya started to slip towards the door.  He had to complete his job, no matter what.  Bakugo was keeping their opponent's attention so he might just do it.

"Passion?   You mean foolishness."  The voice cut right through the green eyed teen.  He froze, heart hammering in his chest.

Bakugo growled.   "Excuxe me!  The nerd is anything but foolish.  You are blind as fu-"

Ice shot out, forcing Bakugo to defend and cut off his statement.  Todoroki frowned as he stared at the blond.    "What does it matter to you?   You weren't who he has been embarassing! "

Bakugo stared, eyes going wide.  Todoroki felt the hair on his neck stand and turned.  Behind him, Midoriya stood, eyes wide and pained.  The objective tumbled from his shaking hands as green eyes met bi-colored.

Bakugo moved forward, shoving Todoroki to the side as hard as he could.  The shocked teen slammed to the floor, eyes flying back to his soulmate as those stunning eyes seemed to fade.  Tears rolled down pale cheeks as a strained whimper escaped.

"Deku!  Look at me, nerd," Bakugo ordered as he grabbed Midoriya's face.  He tried to get the other boy to look at him, but the eyes remained unchanged.  "Izuku!"

Todoroki started to pick himself up, lips parting to ask what was going on when a wail of agony escaped the other.  Midoriya seemed to curl on himself as the wail became a scream.  Green lightening erupted from his body, crackling violently.  Dark, almost black strands also joined the storm surrounding him.  Bakugo flinched back, small cuts and burns appearing on his skin.

Todoroki was shocked, confused by what was going on.  He could hear Bakugo screaming for help, but it felt like everything was muffled.   He just stared at the screaming felt like something was trying to rip the room apart. 

Then, just like that, everything stopped.  Midoriya flopped forward into Bakugo's arms and the noise returned.  Aizawa was there, but Todoroki could t focus on what was being said.  He saw Bakugo talking while holding the other teen who was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Get him to Recovery Girl now," Aizawa ordered,  letting Bakugo get up with Midoriya in his arms and walk out.  The raven haired man looked to Todoroki,  a dark look on his face.  "Principal's Office now."

Todoroki frowned.  "I didn't do anything!" He stood, angry again.  "Why is everyone blaming me because he can't be serious?"

Aizawa moved so they were too to toe.  "That wasn't him not being serious," he snarled.  "That was him breaking.  You're damn lucky I was here or..."  The silence was suffocating.

After a moment, Todoroki moved away to head for Nezu's office.  Aizawa followed, loudly dismissing the class, pausing only to tell Kaminari and Kirishima where Bakugo went.  Todoroki felt eyes locked on him - a coldness that hurt.  Did the class hate him for something not his fault?

He exited the training room with his teachers in tow, a whispered conversation behind him.  He felt guilty, but he wasn't sure why.

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