Avengers X Dog!reader

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AN: I'm trying something a little different that has been on my mind now. Lemme know what you guys think!

Focus. It didn't matter where your target moved, you had to stay focused on it. The others around you made those odd sounds that show they're happy. An old dog once told you it was called laughing in their language, but you didn't think this was a humorous moment.

Suddenly your target was flying through the air with you hot on it's trail. 'How dare that thing not stay with the others? How many times will I have to bring it back to them?' You snatched the spinning balk from the air before running back to your humans.

You thrust it at the outstretched hand and barked out another warning that it would probably try and escape again.

The human reached out and ruffled your ears while murmuring 'good (girl/boy)'. He tucked the ball into his back pocket and you relaxed a little. When it was back there it never tried to escape. He turned and started to follow the others into the large building.

You trotted at his side lightly brushing against him. He was your favorite human out of them all. They were all pretty nice but he was always the most gentle, and he let you lay in his bed when it would storm out. Not to mention he was the one who pulled you out of the bucket you were trapped in a year ago. They called him Steve.

Once inside you watched him make his way to the gym and you decided to go check on the others to make sure they were okay. You nosed your way down the hall to see who you could find first.

Your first stop was the soft spoken human. You nosed her door open and padded in. You wagged your tail but she was too busy watching the picture box on the wall. While sniffing around for a bone you knew you left in the room the day before you came across a jacket in the back of the closet that smelled like someone you never met. While pulling it out your tail started wagging in excitement causing it to thump on the door.

"(Y/n)? What have you got there?" The girl on the bed leaned over to look at you curiously. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw the black jacket with white arrowed sleeves. "Give that here! Where did you find that?!" There was an urgency in her voice that made you lay your ears back and drop it in her hand.

She didn't scold you or praise you, simply stared at the jacket in her hands. However her mood had changed drastically so you left Wanda alone. She liked it best that way anyway.

You found Natasha sitting on the couch watching another picture box. You just didn't understand the humans fascination with those things. She patted your head as you walked past to investigate the lovely smell coming from the kitchen.

Sam was standing over the counter doing something you couldn't see. You liked Sam as much as you liked Steve. He always slipped you snacks and scraps when no one else was looking.

"What are you doing (y/n)?" Sam murmured glancing down at you. You promptly sat and thumped your tail once.

You were taught not to beg, but, you looked over you shoulder, Steve wasn't around so who would know besides Sam right? You waited as patiently as you could without fidgeting and before long a moderate size piece of ham was flying through the air at you.

You jaws had just snapped shut when you heard the irritated breath of a sigh from behind you. You jumped up slightly startled.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to feed (him/her) like that?" Tony grumbled while looking pointedly at Sam.

"It slipped out of my fingers and she got it before I did. What am I supposed to do?" Sam shrugged but even you could sense the amusement.

You avoided looking at Tony but waited beside Sam until he would leave. Tony was your least favorite person becuase it was obvious he was annoyed by your presence. It became natural not to seek him out or look at him. He was the alpha, even over Steve.

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