Christmas: Avengers X Reader

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"A little to the left." Tony said watching you and Steve shift the tree. "No no. My left. Not your left."

"Tony." You sighed and moved your head back from the pine branches. "It's been at least three minutes. I'm pretty sure the tree is as straight as its going to get."

"Yeah. Looks good from where I stand." Steve agreed making you laugh.

"That's because all you see is green Steve." You pointed out to the man inside the large tree. "Hold it still and I'll tighten the base." You chuckled as you let go and twisted the bolts tight. When you stepped back you smiled at the tall pointy tree, and laughed as Steve emerged covered in sap. "Thanks for letting us get a real tree." You smiled and hugged Tony quickly.

"Yeah. Thanks." Steve said slightly annoyed as he rubbed his hands together. "Now I have to go take another shower."


"For God's sake Tony just get the step ladder!" You said watching him try to reach the top of the tree. "If I can't reach neither can you."

"I'm taller than you Y/n." He grunted.

"By two inches." You snorted and looked at Steve as he stepped beside you. "Tell him he is short."

"He is. And so are you." He smirked and laughed as you smacked his arm. "Here. Climb on." He said and gestured to his shoulders.

"Oh I don't know." You hesitated thinking of both your weight, not that you were big by any means, but also your inability to balance.

"You'll be fine." Steve assured you. You shrugged and climbed up onto his shoulders and held on tight as he stood up.

"Gosh Tony. You look like an ant from up here." You teased as you started filling the top of the tree with ornaments.

"Did someone say they needed an ant?" Scott asked coming from the other room.

"Uhh. No?" You frowned and looked down at him.

"Good because I couldn't come up with any reason why you would need one." He started. "But being the nice guy I am i just wanted to make sure."

"Yeah well hey nice guy." You say catching him before he can leave again. "Why don't you be an awesome guy and help out here." You said glancing down at him.

"I actually have to go see Cassie and give her the gift I got her." Scott shrugged and mumbled a sorry as he walked out.

You turned back to decorating the tree when you heard a short whistle and a thump near your head. You gasped and looked at the arrow that held a small piece of paper. You untied the ribbon and looked at the check list that you had given to Clint.

"That's awesome Clint but will you please stop putting holes in the walls." You snickered and stopped when you started to wobble on Steve's shoulders. There was no answer but you knew that Clint had heard you.

About an hour later the tree was decorated, cookies were warm and already half gone, mistletoe was hanging in various places thanks to Clint, and you were pouring the last mug of hot chocolate. The laughs and bantering could be heard from the living room making you smile.

"Thanks again for helping convince Tony to do this." You said glancing at Nat as you readied the snacks for the movie.

"It's not like it took much." She smiled at you. "Quite honestly I'm pretty sure those guys in there would do anything you asked. You're like everyone's daughter since you're so young." She said grabbing the tray of steaming mugs.

You remained quiet but knew she was right. Being only seventeen everyone felt the need to be there for you when you asked for something. You followed Natasha into the room you set the bowls of food down and settled on the couch between Tony and Clint. You pressed start to your favorite Christmas movie and settled back. It was christmas eve and as you snuggled under a blanket with your hot chocolate in hand you couldn't ask for much more.

Christmas day:

You were awoken by someone knocking heavily on your door while singing your name and then yelling to wake up.

"Okay okay!" You half laughed half whined. You ripped open the door to see Clint grinning widely. "It's seven in the morning what do you want?" You laughed

"It's Christmas morning Y/n!" Clint all but shouted and spun around so his back was to you. "Now jump on, Sam is making breakfast and it smells really good."

You laughed and threw yourself onto his back and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Onward noble steed!" You cried out with laughter and he started down the hall.

Within minutes you were plowing through your second plate of chocolate chip pancakes and laughing  at Tony who was complaining that his pancakes were burnt. Bucky had finally emerged from his room looking just as disheveled as you did when Clint had come to get you.

"Sorry man, chocolate chips are all gone." Sam said giving Bucky a plate of plain cakes causing bucky to silently pout.

"Not cool man." Bucky mumbled as he cut into one of his pancakes. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow as you slid your last chocolate chip cake onto his plate. "I don't need it." He said but you just shook your head and put your plate in the sink.

Later that evening you all sat around drinking in the living room talking. It had been a mutual agreement to not exchange gifts so instead you told stories and made each other laugh.

"Oh I almost forgot." Steve mumbled more to himself as he stood from his chair and left the room, but it wasn't long before he came back in. "Here." He said handing you a folder. You frowned up at him and noticed everyone else had fallen silent.

"But we decided not to get each other anything." You said slowly and handed your cup to Clint. Steve simply shrugged and stepped back but didn't sit down. You flipped the folder open and leafed through the pages confused until you finally read the first page. Instantly you felt tears start the slide down your cheek. "You didn't have to do that." You choked out staring at the adoption papers.

"I know." Steve nodded. "But when we heard that after December you would have no where to go so we all agreed it would be best." He smiled softly and laughed when you engulfed him in a hug.

How they knew that you didn't have a home you didn't know, and you didn't really want to know how it came about. After all, you were only staying at the tower due to having a summer job at shield and Tony offered for you to stay there to be closer.

When you pulled back everyone was laughing and smiling at you. "You guys are totally awesome." You laughed as you slid back onto the couch between Clint and Natasha as the stories resumed. You looked around at everyone content to call this your family. You smiled to yourself as you took another sip of soda. Best Christmas ever.

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