Two Sides of the Same Coin

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"I was told the same."

Todoroki jumped as he heard Midoriya speak. He looked up to see the green haired teen with a cup of ice tea. The other boy smiled and set it down on the table in front of him. Inko excused herself to let the boys talk.

"What do you mean?" Todoroki asked.

Midoriya sat across from him. "Aizawa suggested I see a therapist too. To deal with everything I was feeling. He said that random bursts of emotion can happen when we're in the situation we are. He said it was our minds way of dealing with everything. "

Todoroki considered the statement. "'ve done that too?"

Midoriya grinned. "Kacchan said I owe him a new shirt for getting snot on it."

Todoroki found himself laughing at the idea of both the blond comforting Midoriya and yelling at him at the same time. He heard Midoriya laughing with him. The two finally calmed down, the silence filling the space was a comfortable one.

Todoroki enjoyed the feeling of acceptance and comfort. "I...I want to apologize again for what I did."

Midoriya studied him as he spoke. After a moment, his soulmate offered that warm smile again. "We are two sides of the same coin."

Todoroki was confused. "What do you mean, Zuku?"

Izuku smiled at the nickname, a soft laugh escaping. When the moment passed, Izuku relaxed into his seat and turned his eyes to the ceiling. "We are the same and yet different. I was raised by someone who showed me tender love and accepted me no matter what. Even in the years when I didn't have my quirk."

Todoroki caught on. "And I was raised by an ego driven narcissist who only saw me for my quirk."

Green eyes met two toned. Izuku nodded gently. "I wanted someone who was just mine and you..."

Todoroki thought about it. "I wanted someone who wanted me as I am. Not for what I can do."

Izuku sat forward, elbows resting on his knees. "We compliment each other in that way. And others if you ask me. But we jumped over important things. We didn't let ourselves feel okay in this bond entirely. We both just wanted to feel the connection."

Todoroki looked at the other teen and contemplated what had been said. He studied the other teen and tried to just see him. He saw those deep green eyes just watching him. He took notice of the freckles spread across skin that was still a bit too pale. His eyes traced over the roundness of his face and the green curls that fell untamed.

He felt those eyes moving over his face and gave in to the urge to speak. "You're pale."

Midoriya laughed and sat up. "I'm doing better, I swear. Recovery Girl is keeping a close eye on me."

Todoroki nodded. " confused why this hurt you so badly, but-"

"Stop," Midoriya said firmly. "I asked that. And Aizawa had theories. He thinks because of how your father influenced your mind...your reaction would be more emotional rather than physical. "

Todoroki considered that theory. "I...don't really know how I was feeling all this time. heart never hurt as much as it did seeing you in pain."

Midoriya's smile faltered. "I am sorry for causing you pain."

Todoroki moved before he thought and was kneeling next to Midoriya, holding his hands in his own. "Don't ever say that again."

Midoriya blinked in surprise. "But...I hurt you."

Todoroki shook his head, face set firm. "No. I was the cause of my own pain. And it is nothing compared to what I did to you. I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up, even if all we are is friends."

Midoriya's smile returned as his hands returned Todoroki's hold. "So we are both guilty and both innocent. We owe each other nothing."

Todoroki frowned. "But-"

Midoriya leaned in so his forehead was against Todoroki's. "We owe each other nothing. Let's just be friends and see where this goes. The right way this time."

Todoroki nodded, smiling himself.

"Boys, dinner is ready," Inko called from the kitchen.

Todoroki pulled back, blushing. Midoriya seemed to giggle before he rose, keeping hold of Todoroki's hands.

"Come on. My mom made cold soba," Midoriya grinned as he pulled Todoroki to his feet. "Her cooking is better than Kacchans."

Together they walked, hand in hand, into the kitchen.

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