Returning Home & Confessions

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Izuku had never felt so happy to see his dormitory building as he did after leaving the police station. It felt like it had been so long since he'd been back and he could see all the lights on. He greeted Uraraka and Tsuyu as they arrived as they had to do paperwork just like he and Kirishima had. The noise once they made it back inside was nearly deafening. Izuku smiled, reassuring them that they were fine, even when Iida shook him while yelling at him for doing something foolish.

He spotted Bakugo watching Kirishima from the couch but said nothing. He wouldn't interfere with his friend, even though he knew Bakugo felt connected to Kirishima. Izuku had learned that things had to go at their own pace. The memory of Mirio snuggling with Tamaki before the painfully shy boy left the hospital was touching. He hoped to be able to have that someday. He jumped when Bakugo shouted for them to be quiet, told Kirishima he was happy he was okay, and that he was going to bed. Todoroki followed, glancing back at Izuku before heading into the elevator.

Izuku allowed himself to be pulled into spending time with his other classmates for a while before he said he was tired and headed for bed. Once in his room, he showered and got dressed in his softest pajamas. He flopped onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. His mind raced as it thought back over the rescue mission and worried over if Eri was okay if she was scared, how they could help Mirio...and the loss of Sir Nighteye.

A soft knock pulled him from his thoughts and he sat up. "Yeah?"

"It's me...may I come in?" Todoroki's voice called softly.

Izuku blinked, a bit surprised the boy was there so late. He rose and opened his door, stepping aside so Todoroki could come in. He noticed that the boy was blushing as he stepped inside. He shut his door, giving them privacy as he had a feeling Todoroki didn't want anyone to hear what they were going to talk about.

"You okay, Todoroki?" Izuku asked softly, giving the other boy space.

Todoroki looked around the room in silence for a few moments. "Lightening," he whispered. "Green lightening...and wind...and some other things that don't make sense."

Izuku frowned. "Huh?"

Todoroki turned to look at him. "I...I saw green lightening, felt the wind, and there were other things that didn't make sense."

Izuku felt his chest clench as his mind processed it. He wasn't entirely familiar with One for All...but he knew that it had been passed down from user to user. He was the ninth and he had a theory that the quirk might have remnants of the other eight users. Still, he didn't want to jump to conclusions. "You did?"

Todoroki nodded, looking him in the eye. "You have green lightening around your body when you use your quirk...and your speed always causes wind. I...I think it was a soulmate vision."

Izuku smiled, feeling a swell of warmth through his body. He still didn't move, no matter how much he wanted to embrace Todoroki. "How do you feel?"

Todoroki swallowed, nervous. "Confused...uncertain..." the boy said. Then he paused and put his hand to his chest. "But at the same time, I feel relaxed and warm in a way I've never felt."

Izuku grinned. "I've felt that way since we met," he said. "And it's okay to be confused and uncertain. I wasn't sure for years. Heck, I thought Kacchan was mine when I first started seeing the visions."

Todoroki had to smirk at that. "How did he take it?" Izuku laughed at the curiosity.

"He was certain it was him and that we were supposed to have a third and he kept saying that they better not be a weakling," Izuku answered. "Then, as we got older, we realized that we weren't meant for each other. I think I know who his might be, but that's a secret."

Todoroki blinked. "Kirishima."

Izuku about fell over. "Huh? How'd you guess?"

Todoroki shrugged and sat on the edge of Izuku's bed. "You seemed so sure that Bakugo would react in a positive way if Kirishima was who called out for him when we tried the rescue. It was like you knew they had a bond unlike any other."

Izuku found himself chuckling as he sat next to Todoroki and pretended not to notice the blush that spread across the other boy's face. "Even if we aren't close, I can read Kacchan like a book. I knew he trusted Kirishima in ways he didn't trust us, so it was a safe bet. After tonight, I'm pretty sure that they are interested in each other."

He was silent for several minutes; the only sound in the room was the ticking of the clock. He watched Todoroki in his peripheral vision, just taking in the fact that they both had soulmate visions. After a moment, he flopped back so he was laying on his bed.

"We can just be friends," he said gently. "Just cause you saw something doesn't me we have to immediately say we love each other. Or ever say that. If you feel better just being friends, then that's all we'll be."

Todoroki looked down at him. "Are you certain Midoriya?" Izuku nodded, offering a smile. "I...I don't want to hurt you because I am not wanting a romantic relationship. I value your friendship."

Izuku pushed himself up and set his hand on Todoroki's shoulder. "I value your friendship as well and being soulmates doesn't mean we have to love each other. It's okay if we're just friends. Besides, I don't want you to feel forced into anything."

The duel-haired boy offered a grateful smile. He put his hand on Izuku's, giving a slight squeeze. "Thank you, my friend." He suddenly seemed to realize what time it was. "I am sorry. I have disturbed your sleep. I'll let you get your rest. Good night, Izuku."

Izuku blushed, staring. "What did you call me?"

Todoroki looked confused. "Is that not how good friends interact? Should I not use your first name?"

Izuku quickly waved off the worry. "N-No, it's just I've never heard you say my first name. It's kinda nice. Not many people call me that."

"Is it okay if I do?" Todoroki asked his hand on the doorknob.

"Only if I can call you Shoto," Izuku responded. He grinned when the other boy nodded. "Then, good night, Shoto. Good luck tomorrow too."

Todoroki offered a gentle smile and left, unaware that as soon as the door shut, Izuku was on his bed in a panic over the fact that he had been right.

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