My Soulmate is Near

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Izuku stared up at the massive doors before him. He was still in a bit of shock that he had done it - he had gotten into UA! True, his quirk was something of a miracle thanks to All Might, but no one needed to know that. As far as they were concerned, he was a very late bloomer and just needed training. Taking a deep breath, Izuku pushed the door open and stepped into the classroom and his future.

The silence of the hallway gave way to the chaotic chatter of the classroom. His green eyes scanned the crowd and took in the sheer variety of people he was meeting. He spotted the brunette girl who had helped him before the exam and who he had saved during the exam. Of course Bakugo was in this class, but maybe he'd luck out and be able to avoid him. There were others, but Izuku didn't have time to worry as he headed for his assigned seat - right behind Bakugo. Swallowing hard, he sat as quietly as he could - earning a simple sneer and scoff from Bakugo.

Settling in, preparing for class, Izuku let out a relieved sigh. He might escape without any serious bullying if he just kept his head down. The thought suddenly left his head as he felt a rush of warmth and a feeling of safety swell in him. He pressed his hand to his heart and he closed his eyes to just feel it. This feeling could only mean one thing, based on his research, and that was that his soulmate was in the same room as him.

His eyes flew open, scanning the room. His soulmate was here at UA! In this very class if his research was correct. Who could it be? Could he have two soulmates? Or did someone have a really unique quirk? He ignored the chatter as his green eyes searched everyone he could see from his seat.

"Stop mumbling ya damn nerd!" Bakugo sneered from in front of him. Izuku didn't reply, just moved towards the back of the room, away from the blond. He tried to focus - he wanted to find his soulmate! He began to listen closer to the slowly dying chatter.

"I saw my soulmate's quirk the morning of the test," a pink skinned girl giggled. "It made me so giddy! I didn't think I had a soulmate."

Uraraka, the girl he had saved, returned the smile. "What was it?"

The other girl blushed, her cheeks turning a darker shade of pink. "I'm not really sure...but it kinda looked like ribbon."

Uraraka smiled. "Wow! There's a ton of really cool quirks that could be, Mina."

Mina nodded. "I really don't care who it is. I like everyone, cutie. What about you? Have you seen anything?" When Uraraka meekly nodded, Mina squealed and spun on her heel. "Well? Tell me!"

Uraraka glanced behind them at another group of students before whispering. "I saw a frog." Mina grabbed her hands, squealing softly again before glancing back at one of their classmates near the front - a girl with long green hair and rather frog like qualities. Izuku had to smile - he had hoped the kind girl who had helped him had someone meant for her.

He glanced towards his row to find Bakugo ignoring two other boys who had come up to him and were showering him with compliments about his quirk. If he wasn't mistaken, Izuku could have sworn Bakugo was blushing. It felt sort of surreal to Izuku.
He wished he knew what everyone could do, if Bakugo had found out his soulmate, and what the future held for them. Maybe if he knew some of that he could help Bakugo figure out his soulmate and he, Izuku, could figure about his own.

Izuku's thoughts were interrupted as his teacher, the famed underground hero Eraserhead, began class. Izuku hurried to his seat - along with the others - as the exhausted looking man muttered about starting off with a test. Maybe today could be a new start for everything.

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