I want to be free...

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"I wish my boyfriend would do that."

All eyes snapped to the purple haired teen that stood at the door, leaning against the frame.  His eyes were on his phone.

"Shinsou?" Todoroki sniffled.

"Man, he is so sweet," Shinsou continued.  "My soulmate would die if I did this.  Hope his is smiling. Dude can't dance, but he knows how to have fun.  Wish I had someone who would be like that for me."

Aizawa smirked.  "More details please," he urged.

Shisnou turned his phone so they could see the comments on the video of Midoriya dancing.  "100,000 views and 60,000 comments with almost all of them being like that.  The negative ones are about his dancing, which does kinda suck."

Todoroki laughed despite his tears.  "He was doing the dance from the festival," he chuckled.  Shinsou nodded, a knowing smirk on his face. 

"What does that prove?" Endeavour demanded.

Shinsou frowned and leveled a cold gaze on the adult.  "That Midoriya isn't who would ruin your dear son's reputation.   In fact, more people are appalled by your actions when he was a victim than of him dancing in the rain like an idiot."

Endeavour was shaking in anger as the adults shifted their gaze to him.  "You are all fools.  I never should have allowed him to come here.  Shoto, let's go. We are switching you-"

"No." Todoroki's voice was soft, but cold as ice.  "I am not leaving this school or this life.  I made a mistake because of you and what you have pounded into me for years.  I am done being your son."

Father and son locked eyes - both angry and spiteful.   Nezu clearing his throat broke the tension and the teen stood up.

"Shoto..." Aizawa warned.

"Sensei," Todoroki said as he kept his eyes locked on his father.  "I would like to report a situation of emotional, mental, and physical abuse."

Endeavour glared.  "Shoto stop spreading such filth!"

Todoroki clenched his fists.  "My father forced my mother into marriage for her quirk and kept forcing her to have children to get his perfect product," Todoroki hissed out.  "I can't say what he did to Touya...but he started to train me as soon as I showed my quirk.  He refused to let me interact with my older siblings at all, calling them worthless and a waste.  He forced my older sister into the role of mother and cook and maid after committing mom to a mental hospital.   I was pushed past my limits over and over again.  His training was violent and sadistic.  He is the reason I am ashamed of myself and my wants and needs.  All I was ever told was how I was to be better than All Might. "

Endeavour shook with rage.   He moved to stike out at Todoroki when Inko stepped in front of the teen.  Endeavour's hand struck the woman, knocking her back into his son's arms.  That was enough for Aizawa to activate his quirk and bind Endeavour with his capture weapon.

"Assaulting a civilian, " Nezu clucked.  "I hereby ban you from the school grounds and will be filing a report.  Eraserhead, if you would escort him out."

"Gladly," the smirking man said, shoving the man out the door.  Once it shut, Todoroki helped Inko sit, frowning as he knelt before her.

"Mrs.  Midoriya,  are you ok?" Todoroki asked, chilling his hand to offer an impromptu ice pack.

Inko smiled past her split lip and rested her hand on his face.  "Sweetie, this is your chance.  You have taken the first step."

Todoroki stared, then felt a hand on his shoulder. "I am proud of you, Todoroki, " Nezu said gently.  "And don't worry.  I will make sure you and your siblings are safe."

Todoroki felt that pressure again and his eyes stung.  Nezu just patted his shoulder as Inko drew him close.  He wasn't sure when, but he knew he was crying.  Inko stroked his hair as she just held him.  He felt someone else kneel down next to him.  

"What's your name?" Shinsou's voice asked.

"Huh?" Todoroki responded and then everything felt numb. 

~~Time Skip~~

Todorki groaned as he slowly woke.  He felt rested and yet exhausted.   His eyes burned, his chest hurt...everything hurt.  He sat up, realizing he was still in Nezu's office, but on the couch near the back.

"Morning," Shinsou said from nearby. 

Todoroki glared.  "Did you brainwash me?"

Shinsou shrugged.   "Mama Midoriya asked me to," he explained.   "I just put you to sleep like I did Midoriya.   Figured you needed it."

Todoroki felt his heart clench at the name.  "Is he..."

Shinsou put his phone away.  "Sedated right now," he answered.  "His mother is with him.   I talked with Recovery Girl and there is a chance for you both.   She said the best thing to do is to apologize and explain what happened.  Then, let him set the pace.   He suffered the most backlash because of this...but there is hope."

Todoroki listened and nodded after a moment.  "And me?"

Shinsou leaned back.  "Welp, for you she suggested therapy to repair the mental trauma and I suggested we let you decorate your own room at home."

Todoroki paled.  "But...but..."

"Shit!" Shinsou was at his side.  "Dude, you're not going back.  Aizawa got custody of you and your eldest sister has custody of your brother.  Your new room is at Aizawa's. "

Todoroki looked at him.  "Really?  How...how do you..."

"Know?" Shinsou smirked.  "Cause he's my adopted dad too.  Oh, and buy ear plugs."

The heterochromatic teen blinked at his apparently new sibling. "Why?"

Shinsou smirked.  "Cause President Mic is his soulmate."

Todoroki blinked, then frowned.  "Damn.  I owe Mina money."

Shinsou started to laugh at the fact they had been betting on Aizawa and his love life.  He was going to harass his father so bad for that.  Todoroki found himself smiling ever so slightly at the laughing.   Just as Shinsou was calming down, Aizawa opened the door and stared at the purple haired teen who burst into laughter again.

"Am I missing something?" Aizawa asked Todoroki.

The heterochromatic teen shrugged.  "Just told him I owed Mina money because I said you were single and she said you were with President Mic."

Aizawa sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.  "I should have known my students would do something like that.   Alright.  You get out."

Aizawa pushed his son towards the door, glaring as the teen continued to cackle.  Once he was gone, Aizawa shut the door and moved to sit on the couch next to his student.

The teen sat quietly, considering everything.   "Did you really..."

"Yes," Aizawa responded.   "It didn't take long with your report. Mrs. Midoriya's report and injury, and the fact that your siblings jumped at the chance to get you away from him."

Todoroki smiled faintly, then hung his head.  "Izuku?"

Aizawa considered his words.  "He is awake, but not really himself," he answered after a moment.  "Shoto, what happened is called a soul shatter.  When soulmates move from friendship to a romantic relationship,  the bond becomes both fragile and stronger than ever.  When you rejected him out of your own mistreatment,  it caused cracks."

Aizawa paused, watching the information sink in before continuing.   "Cracks can heal easily and I am certain you both were moving that way.  The training today was a mistake on my part.  I had told All Might to keep you two apart...he thought putting you on opposite teams was enough.  Based on what Bakugo said, when you reacted like you did with him that close...it caused the shatter."

Todoroki flinched.  "I am afraid to ask...what is a shatter?"

Aizawa sighed.  "It is when the soul itself shatters."

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