Izuku versus Endeavour

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Todoroki flinched as he fell from Midoriya's warm grip and landed poorly on his ankle.  He ignored his screaming father as he watched his newly saved soulmate slid away, face contorted in pain.  Todoroki flexed his power, an ice wall shooting up to save his friend. 

"Izuku!" The teen cried he moved to go to him.  A broad hand striking his face stopped him, knocking him backwards.  He stared up at his father, rage in his eyes.

"What do you think you are doing?" Endeavour shouted at him, towering over him.   "I told you not to fall for this soulmate fantasy.  You have too many important things to do."

"Do it again."

Everyone froze at the chilling tone of voice coming from behind Endeavour.   All of the sidekicks and pros who had joined them on the rooftop stared in shock - some at the fact that Endeavour had hit a kid and some at the sight of the other teen standing behind him.

Midoriya's eyes were dark and dangerous.   The crackling green energy was back and dancing across his body, highlighting the bleeding scrapes on his arm and face.  The energy he was putting off was terrifying to everyone on that rooftop but Todoroki.

The duel haired teen smiled at his soulmate, fully accepting that this was real.

"What did you say to me, child?" Endeavour demanded as he turned.  He refused to be scared of some runt All Might had picked up.

"Do. It. Again." Midoriya growled out between clenched teeth.  "Show the world what type of hero you really are and give me a reason to protect my soulmate. "

The hero seemed to realize they were being watched and his face paled beneath the flames.  His subordinates stared at him, some looking between him and the teen laying on the rooftop.

"Go ahead, you dumpster fire," Midoriya snapped.  "Show them how you treat your own son just because his soulmate wants him.  Oh wait...you abandoned your soulmate with the sole purpose to beat All Might.   Isn't that right?"

Endeavour whipped his head around to stare at the boy who spoke so poorly of him.  He heard whispers starting up.

"Wait that's his son?"

"Did he really hit his son for kissing that guy?"

"Since when does he not believe in soulmates?"

"Did he seriously hurt the victim?"

Midoriya slowly walked towards the hero, eyes never leaving him.  "Touch Shoto again and you will regret it," the teen warned, voice dropping low.  "Being a hero isn't that important when it comes to him."

With that he walked past and hurried to Todoroki,  the cold, dangerous energy seeming to evaporate from him.  His green eyes lightened and concern replaced the anger.

"Sho! Are you okay?  Did he hurt you?" Midoriya asked, kneeling beside him.

Todoroki smiled.  "I'm fine," he said.  "You look worse for the wear."  He raised his right hand, attempting to use it like an ice pack to try and help his friend.  Midoriya grinned, putting his hand over the other.

"Aww!  I've had worse and you know it.  Cmon, I'll get you back to the dorms," the green eyed teen said and turned so Todoroki could get on his back.

"Hey kid, let the EMTs check you out," one of the sidekicks begged, stepping closer to them and ignoring Endeavour who stood in disapproval.   "Just to make sure you're ok.  Please?"

Midoriya look to Todoroki who nodded.  "Ok, I'll get us down to them," the now bubbly teen grinned, standing with Todoroki holding onto his shoulders, legs wrapped around Midoriya's waist.  The sidekick nodded, walking them to the side edge since Todoroki insisted on helping them down.

With that they were headed down, using the slowly melting ice as a sort of slide.  Once on the ground, Midoriya carried his other half to the waiting ambulance.  Media snapped pictures and tried to ask questions of the two. 

The teens ignored them as the medics took over.  One helped Midoriya set Todoroki down then pulled him to the side. 

The media continued snapping photos and hollering out questions as Todoroki sat on the gurney, his shoe off so his ankle could be checked while another cleaned up the scrapes on Midoriya.

The green teen finally turned to the media.  "Oh we're just a couple of students from UA.  We were at the convention when it started," he answered a determined reporter.

"Are the reports true that the number one hero didn't save you?  That he didn't even try?" Another reporter screamed out.

Midoriya thought about his answer.  "Well...I don't really remember who was trying, but my best friend here saved my life, so I guess it doesn't matter."

Todoroki felt a small pain when his other half called him "best friend," but then he remembered saying he wasn't sure what he wanted.  Despite the roof, Midoriya was still respectful of his potential desire to just be friends.

The reporters didn't seem satisfied,  but by that time Endeavour had returned to the ground and they were focused on him.  Todoroki smirked as he watched his father surrounded and bombarded by questions.  

He saw Midoriya meet eyes with the hero and for a second the dark look was back - a warning before the green-haired teen turned his blinding smile back towards him.

"Ready to go, Sho?" Midoriya asked, then giggled.  "That rhymed!"

Todoroki smiled, his ankle now wrapped and ready to go.  "Yes," he agreed.  "Though I am sure this was not our last interview. "

Midoriya grinned and turned, offering to carry him again.  Todoroki decided he had liked the feel of being carried by the physically stronger teen.  He climbed on, gently wrapping his arms around Midoriya's shoulders as the other teen hooked his arms under his knees.

As they walked away, Midoriya stopped.  "Oh!  I dropped the bag.  All that stuff," he gasped

Todoroki smirked.  "We used dumpster fire's card, remember?  So no big deal."

The duel eyed boy felt his heart warm at the bright laughter that left the boy carrying him.  "Then we'll make it up to each other next time it's in town."

Todoroki relaxed, just enjoying the sensation of being carried by someone who was so caring and yet so strong.  He glanced back, smirking at his father's glare.

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