Friends Again

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It was a long week after the training before Midoriya was allowed back to class. The other students, except for Bakugo, pretty much ignored Todoroki as they still blamed him for Midoriya's health.

When their green bean returned, paler and weaker than before, the class did everything to keep him apart from the duel eyed boy. Bakugo shouted at them to cool down, but it took Midoriya's intervention to stop the social isolation.

"Seriously guys," Midoriya laughed. "Todoroki and I have an understanding. He's our classmate, so please treat him nicely."

Uraraka frowned. "But Deku, he-"

"Would you shut it, pink cheeks?" Bakugo snapped. "I already told you damn extras that half and half apologized and the green idiot accepted."

Midoriya rolled his eyes at Bakugo, but the smile stayed in place. "There is more to the story than even I knew," he explained. "We've talked a lot this week. I understand what happened and we're working on just being friends again. Please, for me, leave him alone."

The class grumbled, but finally accepted the request from the green bean. Midoriya smiled brighter, offering a glance at his soulmate who refused to look at him. Lips pulled into a frown and Midoriya tugged at Bakugo's sleeve. He caught the bond's eyes, then tipped his head toward the teen in question. The blond snorted.

"Icy hot has been iced out," he muttered. He watched his childhood friend, a sweet boy who had forgiven Todoroki already, frown deeper. Bakugo sighed, "I have an idea."

Midoriya looked back at him. "Hmm?"

Bakugo got up and walked over towards Aizawa. The two spoke for a moment before the blond sauntered back. He grabbed his bag and walked over to Todoroki. Midoriya tipped his head, confused as Bakugo leaned in and spoke at a whisper to the boy. The look of surprise and then Todoroki hurrying to move caught the attention of several classmates.

Midoriya watched, eyes wide and curious. "Todoroki? "

The duel eyed boy fidgeted with his bag strap. "Bakugo is switching seats...if that is okay with you, Midoriya. "

It suddenly made sense to Midoriya and he grinned. "Of course," he said. "I just hope you don't mind when I mumble. Kacchan would just bump my desk."

Todoroki blushed. "I...don't mind your mumbling." He sat down in front of his soulmate and felt his heart flutter. As Aizawa started class, the duel quirk user let his mind wander. He could hear Midoriya's soft mumbling from just behind him and his heart fluttered again. Was this what it was like to be fully open to a soulmate?

He focused on the soft words behind him, smiling. This was nice and warm. It gave him hope that they could be more.

"Oh, Sho, do you have an eraser?" Midoriya asked, tapping his shoulder gently. Todoroki grabbed his eraser and silently handed it back as his cheeks warmed from the name. "Ahh! Thanks."

"Of course, Zuku," Todoroki answered. He waited, holding his breath until a giggle escaped from behind him. It seemed the green eyed teen liked the name. Aizawa cleared his throat and the two went back to taking notes, the moment shattered.

As the lunch bell rang, Uraraka skipped over to drag Midoriya away to eat. Todoroki watched, not following as he knew most of the class still didn't like him.

Kirishima was suddenly at his side. "Yo, the green bean wanted you to have this. Sorry bout how we treated you. It..."

Todoroki accepted the note and stood. "No worries," he interrupted. "I understand now how wrong I was and how much I have to make up for. I do have a question though. When you...accepted your"

The red head grinned. "I felt my heart pound everytime we touched or I found something new about either of them. Bakugo took a bit longer, but just felt warm."

Todoroki nodded. "Thank you," he said softly. "And I hope we can be friends again."

The red head nodded and hurried off as Kaminari called out to him.

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