Short Story

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You sat quietly on the porch swing beside Bucky as the two of you watched the birds flit around. In the distance you could hear Steve's motorcycle come down the lane and the two of you briefly exchanged a glance.

"Do you think he will noti-"

"Yeah he'll notice." James cut you off and you just 'hmph' in response.

You took another long sip out of your drink and looked back at Clint laying on the ground as Steve pulled to a halt behind your vehicle. He made his way up the walk, stopping briefly to look at the man laying in the yard, before stepping onto the porch.

"Hey Steve."


You both greeted and he nodded back.

"Hey." He studied the two of you. "Why is Clint laying in the front yard."

Damn. He noticed.

"Well." You started slowly when James offered no support. "We decided to throw Frisbee for a little while." You said plainly. "Unfortunately he got a little bump to the head." You finished after another long moment.

Steve stared at you, lips pursed, and you for a moment couldn't read his emotion. His eyes landed on his shield, resting on the porch post beside the swing. "He got hit with a Frisbee."

"Yeah." Bucky pipped up.

"You used my shield."

"We used you're shield." You confirmed before he finished the statement. "Yeah. We uh, couldn't find a frisbee."

"Seemed like a good idea at the time." James shrugged.

"You hit Clint in the head with my shield, and left him lay in the yard where he fell." Steve looked between the two of you. "How long has he been unconscious? Is he okay?"

"Well I mean when you put it that way we just sound irresponsible." You said and Bucky nodded.

"In our defense we were left unsupervised." He added. "I mean, he was breathing a few minutes ago when it happened." He looked at you for a moment. "Right?"

"Oh sure. Sure." The three of you looked down at the body to see the chest rise and fall. "Yeah hes fine." You mused as Steve sighed and walked into the house.

"It was pretty funny when it happened." You mused allowed.

"Oh hilarious." Bucky agreed and the two of you stared down at him. "We probably should check on him again."

"Yeah we sho-"

Clint groaned as his hand came to his head.

"Nah, he's fine." You concluded

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