Todoroki makes a choice...

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Ahead of them in the crowd, Endeavour and a few sidekicks were dealing with a small group of villains who had tried to rob the convention. Endeavour spotted his son in the crowd and the two met with a cold stare. He knew he'd hear about it later on - he always did when his father thought he was wasting time.

"Let's go this way, Sho," Midoriya said, taking his hand and leading him away. The green haired teen had spotted a path out of the crowd and away from the action - something he didn't normally like to avoid. He loved observing the pros at work, but Todoroki knew he was doing it for him. He tried to thank the other teen, but found the attempt interrupted.

"Look out!"

The shout from a bystander caught his attention a split second before Midoriya was shoving him out of the way and blocking a charging villain. Todoroki grunted as he stumbled and ran into another bystander, turning his head to watch his classmate try to protect him. Green strands of lightening danced along his body as he met attack for attack, the bag of convention goodies forgotten on the ground.

Todoroki was in awe of how Midoriya had grown since their first meeting. He was confident in his movements and wasn't seeming to shatter as he used his quirk. His awe was shattered when a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Shoto! What are you doing here?" Endeavour demanded as the sidekicks dealt with the other villains, leaving Midoriya to fight the lone attacker.

"What are you doing? Stop that guy!" Todoroki demanded, showing the hand away and pointing to the fight.

"Why! Isn't he training to be a hero?" Endeavour growled. Todoroki felt his heart race as he gritted his teeth. He was about to give a tongue lashing when a flash of light nearly blinded him. He glanced over when it cleared to see Midoriya slumped across the villains arm. The man grinned and took off, dragging the teen with him.

"That's why you bastard! We're in training! You're supposed to be the hero!" Todoroki snarled, racing after Midoriya and the villain.

The man disappeared from Todoroki's line of sight for a moment. The duel quirked teen began to panic until screaming ahead caught his attention. The villain stood on top of a building, holding Midoriya by the back of the neck.

Todoroki stared as his heart pounded. His soulmates eyes were open, but he didn't seem to be fighting back. In fact it looked like he was crying.

"Tell the heroes to back off or the boy dies!" The villain shouted.

One of the sidekicks had found them. "Cmon man, don't add murder to the list. Just give up!"

The villain laughed. "Murder? Nah, if I let go this kid will kill himself. So who ya gonna go after? Me or some suicidal kid?"

Todoroki gritted his teeth. He might be able to save Midoriya if he's quick enough...but there are so many civilian was a risk.

Then a memory struck him.

"Look...Deku has always held on to that damn vision like a lifeline. Just don't hurt him."

Bakugo's words swirled in his head. The soulmate vision! That was the to get up there.

Heterochromatic eyes scanned and found an empty alleyway. He pushed through the crowd as the pros began to gather trying to figure out how to help the teenage hostage.

Slipping from view, the ice user forced his quirk downwards and propelled himself up. Once on the roof he knew he had to act carefully. He moved forward slowly, trying to remember what he could about the vision.

Below the shouted orders continued and the villain laughed. He lifted his hand briefly and a soft, chocked sob exited Midoriya. He stepped closer to the edge drawing a sharp inhale of air from Todoroki.

The villain grabbed Midoriya again, pulling him back, and looked at Todoroki. "How the hell did you get up here?"

Todoroki never took his eyes off of his classmate. "Let him go, please. Stop your quirk and let us walk away."

The man sneered, tightening his hold on his victim. "As if I'd listen to a kid. Stay back or his death will be caused by you." He pushed Midoriya towards the edge, daring Todoroki.

"Izuku...can you hear me?" The teen called. He saw his friend twitch.

"I'm sorry...I'm s-sorry," Midoriya muttered, seeming to shrink into himself.

Todoroki sucked in his breath. Whatever this guys quirk was he had Midoriya in deep. He knew he had to act not talk. He would not lose his soulmate! He activated his fire quirk, letting it burn hot, smirking as the villain paled. He saw the man pull his hand and Midoriya whimpered, eyes downcast over the side of the of the building. The teen took a step, nearing the edge as the villain backed away.

The duel quirk user slowly walked forward as he activated his ice side at the same time managing to create smoke. It drifted over to his soulmate and he smiled as Midoriya looked up, fingers reaching toward the smoke. Then Todoroki used a trick his mother taught him, create a small swirl of snowflakes above the other teen. He felt his eyes tear up as Midoriya smiled, his eyes starting to sparkle as he reached his hands into the swirl of smoke and snow.

The villain made a shocked noise, startling Midoriya. The green haired teen turned and the smile faded.

"Dumb move, numbskull," the future hero said, flicking a finger and creating a blast of air that knocked the stunned enemy backwards, knocking him out. Midoriya huffed. Running a hand through his hair.

He nearly stumbled off the edge as Todoroki lunged at him, wrapping his arms around him. Midoriya laughed, wrapping his arms around the other boy. "Shoto? Can you tell me what all is going on?"

Todoroki just held him tight. It took Midoriya a moment to realize the teen he held was shaking. He stood there, one hand rubbing gentle circles on his soul mate's back, slowly easing them away from the edge.

"Hey, Sho," Midoriya whispered. "Not entirely sure what's going on, but everything is ok. We're ok."

Todoroki pulled back, face wet with tears. "I thought it wouldn't work. I...I thought I was going to lose you. "

Midoriya blinked then he then stared in awe. "That was you! I thought I was having the vision again." His green eyes grew soft. "Sho...I'm sorry I put you in a pos-"

Warm lips cut him off as Todoroki kissed him. Hands held his face - one so warm and relaxing...the other chilled and refreshing. Midoriya melted into the kiss, ignoring the sidekicks and Endeavour arriving on the roof. He gently tightened his arms around his soulmate, returning the kiss.

When they broke apart, two toned eyes met surprised green. "I couldn't lose my soulmate, " Todoroki whispered.

Midoriya ignored the ignorant shouts of Endeavour as he grinned. "Really?" He breathed, picking his soulmate up in a strong hug as the other teen nodded. This was the best moment of his life...until powerful hands jerked them apart, letting Midoriya hit the rooftop violently, skidding towards the edge.

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