Reality sets in

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Todoroki sat, waiting outside the office while his teachers were inside with Nezu. He heard his father's voice grumbling about being called in. He refused to meet the man's eyes as he stomped over. Neither said a word, just waiting. Inko Midoriya arrived moments later and the office door opened.

"Please, come in," Aizawa said, stepping aside. The trio walked in, Inko was in tears when Aizawa whispered something to her. The door shut and Todoroki felt that suffocating pressure again. He sat in the indicated seat off to the side while the parents were directed to the other seats.

Nezu sat, his signature grin gone. "I am troubled with the reason for our meeting," he said to the adults. "It has been brought to my attention that your children discovered they were soulmates and attempted a relationship, which has since broken."

"As it should," Endeavour said, a satisfied grin on his face. "That boy is not worthy of my son."

Inko looked at Endeavour in shock, "Excuse me?"

Endeavour puffed out his chest. "Shoto is by far a superior student and hero. He will marry a suitable female when the time is right."

The other adults in the room tended at Endeavour's words, but Inko's eyes moved to Todoroki. The teen felt her gaze, but couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes. He found he suddenly felt like crying and screaming. He hated his father's words...hated the idea of marrying a girl. Bright green eyes flashed through his mind and he felt so lonely.

"I do not understand why we are even here," Endeavour spoke up. "Shoto made his choice. It is clear that All Might's little student just cannot handle rejection. That doesn't say mu-"

Inko's hand slammed across his cheek in an echoing slap. Her eyes were red as she stood, anger across her face. No one in the room had ever seen this woman that angry. She stood, shaking as she stared Endeavour down.

"You shut up!" She spat. "You homophobic prick! Don't you say another word about Izuku! It's because of your venom that my son is in the state he's in. You poisoned your own child and now he is spreading that poison."

Aizawa moved so he stood partially in front Todoroki as the two parents faced off. Todoroki looked up at him, confused.

"How dare you, you little imp of a woman!" Endeavour snarled, standing. Inko didn't back down, still glaring at him.

"This imp of a woman raised a son who is proud of who he is and not afraid to admit it!" She hissed. "He told your son he would be fine to wait or to just be friends! He told your beautiful, wonderful boy he would be okay like that. Your son is who wanted to move forward and your venom has poisoned the best thing that has happened to both of them!"

Nezu sat back, glancing at Todoroki who was listening to the woman in awe. "I would say I have to agree with Mrs. Midoriya. The two seemed to be improving prior to a few days ago."

"Young Todoroki, what changed your mind?" All Might asked.

Endeavour opened his mouth to speak when Inko slapped him again. "Not you, you viper!" She snapped. Turning, she looked gently at the young man. "Todoroki, can you tell us what happened? "

Todoroki thought, feeling eyes on him. "We...went out on a date," he answered. "I picked the food and he picked what we did. It was Uraraka's idea. I chose a place for breakfast and he took me to this little spot in the park."

Inko smiled. She knew that spot and understood why her son chose that spot. "Go on," she encouraged gently as stack of post its flew into his father's face when the man tried to speak.

Todoroki continued thinking about the day. "We went to lunch and started talking. Then it began to rain. Our original idea was to wait to finish the date another day. Then he started to talk about the idea of singing in the rain. I am not sure why, but he started dancing in the rain."

Inko smiled softly. "Aww, how sweet. I'll show you the movie sometime," she assured.

Nezu watched his student. "Todoroki. There is more, isn't there?"

Todoroki nodded. He felt his chest ache as he remembered how he felt. "I was so happy and it started to make me smile," he answered. "There was a physical attraction too."

"Shoto!" Endeavour scolded, ignoring the others.

Todoroki felt the same wave of courage he had felt on the roof when he tried to stand up to his father. He jumped to his feet. "No! Izuku is attractive and I can say that! He is kind and sweet and just wanted me to smile! But you....I heard your voice whispered in my head about appearances! And all that good stuff went away."

The teen sat down heavily, one hand clutching the fabric of his costume at his chest. He felt his eyes stinging. "I could only hear those damn words about how I was viewed and then people started filming and talking...and I got angry." It hurt to remember. "I had to get away. I was afraid of being seen as less because my soulmate was being foolish...but...was I wrong?"

Inko moved over, kneeling in front of him. Before Endeavour could speak, Aizawa's eyes flared red as a warning.

Todoroki looked up at Inko, flinching as she set her hand over his. "Ignore that voice in your head. How did that moment make you feel?"

The bi colored teen felt tears burn in his eyes. "I was happy," he muttered. "And confused."

Inko smiled. "Understandable, " she explained. "You two are so young that things are going to be confusing. do you feel remembering it?"

"It hurts," he answered, sniffling. "I...hurt him because I was scared...and it hurts to remember his smile.."

Inko gently wiped his cheek with her free hand. The teen's eyes widened as he realized he was crying. He looked at Inko. The woman smiled gently. "It's okay to cry," she cooed gently. "It is okay to feel how you feel and want what you want. I know my boy and his intent wasn't to embarrass you."

Todoroki felt more pressure as he realized something. "He wanted me to smile," he muttered. "I...asked to walk back in the rain and we talked about that movie...and then he went out and started to dance."

More tears fell as Todoroki tried to process what he was feeling. Inko just knelt there, comforting the confused boy. Behind them All Might and Aizawa were standing to block Endeavour from them. The silent disagreement passed between them before Nezu stood on his desk.

"I do believe that we have this handled," he announced. "I am sorry for troubling you. I wont make such a mistake again...though I do believe we will find another place for the boy to stay during school breaks."

Endeavour gritted his teeth, ready to refuse when All Might stepped closer. "Do not punish the children for our disdain for each other," the skinny blond breathed. "Because of what you have forced on your boy, he is hurting. A classmate of his is hurting. What occurred between us is not on them."

Endeavour sneered. "Shoto is none of your concern. I will not allow him to destroy his reputation because of some idiotic-"

"I wish my boyfriend would do that."

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